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What Are Pentautomations?

Main Entry: Pentautomation
Pronunciation: 'pen-t"o-t&-'mA-sh&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek automatos self-acting, from aut- + -matos (akin to Latin ment-, mens mind)
1 : the technique of making an apparatus, a process, or a system operate automatically
2 : the state of being operated automatically
3 : automatically controlled operation of an apparatus, process, or system by mechanical or electronic devices that take the place of human organs of observation, effort, and decision
4 : Macros created by Pentanubis
Pentautomations are, simply put, Macros to help make the production of raw resources a little easier for the user. They are NOT ways to create raw materials while afk. More often than not Pentautomations will be slower than making the raw resources manually. Pentautomations are not intended to make your experience in the game faster, they are only intended to decrease raw drudgery of redundant tasks.

I have developed the following Pentautomations:

Currently all Pentautomations use ClickyMouse ( Please review this HOWTO for instructions on how to install Pentautomations.


There are specific challenges I am trying to overcome in various Pentautomations, relating to the ATITD interface and the use of ClickyMouse as a macro tool. ClickyMouse has a crude, though effective, scripting language...and many of the more complicated problems to solve butt up against or extend beyond the capabilities of ClickyMouse. To further complicate matters, ATITD was not developed with macroing in mind. It's easy to conceive of an idea of how to automate something, but it's often hard to translate that into pragmatic code.

I fully intend Pentautomations to work on any computer for any user. If you cannot benefit from my work, then I am not really accomplishing what I set out to do. This complicates matters a good deal, as there is a law of diminishing returns in effect with this challenge. This element alone will probably account for 70% of my development time.

Reusability is the key here. I am trying to create generic procedures for reuse in many Pentautomations. As these continue to evolve, older Pentautomations may require revisiting from time to time. Please be sure to revisit this page for details from time to time.

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Last edited July 16, 2004 5:35 am by Pentanubis (diff)
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