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Cooking > Timer Length > Table > Primary

Timer Lookup Table

This is a part of the table discussed in Timer Length -- please make sure you read and understand how the table works, as it can be confusing, and please be sure to read the "how to update" section, so we keep this data useful.

The data from below in a easy to read spreadsheet format: duration_primary.xls.

The same table in an OpenOffice spreadsheet format : cookingbasetimes.sxc (7.7k) (quite a bit out of date). I can post a mostly microsoft compatible version if someone asks. -turtledawn

Please do not verify your own recipes so that we can adjust for any possible character differences.

The Equation (a reminder)

 time_effect_will_last =
          SUM(from k=2 to k=n) of:
                    (Nk/N1) * lookup_table(N(k-1), F(k-1), Nk, Fk)

A = Primary Foods, B = Primary Foods

(non-mushroom, non-nutrient):

This table is sorted alphabetically with no duplicates, with ingredient A being the first ingredient alphabetically of the pair. So, if you're looking for Chromis > Abjdu, you won't find it, but the same info is available as Abdju < Chromis.

A B A>B A=B A<B A>B recipe A<B recipe Notes
Abdju Barley (Burnt) -7:18 <= -8:12
Abdju Barley (Dark Roasted) -6:48 <= -3:12
Abdju Barley (Light Roasted) 1:18 <= 7:44
Abdju Barley (Medium Roasted) -2:42 <= 2:00
Abdju Barley (Raw) -8:00 <= 4:36
Abdju Cabbage 6:24 => -7:54
Abdju Cabbage Juice -3:54 <= -8:18
Abdju Camel Meat -2:48 <= 8:42
Abdju Camel Milk -8:24 <= -4:00
Abdju Carp -8:06 => -8:18
Abdju Carrots 8:06 <= -7:30
Abdju Catfish -8:24 <= -3:12
Abdju Chicken Meat -7:30 <= -7:52
Abdju Chromis -7:36 <= 1:54
Abdju Coconut Meat -5:24 <= 1:18
Abdju Cucumbers -3:48 <= -1:16 6 Abdju + 1 Cucumbers 4 Honey + 2 Cucumbers + 1 Abdju
Abdju Dates -5:06 => -5:36
Abdju Eggplant -7:54 <= -7:12 6 Abdju + 1 Eggplant 4 Honey + 2 Eggplant + 1 Abdju
Abdju Garlic -8:24 => 1:24
Abdju Grilled Fish -8:24 <= -3:42
Abdju Gunpowder -7:12 <= -7:06
Abdju Honey 4:24 => -6:54 6 Honey + 1 Abdju
Abdju Ink -8:18 => -8:24
Abdju Leeks -1:36 => -6:54
Abdju Malapterurus -5:42 => -7:40
Abdju Malt (Burnt) 3:42 <= -7:56
Abdju Malt (Dark Roasted) 4:06 => -6:04
Abdju Malt (Light Roasted) 2:12 => -6:48
Abdju Malt (Medium Roasted) -6:30 => -0:01
Abdju Malt (Raw) -2:42 => -4:40
Abdju Mutton -2:42 <= 6:24
Abdju Oil 7:24 <= -8:00
Abdju Onions -6:24 <= -8:00
Abdju Oxyrynchus -3:48 <= -4:36
Abdju Peppers 1:24 => -8:12 6 Abdju + 1 Peppers 4 Honey + 2 Peppers + 1 Abdju
Abdju Perch 0:54 <= -6:36
Abdju Phagrus 6:36 <= -8:18
Abdju Rabbit Meat -3:54 <= -6:24
Abdju Salt -7:48 <= -5:04
Abdju Tilapia -7:48 <= 6:30
Abdju Watermelon -7:00 => 2:24
Barley (Burnt) Barley (Dark Roasted) -8:20 <= -2:24
Barley (Burnt) Barley (Light Roasted) -5:36 => -8:16
Barley (Burnt) Barley (Medium Roasted) 1:20 => -7:36
Barley (Burnt) Barley (Raw) 1:28 <= -8:20
Barley (Burnt) Cabbage -8:16 => 0:18
Barley (Burnt) Cabbage Juice -3:16 <= 3:00
Barley (Burnt) Camel Meat -7:04 <= -7:48
Barley (Burnt) Camel Milk -5:08 => 6:12
Barley (Burnt) Carp 6:36 => -8:18
