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Users > Megrez > Sandbloom Stresses

I'm working on a number of stresses of current sandbloom hybrids. Included here are pictures of some of them and results as I get them and have time to update. Changes from the primary flower are noted in bold in the tables. So far it's interesting that these are all in gene lengths of two throughout, except for size changes.

Color Chart

A table of colors found in the flowers. In color picking there seems to be a general lightening of color in the core for the same number of color pairs in the flower. If you have any colors not represented here, let me know so I can include pictures and possibly get a bulb.

Color Chart moved to reduce scrolling.


In stressing the flowers, I will attempt to see what pairs fall naturally together. If in three successive breaks as below a ring and a core alternate, then that ABABA pattern shows the AB (ring) break followed by the BA (core) break. An x is a placer for a section where nothing interesting happens. Coding is CMY for color, o for outer petals, i for inner petals, and * for the center.

Codon Location Qetesh Location Color
*Y Ring OC Yellow
Y* Core IC Yellow
Yi South IP1 Yellow
iY North IP2 Yellow
Yo East OP1 Yellow
oY West OP2 Yellow
Mi South IP1 Magenta
Mo East OP1 Magenta
iC North IP2 Cyan

The Flowers

I've started adding an interest index for my own use. Essentially the index counts the number of pigments in each section plus one per giant or dwarf gene. The main use is to prioritize my next set of stresses.

Next stresses

Size variations

starscream 138 (Dwarf)

C R N S E W Size Broken
L5 Z Z Z MY Y3 Y1 Dwarf
L4 Z Z Z MY Y3 Y1 Dwarf
L3 Z Z Z M Y3 Y1 Dwarf -Ys
L2 Z Z Z MY Y3 Y1 Dwarf
L1 Z Z Z MY Y3 Y1 Dwarf
* Z Z Z Y1 Y3 Y1 Dwarf -Ms
R1 Z Z Z MY Y3 Y1 Dwarf
R2 Z Z Z MY Y3 Y1 Dwarf
R3 Z Z Z MY Y3 Y1 Dwarf
R4 Z Z Z MY Y3 Y1 Dwarf
R5 Z Z Z MY Y3 Y1 Dwarf

starscream 119 (Giant x2. I'm set to very tall in this and the next picture)

genome: xYo=oY ... xxY=o [wackiness ensues, heck if I know]

C R N S E W Size Broken
L5 Z Z Z Z Y2 Z Giant2 -Yw
L4 Z Z Z Z Y1 Y1 Giant -Ye -G
L3 Z Z Z Z Y2 Y1 Giant -G
L2 Z Z Z Z Y1 Y1 Giant -Ye -G
L1 Z Z Z Z Y2 Y1 Giant2
* Z Z Z Z Y2 Y1 Giant2
R1 Z Z Z Z Y1 Y1 Giant -Ye -G
R2 Z Z Z Z Y1 Y1 Giant -Ye -G
R3 Z Z Z Z Y2 Y1 Giant -G
R4 Z Z Z Z Y2 Y1 Giant2
R5 Z Z Z Z Y2 Y1 Giant2

'''Giant''' (a Dragyn variety with cyan petals. I have my own with cyan petals and another with green')

Other flowers

Breeder # C R N S E W Sz Idx
Megrez 57 M Y? Y2 Y2 Y1 C1 N 8 (M* *Y Yi Yi iY iY Yo oY)
Megrez 58 YY Y3 MY2 MY2 Y2 Y N 14 *Y*Y*YiYiMxxxMiYoYo
Megrez 82 C? Y? Y1 M Y2 Y1 N 6 (C* *Y Yi iM Yo Yo oY)
Megrez 66 G
Megrez 110 Z Z Z Z CY4 CY G 8
Megrez 72 C3M2Y2 Z Z Z Z Z N 7
Megrez 73 CMY Z Z Y1 Y3 Z N 7
Megrez 85 Y3 Y3 Y2 Y2 Y C N 12
Megrez 75 Y3+ Y3+ Y1 Y1 Z Z N 8 (Y* Y* Y* (Y*) *Y *Y *Y (*Y) Yi iY)
(Y) *Y*Y*Y*iY
Megrez 83 M Y? Y1 M Y1 Y1 N 6 (M* *Y Yi iM Yo oY)
Megrez 84 C3M3Y2 Z Z Z Z Z N 8
starscream 138 Z Z Z Y1 Y3 Y1 D 6
starscream 119 Z Z Z Z Y2 Y1 G2 5
starscream 124 O1 O3 M Y1 Z Z N 9 M* Y* *M *Y *Y *Y Mi iY
Dragyn 335 Z Z Z CY3 Z Z N 4 (iC iY iY iY)
Dragyn 340 CY Y3+ Y2 Y3+ Z Z N 10 (C*,Y*,Y*,*Y,*Y,*Y,Yi,Yi,iY,iY,iY)
Dragyn 408 Z Z C Y2 Y2 Z G 6
Dragyn 415 M+ Z Z Z Z Z N 1 M*
Inu 105 Y1 MY Y1 MY Y1 Y1 N 8 (Y* *M Yi iM Yo oY)
Inu 92 CM M Z? Y1 MY Y1 Y1 N 8 (C* M* *M Yi iM iY Yo oY)
silvermouse 25 DkGn Z Z Z Z Z N 6
silvermouse 31 C2M2Y2? C2MY? Z Y1 Z Z N 11 C*,M*,Y*,*C,*C,*M,*Y,iY
Silvermouse 47 MY? Z Y1 Z Y3+ Y1 N 7 M* Y* Yi Yo Yo Yo oY
silvermouse 20 Z Z C Y3 MY2 Z N 7 xxMoxxxYoxYoxYixxxxxYiC
Blizzard 86 1C-M-Y (Cyan 0) C Z Y3 Y2 Z G 8
Blizzard 131 Y3 MY2 Z? CY Y2 Z Z N 10
Blizzard 149 0C1Y-M Y2/3 M Z Y1 Z G 7
Blizzard 171 Z C Y1 Y1 Z Z N 2
Blizzard 176 Y4 CY4 Y2 Y2 Y1 Y1 N 15
Blizzard 180 Y1/2 MY Y1 Y1 Z Z N 5
Blizzard 181 CY Z? C Z Z Y2 Z G 6
Blizzard 182 Cyan 0 Y1 Z Z Y1 Z G 4
Blizzard 183 C Z M Z Y1 Z G 4
Blizzard 184 CM Y1 C Y1 Z Z N 5
Blizzard 187 Y1/2 CY Y2 Y2 Y2 Y1 N 10
Blizzard 190 ? Z M Z Z Z N 2
Ubasti kal Y1/2 Y3 MY Y3 C Z N 10

Flowers from the Blizzard collection were graciously loaned by FaceAnkh

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Last edited June 29, 2004 5:44 am by Megrez (diff)
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