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Users > Nefer-Bast

I've pretty much stopped playing for the remainder of this telling, though if a few of my favorite monument ideas need my help I might return briefly. I am planning on coming back for the beginning of the second telling, however. Anyone who needs something from my camp (ie flowers and such) should contact Inu; she should have access to almost everything I own(ed). If there's some reason that's not true, let me know (PM on the forums) and I will come back long enough to fix it. I can also provide recipes for the beers listed below; just PM and I will be happy to give them to you.


I live in Midland Valley at about (1625, 5175), just south of the UoW on the Red Sea coast and not too far east of the MV Megalopolis.

I'm an avid botanist, and welcome anyone to come by and see my garden; the north grouping contains systematic base-type/base-type crosses plus a line of selected favorites I'm working with, and the south grouping is systematic crosses of the plants in the north garden, plus a line of a few random crosses I'm not currently working with. The grouping of Roses at the tent near the guildhall contains flowers I purchased or was given as gifts, Red Dwarf, and flowers of my own which I am producing for ambrosias and research. I'll produce any of my 100+ crossbreeds for sale or trade on request, and have my best one, Nefer-Bast #33, in production as Zephyr; it's got bluish upper petals and light greenish-blue lower petals, with bright green leaves and stamen.

I should be able to provide bulbs of Zephyr or any standard Rose other than Red Dwarf immediately, and Red Dwarf Roses, other crossbreeds, any Lily except Reflection, or any Sandbloom within a few weeks. I'm taking preorders for Reflection; currently 1 preorder. If you want any of my flowers, or would be willing to come color-check my gardens for me, please contact me!

Colors Checked Through #
Red Leaves 100
Cyan Outer Petals 105
Blue Inner Petals 110
Green Leaves 115
(I'm up to about #150 now.)

I produce a limited assortment of festival ambrosias/beers on request; the following are available with free delivery to Liberty Bridge or any Mega except South Egypt's:

Maat Ambrosias - cost: fertilizer (1000 regular/200 Sticky Sun), fertilizer fish (60, preferably perch), BtRd (10), or a proportional combination thereof. Only one-and-a-half-hours advance notice generally needed except for Dwarf, Dwarfx2, Red Stamen, and Red Outer Petals, which generally require about one week (ask to find out how soon I expect a bulb at any given time).

Osiris Ambrosias/Beers - Osiris Ambrosias delivered at cost + 50 barley; available as beers only if you bring a barrel and come to my camp or by special arrangement, to keep them from going bad; advance notice required.

I'm currently working on the Test of Beacons; if people would like to come by my camp and try to attract beacon altars there, they are more than welcome to do so! I'm also a Master Acrobat; if you come to my camp when I'm there, and give me a few minutes to finish whatever I'm doing, I'll be happy to try to teach you. I know Ancient Automation (Sawmill skill), as well, which I will gladly teach anyone who uses Thirst for Knowledge (1 mentor point) on it.

And finally, I'm the primary contact for the festival altar near the MV UoW; if there's a problem there, please contact me, and if I'm not available, any other Elder of Midland Valley Clans should be able to help with torch or kitchen problems. While there is also a Ra site near the MV Mega, Djehuty is the primary contact for that site.

Additional Inventories


Contact me if you need any of these - I'll happily swap them for their cost in gears.


If anyone needs these for a Ra festival, let me know. Price negotiable; I won't charge much for em.

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Last edited June 25, 2004 11:51 am by Nefer-Bast (diff)
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