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Users > ZorroDelDesierto

Raeli Tiles Stock For Trade

Im adding new colors every week , check again

My Yellow Oven Bakes: White, Snow, Ivory, Old Lace, Beige, Light Golden Rod Yellow, Lemon Chiffon, Pale Golden Rod, Khaki, Green Yellow, Yellow Green, Olive, ..?,Black

Right now working in a brown and i n a green ovens.
They baked at the moment:

Brown White, Snow, Floral White, Old Lace, Beige, Antique White, Blanched Almond, Bisque, Wheat,Pale Golden Rod, Khaki,Burly Wood........,
Green White, Ghost White, Mint Cream, Honey Dew, Pale Turqoise, Pale Green, Light Green, Medium Aquamarine, Spring Green, Lime Green, Forest Green.....
New!!:Purple: White, Snow, Ghost White, White Smoke, Lavender, Gainsboro, Thistle, Plum, Orchid....
New!!:Brown: White, Snow, White Smoke, Sea Shell, WHite Smoke, Linen, Antique White, Gainsboro, Light Grey, Wheat, Silver, Tan, Feldspar, Peru, Indian Red.....


My new hobby

I make glues for anyone that need them. Diamond, Saphire and Emerald glues are tradeables by any item. Rubi glue is only tradeable for EoO mushrooms, till teppy makes it common how an Iron Knot :-). I can make too Low Explosives and Lead to Gold tinctures.

Treated boards

Feel Free to use my Wood Treatment Tank with the next recipes:

Note: expressed in seconds
White Pliable Glossy
Sulfur 100
Oil 300
Beeswax 30
Saltpeter 100
Lime 30
Oil 60
Saltpeter 8

Blonde Pliable Glossy
Water 200
Beeswax 205
Saltpeter 45
Lime 30
Beeswax 20
Saltpeter 20
Beeswax 3

Black Pliable Glossy
Beeswax 600
Lead 100
Oil 50
Ash 70
Oil 10
Lead 16

Black Glossy
Oil 600
Lead 16

Soft Non Toxic
Saltpeter 170
Water 30

more recipes, COMING SOON

And if you need termometers or any glass items chat me too, charge for termos 4 glass rods and 10 QS, or, 14 QS, or 6 lime 12 potash and 10 QS.

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Last edited May 30, 2004 7:30 pm by ZorroDelDesierto (diff)