Barley (Burnt) Carrots -8:20 <= -6:12
Barley (Burnt) Catfish -8:20 <= -6:24
Barley (Burnt) Chicken Meat -6:24 => -7:36
Barley (Burnt) Chromis -6:52 <= -8:18
Barley (Burnt) Coconut Meat 4:20 <= -8:18 6 Coconut Meat + 1 Barley (Burnt)
Barley (Burnt) Cucumbers -7:28 => -4:20 4 Honey + 2 Barley (Burnt) + 1 Cucumbers 4 Honey + 2 Cucumbers + 1 Barley (Burnt)
Barley (Burnt) Dates -2:40 => 6:56
Barley (Burnt) Eggplant 8:20 <= -8:00 4 Honey + 2 Barley (Burnt) + 1 Eggplant 4 Honey + 2 Eggplant + 1 Barley (Burnt)
Barley (Burnt) Garlic -4:24 => -5:00
Barley (Burnt) Grilled Fish -8:08 <= -3:24
Barley (Burnt) Gunpowder -3:08 <= 2:48
Barley (Burnt) Honey -8:20 => -3:00
Barley (Burnt) Ink -8:20 => -7:48
Barley (Burnt) Leeks -7:56 => -8:06
Barley (Burnt) Malapterurus -8:04 => -6:28
Barley (Burnt) Malt (Burnt) -8:00 => 4:32
Barley (Burnt) Malt (Dark Roasted) -0:44 => -7:56
Barley (Burnt) Malt (Light Roasted) -7:36 => -2:00
Barley (Burnt) Malt (Medium Roasted) 7:36 => -8:20
Barley (Burnt) Malt (Raw) 2:52 => -4:52
Barley (Burnt) Mutton -0:12 <= -8:18
Barley (Burnt) Oil -8:16 => -2:40
Barley (Burnt) Onions 0:16 <= -7:54
Barley (Burnt) Oxyrynchus -8:20 <= -4:04
Barley (Burnt) Peppers -7:16 => -6:48 4 Honey + 2 Barley (Burnt) + 1 Peppers 4 Honey + 2 Peppers + 1 Barley (Burnt)
Barley (Burnt) Perch -8:20 => -5:54
Barley (Burnt) Phagrus 3:56 => -5:16
Barley (Burnt) Rabbit Meat -8:12 <= -7:56
Barley (Burnt) Salt -8:16 => -8:20
Barley (Burnt) Tilapia 2:52 <= 4:00
Barley (Burnt) Watermelon -6:12 => 3:56
Barley (Dark Roasted) Barley (Light Roasted) -7:52 => 4:48
Barley (Dark Roasted) Barley (Medium Roasted) -8:04 => -8:04
Barley (Dark Roasted) Barley (Raw) -7:44 <= -6:56
Barley (Dark Roasted) Cabbage -6:56 => -6:42
Barley (Dark Roasted) Cabbage Juice -3:24 => -8:00
Barley (Dark Roasted) Camel Meat -8:16 <= -6:48 6 Camel Meat + 1 Barley (Dark Roasted)
Barley (Dark Roasted) Camel Milk -3:56 => 4:18
Barley (Dark Roasted) Carp -8:04 => -8:12
Barley (Dark Roasted) Carrots -5:40 <= 1:42
Barley (Dark Roasted) Catfish 7:16 => -6:48
Barley (Dark Roasted) Chicken Meat -8:08 => -6:48
Barley (Dark Roasted) Chromis -7:08 <= -5:54
Barley (Dark Roasted) Coconut Meat -7:48 <= -1:36
Barley (Dark Roasted) Cucumbers -8:08 => -8:20 4 Honey + 2 Barley (Dark Roasted) + 1 Cucumbers 4 Honey + 2 Cucumbers + 1 Barley (Dark Roasted)
Barley (Dark Roasted) Dates 0:04 => -6:28
Barley (Dark Roasted) Eggplant -4:24 => -6:48 4 Honey + 2 Barley (Dark Roasted) + 1 Eggplant 4 Honey + 2 Eggplant + 1 Barley (Dark Roasted)
Barley (Dark Roasted) Garlic -4:32 => 3:54
Barley (Dark Roasted) Grilled Fish -0:28 <= -8:06
Barley (Dark Roasted) Gunpowder -4:00 <= 0:54
Barley (Dark Roasted) Honey -6:24 => -5:00
Barley (Dark Roasted) Leeks -6:48 => 3:54
Barley (Dark Roasted) Malapterurus -6:52 => -8:24
Barley (Dark Roasted) Malt (Burnt) -8:12 => -4:04
Barley (Dark Roasted) Malt (Dark Roasted) -8:08 => -5:00
Barley (Dark Roasted) Malt (Light Roasted) 2:16 => -8:20
Barley (Dark Roasted) Malt (Medium Roasted) -6:06 => -6:36
Barley (Dark Roasted) Malt (Raw) -8:16 => 3:00
