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Users > Matk

Howdy. I'm relatively new to Egypt, having arrived on a ferry I built with my own two hands the end of November. The game very quickly eliminated my EverQuest addiction, and you can often find me zipping about trying something or other. Most of the time I can be found around the House of Fun guild (729, 5840). Do /info house of fun to see our evil, evil, evil plans.

I've passed a few tests now, hoping to pass a few more before Armageddon.

Scribe of Worship:
Marriage - Seratet - also my wife in RL
Alignment - I'm so lucky. I got an alignment group right away.
Beacons - I rocked beacons. Got myself and three guildies through.
Path of the Pilgrim - 2k+ score, very respectable these days.

Working hard on festivals with help from the amazing people that follow the worship discipline. I'm very pleased with quick brewing.

Scribe of Architecture:
Megalopolis - Worked on the CCR Mega Mall. Stop by and vote on my "Lizard Guardian of the Megalopolis". I'm hoping it hits Monument to Egypt before the end. 40 more votes to go.
Obelisks - Erected a marble obelisk. Heh, heh. Heh, heh.
People's Pyramid - Members of House of Fun grit their teeth every time the subject of limestone blocks comes up. When you decide to do a People's Pyramid, don't get all artistic. Just put the sucker down where the blocks come up.
Octec's Ghost - Yep, finally built a statue. Ugly monstrosity, so tore it down immediately, but picked up the lightning bolt.

Prentice of the Human Body:
Acrobat - This one was a blast. I met a lot of really cool people while pursuing the test. Give me a chat if you want to see my moves. Don't make me go through all of them if I'm blur or last resort, though. Waste of both of our time.
Reason - I ran around Egypt and played a load of puzzles. I've always enjoyed gem cutting, so bijoux were natural. Played lot of tombs and quite a number of EHT. Finished things up with a bunch of Set's Ladders. No veneries!

Student of Art and Music:
Opticon - Man, what a beast to set these things up. 21 judges, score 508 - not too shabby. I was really happy with my design.

Vital Stats:

Your judging skill is worth X times more than a new judge (as of April 21):

Camp Deco 2, Mechanics 7, Salvage 3, Navigation 7, Rock of Ages 6, sheetglassfabrication 7, viticulture 2, cooperage 1, Tug 3.0, Takeskot 1.0 (had to reset, dangit!)

36,442 tadpoles and counting

Things I am Doing and Can Do:
-Gearbox Design, not a problem.
-Been known to find and quarry marble from time to time.
-Cannot get charcoal ovens to work for the life of me.
-Have bred beetles, but Seratet obviously has the knack in the family - she's won a level 2 beetle garden.
-Squish grapes with great relish. Have implemented the Wine-a-day Club for House of Fun, which features 3 new wines a day at our three tasting tables. How many tasting tables do YOU have?
-Watch our crappy raeli oven spin and spin. Medium purple is our best color. Will trade 1 for 1, also consider any reasonable trades.
-Covered Cartouche is interesting, curse you khephren for getting me involved in it! Actually came in second in a level 1 contest.

Things I'm Really Into Right Now:
Festivals - Why? Well, I really enjoy worship tests and the people who are into the worship discipline. I like beer and wine making, which fits nicely with Festival requirements. We have an orchard, but it seems to produce only fruit that we don't need, heh.

Festival Supplies - Well, I've leeched off of others pretty savagely for festival supplies. Now is my chance to give something back. I've used LittleCleo's beer recipes to make many festival beers. Now I'm working on Thoth wines and spirits for Ra.

Beer - I love making beer! I have struggled through quite a bit of barley making cloying and bitter beers, but I'm slowly getting better. Getting quickbrew has helped a lot.

Flowers - Seratet and I are both crazy into flowers and crossbreeding right now. We'll never have the amazing gardens a lot of the established flower breeders have, but we're having a blast anyway. And we've got a few nice looking crossbreeds already. Have all the material for a gazebo, and even a mental plan for what I'm going to do with it, but haven't built/planted anything yet. Next step is to start the long painful process of gathering Eye of Osiris shrooms to get Botanical ID 2.

Test of Darkest Night - This one is a blast. I'm only through my first two sets, but nothing in Egypt give quite so much satisfaction as finding, picking, eating, and cooking with mushrooms.

Fishing - Fishing is great. Someday I'll have a magic fishpole. Someday.

Random Stuff:
I get some goofy ideas for petitions. I already had one voted on about mine reform, and it did very well, but not quite the 2/3 needed. My Mushroom Hunters Assistance Act failed, got a majority again, but not 2/3. Next up is a law (feature request, really) to allow people to blow up those small round cacti with low/high explosive tinctures. Also intended to help mushroom hunters. And finally a law declaring the penalty for harvesting dates without fertilizing - DEATH. Ok, I came up with this one after going on a long date run and coming up completely empty. Don't worry, it'll never pass. But it's made a few people laugh already. Added a new petition to label active megas on the in game map. This last one may actually conceivably pass, it's been very positively received by people signing it.

House of Fun has a prismatic opticon set up at 682, 5903. Yes! Actually set up, running! It isn't one of Egypt's 6 bazillion opticons sitting there with that one ray sticking out looking sad. I just passed the test today 3/26/2004, will be handing it on to Seratet for her design (Seratet's design is UP! and needs votes). Our Set's Ladder is at 658, 5949. Play it if it needs it. We've got an expanding thought park SE of the pyramids. Right now it consists of 2 bijoux (bijouxes? bijous?), but we'll be adding a third, 3 Tombs, and an EHT in the next couple weeks. And thanks to a massive silk blitz, look for Pulses in the near future.

We have fruit and honey for the Isis Festival. Our stocks are continually increasing, so give me a chat if you need something and we'll see what we can do. We also have all the basic flowers for Maat festivals, and maybe even some of the rarer ones.


Raeli Tiles

Spirits for Ra

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Last edited April 27, 2004 10:02 pm by Matk (diff)
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