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Users > ArmEagle > CampTour

A tour trough my camp

The entrance to my new camp. This will be decorated with roses in the colors of the rainbow.

Following the Eagle Track we pass an eagle sculpture.

This eagle watches over the entrance. This is the second eagle sculpture I built. The original is located
at (462, 7200). It's body is made using coal, for wings I used Iron Bars and Iron Blades. Other materials
are Quartz, Flint and Dates. I used 4 sculpture bases to seperate the different parts of the eagle, though
it would have fitted in 3.

Continuing the Eagle Track we stop at my Monumental Solid Land Tower.

This tower is surrounded by 4 different breeds of flowers all bred by Tumaini. They carry the names
of the four seasons. I'm trying to get dwarf roses with about the same color so it will be less empty.

Walking over the Road of Roses we come trough the gazebo which is surrounded by four glass torches.

Looking out from the gazebo we see the giant lily Djehuty#329 surrounded by other lilies. All original
samples or breeds of myself.

At the end of the Road of Roses is my Medium House.

Here a view in the backyard of my Medium House.

The Path of Memories leads us to my Funerary Temple.

This Funerary Tempel is surrounded by dwarf roses and signs remembering good friends of mine.
I don't persue the Test of the Funerary Temple, so the glory will stay around 6000. I like a good
looking temple better than a big ugly one.

Turning our backs and walking past the Medium House over Connectivity we pause for a moment.

This Hatch of Steel was built by my good friend Bindy during a level 1 round of Test of Cartouche.
Shortly after I passed the Test of Towers, so I built this Monumental Rich Soil Tower in the center
of it. In the background you can see some pens and other buildings.

At the end of the tour we stop at a collection of Roses of Ra.

This is a collection of breeds of other people and myself. I try to get together different colored
roses to form a rainbow. Once I have them all, these will go to the entrance of my camp.

Thank you for taking this virtual tour of my camp. But you're always welcome to come and take a look with your own eyes at: (-350, 6700).


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Last edited April 14, 2004 9:01 pm by Shep (diff)
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