Barley (Dark Roasted) Mutton 0:28 <= -8:00
Barley (Dark Roasted) Oil -7:52 => -8:16
Barley (Dark Roasted) Onions -1:12 <= -2:48
Barley (Dark Roasted) Oxyrynchus -8:16 <= -1:36
Barley (Dark Roasted) Peppers -7:56 => -5:44 4 Honey + 2 Barley (Dark Roasted) + 1 Peppers 4 Honey + 2 Peppers + 1 Barley (Dark Roasted)
Barley (Dark Roasted) Perch -8:12 => -7:00
Barley (Dark Roasted) Phagrus -8:08 => -8:16
Barley (Dark Roasted) Rabbit Meat -7:08 <= -6:56
Barley (Dark Roasted) Tilapia 5:16 <= -8:06
Barley (Dark Roasted) Watermelon 2:16 => 2:12
Barley (Light Roasted) Barley (Medium Roasted) -7:52 <= -8:20
Barley (Light Roasted) Barley (Raw) -0:56 <= -8:16
Barley (Light Roasted) Cabbage 6:36 => -8:18
Barley (Light Roasted) Cabbage Juice -0:08 <= 2:54
Barley (Light Roasted) Camel Meat -6:00 <= 6:36
Barley (Light Roasted) Camel Milk -6:20 <= -7:24
Barley (Light Roasted) Carp -3:00 => -8:18
Barley (Light Roasted) Carrots -7:36 <= -4:24
Barley (Light Roasted) Catfish -8:12 <= -8:00
Barley (Light Roasted) Chicken Meat -8:12 <= -6:32
Barley (Light Roasted) Chromis -6:36 <= -0:18
Barley (Light Roasted) Coconut Meat -8:12 <= -7:42 6 Coconut Meat + 1 Barley (Light Roasted)
Barley (Light Roasted) Cucumbers -2:56 <= -8:12 4 Honey + 2 Barley (Light Roasted) + 1 Cucumbers 4 Honey + 2 Cucumbers + 1 Barley (Light Roasted)
Barley (Light Roasted) Dates 3:00 => -8:08
Barley (Light Roasted) Eggplant -5:40 <= -7:16 4 Honey + 2 Barley (Light Roasted) + 1 Eggplant 4 Honey + 2 Eggplant + 1 Barley (Light Roasted)
Barley (Light Roasted) Garlic 3:28 => -8:12
Barley (Light Roasted) Grilled Fish -8:04 <= -8:18
Barley (Light Roasted) Gunpowder -8:04 <= -8:18
Barley (Light Roasted) Honey -2:48 => -8:18
Barley (Light Roasted) Ink -4:04 => 0:04
Barley (Light Roasted) Leeks 2:32 => 0:24
Barley (Light Roasted) Malapterurus -8:12 => -7:48
Barley (Light Roasted) Malt (Burnt) -4:56 <= -8:04
Barley (Light Roasted) Malt (Dark Roasted) -8:16 => -7:04
Barley (Light Roasted) Malt (Light Roasted) -7:48 => -5:24
Barley (Light Roasted) Malt (Medium Roasted) -7:18 => -6:44
Barley (Light Roasted) Malt (Raw) -11:04 => -7:44
Barley (Light Roasted) Mutton -4:04 <= -4:30
Barley (Light Roasted) Oil -8:12 => -7:44
Barley (Light Roasted) Onions 3:00 <= -8:00
Barley (Light Roasted) Oxyrynchus -1:48 <= -4:48
Barley (Light Roasted) Peppers -7:56 => 6:28 4 Honey + 2 Barley (Light Roasted) + 1 Peppers 4 Honey + 2 Peppers + 1 Barley (Light Roasted)
Barley (Light Roasted) Perch -8:16 => -8:18
Barley (Light Roasted) Phagrus -8:04 <= -3:36
Barley (Light Roasted) Rabbit Meat -8:16 <= 6:36
Barley (Light Roasted) Salt -11:04 <= -6:48
Barley (Light Roasted) Tilapia 5:40 <= -8:18
Barley (Light Roasted) Watermelon -8:08 => -0:40
Barley (Medium Roasted) Barley (Raw) -5:17 <= -8:20
Barley (Medium Roasted) Cabbage -7:36 => -7:48
Barley (Medium Roasted) Cabbage Juice -8:12 <= -6:30
Barley (Medium Roasted) Camel Meat -8:20 <= 2:30
Barley (Medium Roasted) Camel Milk 8:06 => 3:30
Barley (Medium Roasted) Carp 7:24 => -7:54
Barley (Medium Roasted) Carrots 1:36 <= -8:12
Barley (Medium Roasted) Catfish -8:12 <= 6:00
