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Users > Tumaini

I'm Tumaini, the city planner of the City of Nubia, around 700, 300, and also co-founder, with Teorton, the ex-mayor of our city (no mayor now really). It is located just north of Seven Lakes, in which I consider myself a resident, mostly because that's where I started, as I'm a member of G7L, and because of all the wonderful people who inhabit this region!

Pharaoh's Oracle of Art and Music, having passed all the seven art tests (got the Art title I was aiming for, and some more :P!). If you are looking for a relaxing place, my gazebo, a garden of Season's, is open (and passed), at around 1622, -735, pretty close to Karnak, and across the lake there, lies DEPS (Dead Egyptian Poets Society), with many beautiful poems by fellow Egyptians. Very fond of the Test of the Windsong, thank you Teppy and company! Also love the Mosaic test! Brilliant!

Married to the most gorgeous and brilliant Iset, on 29 February, 22.30 GMT, by the 7L wedding altar, amidst the lakes. Without her, my life in Egypt would be far less enjoyable. Thank you, honey, for being always a comfort and friend in need to me. There will always be a place in my heart for you!

My paint recipes

Rose of Ra crossbreed example:

Tumaini#154/winters-frost (inner/outer blue petals):

(Sigil#51 (RS 5)*) + ((OS + (OS (LS 3))) (LS 7))


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Last edited July 9, 2004 11:10 pm by Tumaini (diff)
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