I'm living mostly for unlocking research here in CCR. We still have some old techs which aren't unlocked and those have my
highest priority.
My main guild is the "Egypt Worker's Cooperative Society". But I moved into Valley of The Lakes
and my new camp is located at (-350, 6700).
CCR Research donations page: http://www.fmf.nl/~armeagle/atitd/
Check out my Glider Port at (-358, 6714). It has passed now with a score of 490. Thanks all for voting, especialyl the 7 judges that affected the score!
My timezone is GMT+2 (the Netherlands)
Tests Passed
- The Test of the Obelisk (53 cubit cut stone)
- The Test of Octec's Ghost (40 crystals)
- The Test of The People's Pyramid (Built 4, all are rigged with Set's Ladders and owned by "ArmEagle's Pyramids")
- The Test of Towers (113.67%)
- The Test of the Megalopolis
- The Test of Pyrotechnics
- The Test of the Prysmatic Opticon (see Work of Art below)
- The Test of the Formal Garden (21 judges with a score of 486)
- The Test of Flight (passed as second)
- The Test of the Acrobat (latest count: 397 facets taught)
- The Test of Darkest Night
- The Test of Reason
- The Test of Astrological Alignment
- The Path of the Pilgrim
- The Test of Beacons
ArmEagle's work of art
Eagle Sculpture (462, 7200)
I built this eagle sculpture a long time ago. It's made of coal (body/paws), iron bars/blades (wings), quartz (head/tail),
and flint/dates (claws). It still needs loads of votes to become a Monument ;).
www.mihe.org for a couple of screenshots.
I built a second eagle in my new camp, screenshots are in the
virtual tour.
Windmill Opticon (469, 7200)
I got these nice remarks from Teppy when it passed:
- In the opinion of 22 judges, and with a score of 468, I'd like to welcome ArmEagle as our newest Student of Art and Music.
- Well done, ArmEagle.
- He Opticon depicts a moving windmill, with a vertically rotating set of vanes...
- *her opticon
- Visit -469, 7200 to see an effect that was - until now - unacheived in opticon construction: vertically aligned rotation. It's a stunning effect - immediately recognizable as something unique in opticon design.
Visit www.mihe.org to watch an animation of the windmill.
Glider Port (-358, 6714)
I built a Glider Port in my camp on top of a hill. The Glider launch up to descent in a nice roll. After a while they hit
some slopes and make a couple of rolls. One glider makes a high roll over the water to come back trough my camp
and crash into a steep hill at the entrance.
This is my best firework so far. It's based upon the dragon firework from
Lord of the Rings, Fellowship of the Ring. A huge dragon flying up in the air and turning back to fly over the heads of the spectators.
See Pyrotechnics Examples for this and other examples of other artists.
View it yourself by downloading Gardiner's Pyrotechnics Simulator and the mortarcode for this firework.
Raeli Mosaic (-365, 6700)
With this Mosaic I like to thank the artists that made such
beautiful things for this game. Like the ATITD logo found
on the ATITD site and ingame objects.
I've travelled a lot to find the right colors. Thanks go to all
tile suppliers.
Virtual tour
subpage gives a virtual tour trough my camp.
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