Barley (Medium Roasted) Chicken Meat 3:48 <= -1:36
Barley (Medium Roasted) Chromis -2:24 <= 6:12
Barley (Medium Roasted) Coconut Meat 7:00 <= -2:30
Barley (Medium Roasted) Cucumbers 2:28 => 3:48 4 Honey + 2 Barley (Medium Roasted) + 1 Cucumbers 4 Honey + 2 Cucumbers + 1 Barley (Medium Roasted)
Barley (Medium Roasted) Dates -7:48 => 4:12
Barley (Medium Roasted) Eggplant -7:24 <= -0:24 4 Honey + 2 Barley (Medium Roasted) + 1 Eggplant 4 Honey + 2 Eggplant + 1 Barley (Medium Roasted)
Barley (Medium Roasted) Garlic -0:24 => -7:48
Barley (Medium Roasted) Grilled Fish -7:12 <= -8:20
Barley (Medium Roasted) Honey -6:04 => -7:24 6 Honey + 1 Barley (Medium Roasted)
Barley (Medium Roasted) Ink -7:52 => -8:12
Barley (Medium Roasted) Leeks -8:20 => 6:34
Barley (Medium Roasted) Malapterurus -8:20 => 6:56
Barley (Medium Roasted) Malt (Burnt) -5:52 => -7:32
Barley (Medium Roasted) Malt (Dark Roasted) -2:44 => -5:36
Barley (Medium Roasted) Malt (Light Roasted) 1:24 => -8:00
Barley (Medium Roasted) Malt (Medium Roasted) -8:18 => -8:20
Barley (Medium Roasted) Malt (Raw) -8:20 => -8:20
Barley (Medium Roasted) Mutton -8:00 <= 6:46
Barley (Medium Roasted) Oil -5:06 => -7:56
Barley (Medium Roasted) Onions -4:30 <= 1:08
Barley (Medium Roasted) Oxyrynchus 4:12 <= 2:42
Barley (Medium Roasted) Peppers -7:04 => 0:40 4 Honey + 2 Barley (Medium Roasted) + 1 Peppers 4 Honey + 2 Peppers + 1 Barley (Medium Roasted)
Barley (Medium Roasted) Perch 8:00 => -8:00
Barley (Medium Roasted) Phagrus -7:12 <= -8:20
Barley (Medium Roasted) Rabbit Meat -7:48 <= -6:30
Barley (Medium Roasted) Salt -6:36 <= -3:16
Barley (Medium Roasted) Tilapia -8:18 <= -2:30
Barley (Medium Roasted) Watermelon -8:00 => -8:20
Barley (Raw) Cabbage -8:24 => 6:48
Barley (Raw) Cabbage Juice -7:24 => -8:24
Barley (Raw) Camel Meat -5:42 => -8:18
Barley (Raw) Camel Milk -5:24 => 0:42
Barley (Raw) Carp -6:18 => -2:42
Barley (Raw) Carrots -4:48 => -8:24
Barley (Raw) Catfish -5:30 => -4:30
Barley (Raw) Chicken Meat -8:24 => -7:28
Barley (Raw) Chromis -6:00 => -1:12
Barley (Raw) Coconut Meat -7:54 <= -6:48 6 Coconut Meat + 1 Barley (Raw)
Barley (Raw) Cucumbers -8:24 => 1:12 4 Honey + 2 Barley (Raw) + 1 Cucumbers 4 Honey + 2 Cucumbers + 1 Barley (Raw)
Barley (Raw) Dates -7:48 => -0:36
Barley (Raw) Eggplant -8:04 => 1:48 4 Honey + 2 Barley (Raw) + 1 Eggplant 4 Honey + 2 Eggplant + 1 Barley (Raw)
Barley (Raw) Garlic -4:48 => -7:24
Barley (Raw) Grilled Fish -3:00 <= 0:36
Barley (Raw) Gunpowder -6:07 => -5:04
Barley (Raw) Honey -7:12 => -8:18
Barley (Raw) Ink -6:28 => -8:24
Barley (Raw) Leeks -5:18 => -0:54
Barley (Raw) Malapterurus -8:16 => -6:44
Barley (Raw) Malt (Burnt) -8:08 => -8:16
Barley (Raw) Malt (Dark Roasted) -8:00 => -1:00
Barley (Raw) Malt (Light Roasted) -1:12 => -8:20
Barley (Raw) Malt (Medium Roasted) 1:00 => -6:40
Barley (Raw) Malt (Raw) -7:24 => -8:20
Barley (Raw) Mutton -6:18 <= -5:00
Barley (Raw) Oil 0:18 => -8:18
Barley (Raw) Onions -6:06 <= -8:18
Barley (Raw) Oxyrynchus -8:18 => -2:36
Barley (Raw) Peppers -8:16 => -8:24 4 Honey + 2 Barley (Raw) + 1 Peppers 4 Honey + 2 Peppers + 1 Barley (Raw)
