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Gazebo Paints

ResourceQuantityAlternatives AmountPaintIngredientsAlternative
Copper ore1028-200* 40063) Slate BlueCopper ore, Iron ore, Clay, Carrots, Cabbage juice, 5 Copper oreCopper ore, Clay, Lead ore, 7 Iron ore
Iron ore1078+240*; -140** 75064) Deep Sky BlueCopper ore, Clay, Lead ore, Cabbage juice, Iron ore, 5 Copper ore
Clay280+35** 35065) Dark RedIron ore, Sulfur, Lime, Carrots, 8 Iron ore5 Iron ore, Sulfur, Clay, 4 Carrots
Lead ore75+40* 45029) MaroonIron ore, Clay, Carrots, 7 Iron ore
Cabbage Juice175-40* 55024) Forest Green4 Iron ore, Clay, 5 Copper ore, Sulfur
Carrots455-40*; +105** 2571) Navajo WhiteCopper ore, 2 Clay, 3 Iron ore, 4 Carrots, Sulfur
Sulfur93 60058) Medium Violet RedCopper ore, Iron ore, Clay, Cabbage juice, 6 Carrots

*=Slate Blue alt. recipe

**=Dark Red alt. recipe

Chime Tower Paints

ResourceQuantityAlternatives AmountPaintIngredientsAlternative
Copper ore183 (182.5) 175Blue VioletCopper ore, Sulfur, Carrots, Iron ore, Clay, 7 Cabbage juice
Iron ore170 175Crimson4 Iron ore, Lime, 6 Carrots
Carrots123 (122.5) 275Dark Slate Grey3 Iron ore, Clay, 6 Copper ore
Cabbage juice123 (122.5)
Sulfur18 (17.5)
Lime18 (17.5)

Medium House Paints

ResourceQuantityWithout Chartreuse AmountPaintIngredientsAlternative
Cabbage juice53 (52.5)/ 850AquamarineCabbage juice, Copper ore, Clay, Iron ore, 6 Copper ore
Copper ore11671087 525Rosy BrownClay, Copper ore, Iron ore, 7 Clay
Iron ore232/ 345Spring GreenIron ore, Clay, Copper Ore, Sulfur, Potash, 10 Copper ore<--Using 13 tints
Clay1020 (1019.5)540 (539.5) 600TomatoIron ore, Sulfur, Copper ore, 8 Carrots
Carrots720480 800ChartreuseClay, Copper ore, Sulfur, Potash, Saltpeter, 3 Carrots, 5 Clay
Sulfur175 (174.5)95 (94.5)
Potash115 (114.5)35 (34.5)

/=same as in previous column

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Last edited May 27, 2004 3:51 pm by Tumaini (diff)
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