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Users > Jolinar

I am currently a resident of the City of Nubia but I spend a lot of time in Southern 7Lakes, near the Children of the Desert Guild where my husband MRC lives. I have a formal garden and museum in that area that includes 2 opticons (unfinished), and will soon have a bar and grill which includes a wine tasting table and high perception kitchen and lead bowls for those who want to do some gold panning. A future venery will also be included in that area.

Sculpture Title: Jolinar's Patio Location: Nubia

My last submitted petitions: Bulletin Boards at Immigrant Islands, Portable Sculpture, Musical Hour

Initiations completed: Leadership, Architecture, Body (Acro Move: Squats), Art, Worship, Conflict, Thought

Current project(s): a Medium House with my dearest hubby MRC :), Windchime Tower, Collecting signatures for Bureaucracy Future tests: Level 2 Cartouche, Khefre's children

Journeyman of Leadership (Trust, Mentorship, Patronage)
Journeyman of Architecture (Marble Obelisk, Octec, Megalopolis)
Student of Worship (Marriage)
Rank 2 in Tug

Jolinar's Travels

Festival Requirements:

I am currently swapping Raeli Tiles and building Raeli ovens. Looking for blue pearl marbles and Dragyn's Eye Lapis. Looking for cabbage suppliers too.

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Last edited June 20, 2004 7:28 pm by Jolinar (diff)
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