Barley (Raw) Perch -6:24 => -7:12
Barley (Raw) Phagrus -7:42 => -8:24
Barley (Raw) Rabbit Meat -8:00 <= -0:42
Barley (Raw) Salt -8:12 => -5:52
Barley (Raw) Tilapia -8:18 => -7:36
Barley (Raw) Watermelon -8:00 => -4:30
Cabbage Cabbage Juice -8:24 <= 2:30
Cabbage Camel Meat -8:24 <= -8:18
Cabbage Camel Milk -8:12 <= -4:48
Cabbage Carp 6:36 <= -8:18
Cabbage Carrots 4:48 <= -5:12
Cabbage Catfish -8:12 <= -8:06
Cabbage Chicken Meat -8:18 <= -8:08
Cabbage Chromis 1:36 <= -6:42
Cabbage Coconut Meat -8:06 <= -8:18 6 Coconut Meat + 1 Cabbage
Cabbage Cucumbers -8:18 <= -8:20 6 Cabbage + 1 Cucumbers 4 Honey + 2 Cucumbers + 1 Cabbage
Cabbage Dates -8:12 <= -4:18
Cabbage Eggplant -5:12 <= 1:52 6 Cabbage + 1 Eggplant 4 Honey + 2 Eggplant + 1 Cabbage
Cabbage Garlic -0:42 <= -6:18
Cabbage Grilled Fish -2:24 <= -8:12
Cabbage Gunpowder -8:18 <= -6:48
Cabbage Honey -1:12 <= 4:06
Cabbage Ink -8:18 <= -6:32
Cabbage Leeks -8:24 <= -8:18
Cabbage Malapterurus -3:18 <= -2:40
Cabbage Malt (Burnt) -7:00 <= -1:32
Cabbage Malt (Dark Roasted) -8:00 <= -5:32
Cabbage Malt (Light Roasted) -1:06 <= -6:36
Cabbage Malt (Medium Roasted) -3:18 <= -8:20
Cabbage Malt (Raw) -2:42 => 1:40
Cabbage Mutton -6:36 <= -4:18
Cabbage Oil 7:54 <= -8:18
Cabbage Onions 1:00 <= 5:36
Cabbage Oxyrynchus -8:18 <= 7:54
Cabbage Peppers -8:06 => 5:20 6 Cabbage + 1 Peppers 4 Honey + 2 Peppers + 1 Cabbage
Cabbage Perch 5:12 <= 6:42
Cabbage Phagrus -3:24 <= -7:48
Cabbage Rabbit Meat -1:30 <= -6:24
Cabbage Salt -7:42 <= -8:20
Cabbage Tilapia -7:07 <= -7:06
Cabbage Watermelon -7:42 <= -8:18
Cabbage Juice Camel Meat -1:48 <= 2:36
Cabbage Juice Camel Milk -6:30 => 8:18
Cabbage Juice Carp -7:54 => 0:18
Cabbage Juice Carrots -7:30 <= -8:00
Cabbage Juice Catfish -4:06 => -2:48
Cabbage Juice Chicken Meat -4:06 => -7:20
Cabbage Juice Chromis -3:12 <= -7:42
Cabbage Juice Coconut Meat -3:36 <= 5:42
Cabbage Juice Cucumbers 5:36 => -7:12 6 Cabbage Juice + 1 Cucumbers 4 Honey + 2 Cucumbers + 1 Cabbage Juice
Cabbage Juice Dates 2:06 => -8:18
Cabbage Juice Eggplant -8:18 => -1:52 6 Cabbage Juice + 1 Eggplant 4 Honey + 2 Eggplant + 1 Cabbage Juice
Cabbage Juice Garlic 1:36 => -7:42
Cabbage Juice Grilled Fish 1:48 <= -8:18
Cabbage Juice Gunpowder -6:30 <= -8:18
Cabbage Juice Honey -8:12 => -4:30
Cabbage Juice Ink -8:20 => -8:04
Cabbage Juice Leeks -8:18 => -2:36
Cabbage Juice Malapterurus -8:06 => -1:36
Cabbage Juice Malt (Burnt) 5:12 => 4:04
Cabbage Juice Malt (Dark Roasted) -8:12 => -1:20
Cabbage Juice Malt (Light Roasted) -8:12 => 2:08
Cabbage Juice Malt (Medium Roasted) -5:54 => 7:20
Cabbage Juice Malt (Raw) -7:42 => -6:40
Cabbage Juice Mutton -8:18 <= -8:18
Cabbage Juice Oil -6:32 => -7:28
Cabbage Juice Onions -6:36 <= -7:18 6 Onions + 1 Cabbage Juice
Cabbage Juice Oxyrynchus -6:48 <= 3:36
Cabbage Juice Peppers -0:18 => -7:44 6 Cabbage Juice + 1 Peppers 4 Honey + 2 Peppers + 1 Cabbage Juice
Cabbage Juice Perch 0:12 => -5:48
Cabbage Juice Phagrus 1:54 => -7:42
Cabbage Juice Rabbit Meat 1:06 <= -8:18
Cabbage Juice Salt -7:36 => -8:00
Cabbage Juice Tilapia 1:48 <= -8:18
