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Users > Qetesh > Hegemon

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Map of Egypt


Closest Mega



Location Closest Mega District Comments
-1729, 5814 MegaVoK 1/4 E/W and 7/8 N/S Right by the VoK mega, west side
-2153, 7640 None! (NCCR) 1/4 E/W and 8/8 N/S Right by TMEG bridge / Theopolis
-474, 7536 NCCR Mega 2/4 E/W and 8/8 N/S NE corner of NCCR Mega
-169, 6294 Cat's Paw Mega 2/4 E/W and 8/8 N/S South side of Cat's Paw Mega
925, 6773 OE Mega 2/4 E/W and 8/8 N/S South Entrance of OE Mega
1032, 7018 OE Mega* 3/4 E/W and 8/8 N/S South side of the UoW near Bubastis
2721, 5073 Sinai Mega 3/4 E/W and 7/8 N/S North side of Sinai Mega
4008, 6669 Lake of Reeds Mega 4/4 E/W and 8/8 N/S North entrance of LoR Mega
512, -6654 SE Plaza 2/4 E/W and 1/8 N/S silverfunlande by the Weppy Arena
419, -5733 SE Plaza 2/4 E/W and 2/8 N/S West side of SE Plaza Mega
3094, 4953 Sinai Mega 4/4 E/W and 7/8 N/S East of Sinai mega, by bridge near SoA
728, 5866 LotR Mega 2/4 E/W and 7/8 N/S Short run north of LotR, by bridge
1271, 4223 LB Mega 3/4 E/W and 7/8 N/S North side of Liberty Bridge Mega
1271, 4013 LB Mega 3/4 E/W and 6/8 N/S south side of LB at crossroads
-1115, 4707 Festival Conn Mega 1/4 E/W and 7/8 N/S west side of FC Mega
-1836, 5156 Happy Palace 1/4 E/W and 7/8 N/S west side of HP Mega
563, 3285 Keyhole Lake 2/4 E/W and 6/8 N/S east of Keyhole Lake Mega
-1024, 2723 None (Keyhole) 1/4 E/W and 6/8 N/S west of the DoS meta area, near an SoArch
-116, 10 Red Sand (one of two) 2/4 E/W and 5/8 N/S west side of Red Sand Mega *TWO HERE
-117, -7 Red Sand (one of two) 2/4 E/W and 4/8 N/S southwest corner of RS Mega *TWO HERE
1518, -620 Karnak/7L Mega 3/4 E/W and 4/8 N/S south side of Karnak Mega
4664, -571 CotS Mega 4/4 E/W and 4/8 N/S south side of CotS mega
4696, 11 None (CotS) 4/4 E/W and 5/8 N/S bridge north of the UoArch in east CotS/RE
4987, 2101 None (RE) 4/4 E/W and 6/8 N/S Razor's Edge middle of nowhere, by SoArch
1037, -4840 SE Plaza 3/4 E/W and 2/8 N/S PoP, mushroom territory
1344, -4038 None (SE) 3/4 E/W and 3/8 N/S PoP/7Lakes by a bridge
3075, -5008 None (SE) 4/4 E/W and 2/8 N/S Eastern Grounds, by the UoC
3128, -6372 None (SE) 4/4 E/W and 1/8 N/S Eastern Grounds, BFN
1170, -6159 SE Plaza 3/4 E/W and 1/8 N/S SE UoB, east side, by entrance
3075, -4085 None (SE) 4/4 E/W and 3/8 N/S southeast SE, BFN
-1025, -6382 None (SE) 1/4 E/W and 1/8 N/S west of silverfunlande (tm)
-1026, -5829 None (SE) 1/4 E/W and 2/8 N/S west of SE plaza


1 N/S 2 N/S 3 N/S 4 N/S 5 N/S 6 N/S 7 N/S 8 N/S
1 E/W * * * * *
2 E/W * * * * * * *
3 E/W * * * * * * *
4 E/W * * * * * * * *


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Last edited June 27, 2004 12:15 pm by Tumaini (diff)