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Users > Megrez > Sandbloom Stresses > Megrez66

This is a table of stress results for my sandbloom giant #66. The colors are Y3 (lemon drop petal), G1 (a pale green), Y1 (pale yellow in sunshine) and G2 (addition of G1+Y1). The maximum potential of the west facing petals are G2 with occasional breaks. As the East petals never lose color, I assume there is at least one more gene than maximum for that petal, so even if one breaks, that petal is still saturated. The CMY values are approximately:

color C M Y CMY
S 120 120 120 -
Y1 120 120 150 Y
Y2 120 120 180 YY
Y3 120 120 210 YYY
G1 180 150 180 CCMYY
G2 180 150 210 CCMYYY

This is a fairly broad assumption, but it looks like a base of 120 CMY (128?) with +30 (32?) units per chromophore and it saturates at three multiples. That leaves the colors down to 64 which is plenty.

New Info: As suggested by sigil and seen in color picking, I may have some 4Y which is nearly indistinguishable from 3Y in flowers without a color picker. Using visual color picker, I was definitely picking up Y=255 on some green petals and in some recent Blizzard acquisitions I notice this color is just a touch bolder than 3Y alone. I'll have to go through the stresses carefully with the color picker in the future. What this means in general is that it's like 128+32/gene in each type.


Y o_
Core Ring North South East West Size
L15 S S S S Y3 G2 N
L14 S S S S Y3 G2 G
L13 S S S S Y3 G2 G
L12 S S S S Y3 G2 G
L11 S S S S Y3 G2 G
L10 S S S S Y3 G2 G
L9 S S S S Y3 G2 G
L8 S S S S Y3 Y1 G
L7 S S S S Y3 G2 G
L6 S S S S Y3 G2 G
L5 S S S S Y3 G2 G
L4 S S S S Y3 G2 G
L3 S S S S Y3 G1 G
L2 S S S S Y3 G2 G
L1 S S S S Y3 G1 G
66 S S S S Y3 G1 G
R1 S S S S Y3 G2 G
R2 S S S S Y3 G1 G
R3 S S S S Y3 G1 N
R4 S S S S Y3 G2 N
R5 S S S S Y3 G2 N
R6 S S S S Y3 G2 G

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Last edited June 30, 2004 11:44 am by Megrez (diff)
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