Cabbage Juice Watermelon -0:24 => -2:18
Camel Meat Camel Milk -7:36 => -4:00
Camel Meat Carp -4:36 => -7:36
Camel Meat Carrots -7:12 => -2:06 6 Camel Meat + 1 Carrots
Camel Meat Catfish -8:18 => -7:06
Camel Meat Chicken Meat -3:42 => -7:12
Camel Meat Chromis -2:36 => 5:24
Camel Meat Coconut Meat -3:36 <= -7:48 6 Coconut Meat + 1 Camel Meat
Camel Meat Cucumbers -7:54 => -8:04 6 Camel Meat + 1 Cucumbers 4 Honey + 2 Cucumbers + 1 Camel Meat
Camel Meat Dates -8:18 => -7:06
Camel Meat Eggplant -5:42 => 6:08 6 Camel Meat + 1 Eggplant 4 Honey + 2 Eggplant + 1 Camel Meat
Camel Meat Garlic -7:30 => -8:18
Camel Meat Grilled Fish -8:24 <= 7:42
Camel Meat Gunpowder 1:54 => -8:05
Camel Meat Honey -8:18 => -8:18 6 Camel Meat + 1 Honey
Camel Meat Ink -8:12 => -8:16
Camel Meat Leeks 2:12 => 1:30
Camel Meat Malapterurus -8:18 => -3:24 6 Camel Meat + 1 Malapterurus
Camel Meat Malt (Burnt) -8:18 => -7:24 6 Camel Meat + 1 Malt (Burnt)
Camel Meat Malt (Dark Roasted) -3:06 => -0:40
Camel Meat Malt (Light Roasted) -3:48 => -8:20
Camel Meat Malt (Medium Roasted) -8:18 => -2:52
Camel Meat Malt (Raw) -7:18 => 0:40
Camel Meat Mutton -8:24 <= -8:06
Camel Meat Oil -8:00 => -0:06 6 Camel Meat + 1 Oil
Camel Meat Onions 7:24 <= -7:24
Camel Meat Oxyrynchus -6:18 <= 2:26
Camel Meat Peppers 1:30 => -8:24 6 Camel Meat + 1 Peppers 4 Honey + 2 Peppers + 1 Camel Meat
Camel Meat Perch -4:06 => -8:18
Camel Meat Phagrus -3:54 => -7:00
Camel Meat Rabbit Meat -8:18 <= 2:24 6 Camel Meat + 1 Rabbit Meat
Camel Meat Salt -8:18 => -3:20 6 Camel Meat + 1 Salt
Camel Meat Tilapia -8:30 <= -8:00
Camel Meat Watermelon -8:24 => -0:54
Camel Milk Carp -7:36 => -8:18
Camel Milk Carrots -7:24 <= -8:18
Camel Milk Catfish -8:12 <= -3:24
Camel Milk Chicken Meat -5:24 <= -8:20
Camel Milk Chromis -0:24 <= 2:30
Camel Milk Coconut Meat -7:36 <= -7:36 6 Camel Milk + 1 Coconut Meat 6 Coconut Meat + 1 Camel Milk
Camel Milk Cucumbers -4:54 <= -8:00 6 Camel Milk + 1 Cucumbers 4 Honey + 2 Cucumbers + 1 Camel Milk
Camel Milk Dates -2:48 => -7:30
Camel Milk Eggplant 4:06 <= -8:16 6 Camel Milk + 1 Eggplant 4 Honey + 2 Eggplant + 1 Camel Milk
Camel Milk Garlic -7:24 => -5:42
Camel Milk Grilled Fish -8:18 <= -7:00
Camel Milk Gunpowder -6:48 <= -8:06
Camel Milk Honey -7:18 => -8:12
Camel Milk Ink -4:06 => -1:16
Camel Milk Leeks -8:18 => 4:12 6 Camel Milk + 1 Leeks
Camel Milk Malapterurus -3:36 => -8:08
Camel Milk Malt (Burnt) 0:42 <= -8:12
Camel Milk Malt (Dark Roasted) -4:24 => -8:16
Camel Milk Malt (Light Roasted) -8:00 => -8:00
Camel Milk Malt (Medium Roasted) -6:48 => -5:56
Camel Milk Malt (Raw) 6:52 => -6:04
Camel Milk Mutton -8:18 <= -1:00
Camel Milk Oil 0:30 => -8:18
Camel Milk Onions -1:30 <= 1:00
Camel Milk Oxyrynchus -4:54 <= -6:06
Camel Milk Peppers -3:36 => -6:00 6 Camel Milk + 1 Peppers 4 Honey + 2 Peppers + 1 Camel Milk
Camel Milk Perch 1:48 => 0:18
Camel Milk Phagrus -5:54 <= -6:06
Camel Milk Rabbit Meat -8:18 <= -5:30
Camel Milk Salt -5:36 <= -8:16
Camel Milk Tilapia -5:24 <= -8:00
Camel Milk Watermelon 7:42 => -8:18
Carp Carrots -7:00 <= -8:06
Carp Catfish -8:18 <= -8:00
