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Users > Whilan

Hello, the name is whilan. Welcome to my nice little home on the wiki. If you have found your way here either you were looking for me. saw my name and liked it and came here or most likely came here to see what i had.

I'm gonna start things off by letting you know where in egypt i live. My home is nestled in the quite yet slightly traveled area of north seven lakes. I've settled inbetween a main guild known as starry night across from acolytes of khnum and the starry night training guild. I've gotten to know the people here well and am current allied with the AoKs as they like to call themselves and am a solid member in both starry night and it's partner the training guild.

I have a nice little tombs of the immortal at 1300, -259 which is slightly east of my camp. I have a sculpture featuring a nice little sheep that you can take a look at and give your opion on. if your coming from the south and on the road you'll probably run right between my funerary temple where i am hard at work in grabbing the dead attention with the tiles i'm putting there. If your interested in trading i'll post a nice little section with all the colors i currently have access to. also you'll run by my pyramid that me and my guild helped me make. Not much but hard work went into it. Give it a looksee when you run by. If your in the area do take a look at the things around there and don't hesitate to say hello. We love to meet new people around here.

I normally trade things as i'm almost completly test orindated. I'll trade practicaly my left leg if it means that i'll get that one last papy paper i need. But that never means i'll hurt another to pass a test. I try to make friends with all. Best thing to do if you want to trade with me is to give me a tell or a chat and ask what you can trade for what. Be surprised what kind of deals you can get.

If your the body type I am also working on that my current acro moves know so far are Jumping jacks Rear squat wide squat and inverted pushups. I'm hoping to learn more as most of my partials moves are in the 4 5 and 6 facets learned range. Currently i only have 6 facets taught but i'm hard at increasing that number.

Now I belive is the time to let you know what color of tiles i have access to (remember goal orinated so always willing to trade tiles to pass the temple test)

White, snow, ghost white, white smoke, lavender, gainsboro, light grey, light steel blue, dark gray, medium purple, light slate gray, slate gray, steel blue, Dark slate blue, Dark slate gray, and black

Basically i'm not picky on the color as long as i don't already have it. Keep a notepad document of all the colors I have already so best to consult me. I'm mostly looking for like green yellows reds things like those colors. but any color will work as it will raise temple glory. My basic tile trade is 1 tile to 1 tile on a normal tile basis or 5 normal tiles to 1 rare tile. Should you run into those and want to trade with me.

Stop by my camp anytime we can drink wine, eat food, and gossip. Seeya then!

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Last edited May 23, 2004 12:13 am by Whilan (diff)