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Users > Amy

My Temple passed! And DT's passed too!

Thanks to all who helped make that happen :)


RAELI TILES: (current as of 8/3/04)

Tiles Currently Available For Trade:

 1875	alice blue
    9	aquamarine
 6520	black
    1	blanched almond
 1193	blue
  657   cadet blue
 1076	dark blue
 2675	dark gray
 6479	dark sea green
 1860	dark slate blue
 1953   dark slate gray
 4109	dim gray
  881   gainsboro
 3634	ghost white 
 7628	gray
 8599	lavender 
 1413	light blue
  298   light coral
   30	light golden rod yellow
 4728   light gray
 3133	light sky blue
 2498	light slate blue
 2092	light slate gray
 3333	light steel blue 
 1278   maroon
 1368   medium aqua marine
 1948	medium blue 
 1096	medium purple 
 2454	medium slate blue 
 2368	midnight blue 
 1167	navy 
  277   pale green
 1202   powder blue
  497   rosy brown
 3951	royal blue 
   71   sea green
 2454	silver 
  643   sky blue
 1806	slate blue
 1294   slate gray
 3932	snow 
   26   spring green
  974   steel blue
 2134	thistle
   53	turquoise
 1737	white 
 1750	white smoke 

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Last edited August 3, 2004 6:56 pm by Amy (diff)