Carp Chicken Meat -8:18 <= 0:16
Carp Chromis -8:12 <= -0:54
Carp Coconut Meat -2:48 <= 0:06
Carp Cucumbers -3:12 <= -7:44 6 Carp + 1 Cucumbers 4 Honey + 2 Cucumbers + 1 Carp
Carp Dates 3:48 => -5:30
Carp Eggplant -8:00 <= -8:16 6 Carp + 1 Eggplant 4 Honey + 2 Eggplant + 1 Carp
Carp Garlic -8:18 <= -7:42
Carp Grilled Fish -3:42 <= -5:48
Carp Gunpowder -2:06 <= -8:00
Carp Honey -6:12 => -8:18 6 Honey + 1 Carp
Carp Ink 0:36 <= -8:24
Carp Leeks -8:18 <= -2:06
Carp Malapterurus -0:24 <= -0:16
Carp Malt (Burnt) 4:42 <= -5:28
Carp Malt (Dark Roasted) -4:24 => -6:44
Carp Malt (Light Roasted) -8:18 <= -8:16
Carp Malt (Medium Roasted) 0:06 <= -8:08
Carp Malt (Raw) 6:44 => -1:20
Carp Mutton -8:18 <= -7:30
Carp Oil -8:18 <= -7:48
Carp Onions -1:48 <= 2:36
Carp Oxyrynchus -3:54 <= -7:42
Carp Peppers -8:18 => -7:48 6 Carp + 1 Peppers 4 Honey + 2 Peppers + 1 Carp
Carp Perch -4:18 <= -6:42
Carp Phagrus -8:06 <= -6:54
Carp Rabbit Meat -4:18 <= -8:18
Carp Salt 0:06 <= -8:16
Carp Tilapia -8:18 <= -7:42
Carp Watermelon 2:24 <= -6:54
Carrots Catfish 5:06 => 4:24
Carrots Chicken Meat -7:54 => -7:08
Carrots Chromis -0:42 <= -5:54
Carrots Coconut Meat -4:36 <= -1:24
Carrots Cucumbers -7:12 => -8:16 6 Carrots + 1 Cucumbers 4 Honey + 2 Cucumbers + 1 Carrots
Carrots Dates -8:12 => -7:30
Carrots Eggplant -5:06 => -6:28 6 Carrots + 1 Eggplant 4 Honey + 2 Eggplant + 1 Carrots
Carrots Garlic -0:54 => 1:06
Carrots Grilled Fish -1:24 <= -8:18
Carrots Gunpowder 5:18 <= -6:12
Carrots Honey -8:00 => 3:42
Carrots Ink -8:06 => -8:04
Carrots Leeks 3:48 => -7:06
Carrots Malapterurus 8:06 => -0:44
Carrots Malt (Burnt) -8:12 => -8:00
Carrots Malt (Dark Roasted) -6:06 => -6:28
Carrots Malt (Light Roasted) -7:48 => -8:20
Carrots Malt (Medium Roasted) 6:32 => -3:20
Carrots Malt (Raw) -4:30 => -0:40
Carrots Mutton -8:00 <= 3:42
Carrots Oil -4:36 => -7:06
Carrots Onions -7:42 <= 1:00
Carrots Oxyrynchus -7:30 <= 3:54
Carrots Peppers -7:06 => 7:32 6 Carrots + 1 Peppers 4 Honey + 2 Peppers + 1 Carrots
Carrots Perch -7:54 => 8:12 6 Carrots + 1 Perch 6 Perch + 1 Carrots
Carrots Phagrus -7:48 => -2:18
Carrots Rabbit Meat -7:36 <= 3:24
Carrots Salt -6:36 => 7:24
Carrots Tilapia -1:30 <= -8:00
Carrots Watermelon -4:36 => -6:48
Catfish Chicken Meat 0:06 => -4:48
Catfish Chromis -8:24 <= 5:00
Catfish Coconut Meat -8:18 <= -7:48 6 Coconut Meat + 1 Catfish
Catfish Cucumbers -8:18 => -8:16 6 Catfish + 1 Cucumbers 4 Honey + 2 Cucumbers + 1 Catfish
Catfish Dates -8:24 => -7:06
Catfish Eggplant -2:42 <= -2:40 6 Catfish + 1 Eggplant 4 Honey + 2 Eggplant + 1 Catfish
Catfish Garlic -8:24 => -6:54
Catfish Grilled Fish -8:18 <= 7:12
Catfish Gunpowder 6:36 <= -1:06
Catfish Honey 5:00 => -8:18
Catfish Ink -7:30 => -5:52
Catfish Leeks 3:18 => 2:30
Catfish Malapterurus -7:54 => -5:08
Catfish Malt (Burnt) -8:12 => -8:00
Catfish Malt (Dark Roasted) -2:06 => -5:04
Catfish Malt (Light Roasted) -8:18 => -7:08
Catfish Malt (Medium Roasted) -8:18 => -5:48
Catfish Malt (Raw) -2:48 => -8:16
Catfish Mutton 7:12 <= -7:54
Catfish Oil -7:24 => -8:06
Catfish Onions 0:54 <= -7:42
Catfish Oxyrynchus -8:24 <= -6:12
