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Just my page of notes :)


Black: TS, silver, iron, copper, iron, TS, clay, silver, cabbage, iron
Brown: 2 cabbage, clay, DT, clay, 5 iron

Cadet Blue: copper, potash, cabbage, 8 copper
Chocolate (Coco): carrot, clay, 8 carrot...
Coral: iron, cabbage, TS, silver, iron, cabbage, lead, clay, DT, cabbage
Cornflower Blue: copper, dt, copper, clay, clay, copper, cabbage, 3 copper
Cornflower Blue (Coco): cabbage, lime, saltpeter, sulfur, potash, iron, copper
Crimson: cabbage, lead, TS, iron, silver, copper, EL, 3 iron

Dark Cyan (Coco): TS, potash, 9 copper
Dark Cyan (Coco): copper, sulfur, copper, EL, 7 copper
Dark Green: iron, EL, clay, TS, 6 iron
Dark Grey: clay, sulfur, copper, 2 silver, 2 copper, 4 clay
Dark Khaki (Coco): DT, lime, carrot, TS, 7 carrot
Dark Olive green: TS, lime, saltpeter, clay, sulfur, TS, lead, lime, silver, TS, lime, saltpeter, cabbage, clay, iron, lead
Dark Olive Green (Coco): clay, EL, iron, cabbage, silver, 5 iron
Dark Orchid: redsand, clay, cabbage, iron, silver, copper, lime, TS, clay, cabbage, EL
Dark Slate Grey: lead, silver, TS, cabbage, iron, lead, TS, silver, cabbage, lead
Dark Slate Grey (Coco): copper, potash, EL, 8 copper...
Dim Gray: lead, EL, sulfur, clay, 2 TS, 5 iron
Dim Gray (Coco): clay, iron, 2 carrot, EL, lead, iron, 3 copper
Dodger Blue (Coco): cabbage, potash, 9 copper

Forest Green: iron, sulfur, cabbage, EL, clay, TS, 5 iron
Forest Green (Coco): potash, iron, clay, 8 copper

Gold (Coco): DT, lime, carrot, redsand, 7 carrot
Golden Rod (Coco): DT, lime, carrot, redsand, 3 carrot, redsand, 2 carrot, redsand
Green Yellow (Coco): DT, lime, carrot, copper, 7 carrot
Grey: clay, redsand, TS, silver, lead, iron, cabbage, TS, copper, iron
Grey (Coco): EL, potash, 9 cabbage

Indian Red: Carrot, clay, DT, TS, EL, redsand, lead, silver, iron, sulfur, cabbage
Indian Red (Coco): redsand, clay, 8 carrot...
Indigo: TS, cabbage, redsand, iron, silver, cabbage, copper, iron, TS, lead

Khaki (Coco): DT, lime, 9 carrot...

Light Blue (Coco): cabbage, potash, 3 EL, cabbage, 2 EL, cabbage, 2 EL
Light Sea green: copper, iron, 8 copper
Light Slate blue: DT, cabbage, lead, clay, copper, EL, silver, clay, iron, lead
Light Steel blue: clay, lead, iron, EL, lead, iron, sulfur, clay, 3 cabbage

Maroon (Coco): redsand, 9 clay
Medium Aquamarine (Coco): carrot, 9 copper
Medium Blue: EL, 2 lead, redsand, iron, lead, potash, 4 lead
Medium Purple: copper, clay, TS, lead, iron, sulfur, clay, silver, copper, TS
Medium Sea Green (Coco): copper, clay, 8 copper
Medium Turquise: lead, cabbage, 3 clay, lime, 4 copper
Medium Turquise (Coco): cabbage, 9 copper
Midnight Blue: EL, 2 lead, redsand, iron, 5 lead
Midnight Blue (Coco): DT, cabbage, copper, potash, EL, 6 copper

Olive (Coco): DT, lime, carrot, redsand, TS, 6 carrot
Olive Drab: EL, silver, TS, clay, sulfur, lead, TS, iron, potash, clay, cabbage, lead
Orange Red: carrot, DT, Redsand, 7 carrot
Orchid: cabbage, copper, lead, 6 clay

Pale Golden rod (Coco): DT, lime, carrot, potash, EL, 6 carrot
Pale Turquise (Coco): cabbage, potash, 9 EL
Pale Violet Red: carrot, clay, cabbage, lead, TS, silver, potash, clay, TS, cabbage, lead
Peru (Coco): carrot, saltpeter, copper, 8 carrot

Red: cabbage, DT, silver, lead, 6 iron
Rosy Brown: cabbage, sulfur, clay, lead, silver, TS, EL, lead, iron, clay, cabbage

Royal Blue (Coco): cabbage, potash, 2 cabbage, 7 copper

Sea Green: clay, TS, sulfur, iron, lime, cabbage, TS, lead, iron, saltpeter, TS, clay, lead
Sea Green (Coco): clay, EL, cabbage, 7 copper
Sea Green (Coco): copper, potash, TS, cabbage, 7 copper
Sienna (Coco): clay, carrot, 8 clay
Slate Blue: cabbage, iron, lead, 6 copper, clay
Steel Blue: clay, lead, iron, EL, 6 TS...
Steel Blue (Coco): copper, cabbage, potash, 8 copper

Teal (Coco): EL, potash, 9 copper
Tomato: lead, cabbage, TS, carrot, DT, cabbage, 3 carrot, clay
Turquise (Coco): cabbage, potash, copper, potash, lime, sulfur, 8 copper

Yellow Green: clay, EL, Sulfur, TS, cabbage, 3 carrot, TS, carrot, EL

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Last edited July 20, 2004 6:17 pm by Sarra (diff)
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