Catfish Peppers -3:42 => -4:52 6 Catfish + 1 Peppers 4 Honey + 2 Peppers + 1 Catfish
Catfish Perch -8:24 => -8:18
Catfish Phagrus 6:42 => -3:00
Catfish Rabbit Meat -8:24 <= 8:00
Catfish Salt -6:24 => 6:24
Catfish Tilapia -8:24 <= -4:24
Catfish Watermelon -7:18 => 6:48
Chicken Meat Chromis -8:24 <= -8:18
Chicken Meat Coconut Meat 7:48 <= -7:48 6 Coconut Meat + 1 Chicken Meat
Chicken Meat Cucumbers -6:20 => -4:24 4 Honey + 2 Chicken Meat + 1 Cucumbers 4 Honey + 2 Cucumbers + 1 Chicken Meat
Chicken Meat Dates -8:16 => -3:12
Chicken Meat Eggplant -7:24 <= -8:16 4 Honey + 2 Chicken Meat + 1 Eggplant 4 Honey + 2 Eggplant + 1 Chicken Meat
Chicken Meat Garlic -6:20 => -8:18
Chicken Meat Grilled Fish 3:36 <= -7:36
Chicken Meat Gunpowder -5:20 <= -7:54
Chicken Meat Honey -8:24 => -7:30
Chicken Meat Ink -5:48 => 2:06
Chicken Meat Leeks -1:32 => -7:24
Chicken Meat Malapterurus -6:44 => 6:52
Chicken Meat Malt (Burnt) -8:24 => 3:28
Chicken Meat Malt (Dark Roasted) -8:16 => -8:12
Chicken Meat Malt (Light Roasted) -8:24 => -2:04
Chicken Meat Malt (Medium Roasted) -8:20 => -7:52
Chicken Meat Malt (Raw) 7:36 => -8:12
Chicken Meat Mutton -1:24 <= -8:12
Chicken Meat Oil 0:44 => -6:36
Chicken Meat Onions -5:36 <= -8:18
Chicken Meat Oxyrynchus -0:16 <= -5:32
Chicken Meat Peppers -7:24 => -6:52 4 Honey + 2 Chicken Meat + 1 Peppers 4 Honey + 2 Peppers + 1 Chicken Meat
Chicken Meat Perch -6:40 => -5:48
Chicken Meat Phagrus 6:20 => -6:36
Chicken Meat Rabbit Meat 1:24 <= -7:04
Chicken Meat Salt -8:16 <= 6:52
Chicken Meat Tilapia -8:24 <= -8:12
Chicken Meat Watermelon -8:24 => -7:52
Chromis Coconut Meat -8:18 <= -8:18 6 Coconut Meat + 1 Chromis
Chromis Cucumbers -3:30 => -8:24 6 Chromis + 1 Cucumbers 4 Honey + 2 Cucumbers + 1 Chromis
Chromis Dates -2:06 => -8:06
Chromis Eggplant -4:48 => -8:16 6 Chromis + 1 Eggplant 4 Honey + 2 Eggplant + 1 Chromis
Chromis Garlic -1:54 => -8:18
Chromis Grilled Fish -8:12 <= -2:00
Chromis Gunpowder -3:04 <= -1:06
Chromis Honey 3:36 => -8:06
Chromis Ink -8:18 => -5:48
Chromis Leeks -2:30 => -5:36
Chromis Malapterurus -7:48 => -6:56
Chromis Malt (Burnt) 1:24 => -2:48
Chromis Malt (Dark Roasted) 7:20 => 1:56
Chromis Malt (Light Roasted) 4:48 => 2:24
Chromis Malt (Medium Roasted) -8:18 => 5:24
Chromis Malt (Raw) -8:00 => -8:20
Chromis Mutton -7:18 <= 6:24
Chromis Oil -4:42 => -8:18
Chromis Onions -8:18 <= -2:42
Chromis Oxyrynchus 2:48 <= -8:18
Chromis Peppers -4:24 => -7:48 6 Chromis + 1 Peppers 4 Honey + 2 Peppers + 1 Chromis
Chromis Perch -5:00 => -4:00
Chromis Phagrus -4:42 => 3:12
Chromis Rabbit Meat -8:18 <= -8:00
Chromis Salt -5:48 => 1:16
Chromis Tilapia 1:42 <= -2:36
Chromis Watermelon 8:18 => -8:06
Coconut Meat Cucumbers -5:00 => -4:52 6 Coconut Meat + 1 Cucumbers 4 Honey + 2 Cucumbers + 1 Coconut Meat
Coconut Meat Dates 0:54 => 1:48
Coconut Meat Eggplant -0:48 => -7:12 6 Coconut Meat + 1 Eggplant 4 Honey + 2 Eggplant + 1 Coconut Meat
Coconut Meat Garlic -8:18 => -7:24 6 Coconut Meat + 1 Garlic
Coconut Meat Grilled Fish -8:18 => -8:18 6 Coconut Meat + 1 Grilled Fish
Coconut Meat Gunpowder -2:54 => -8:18
Coconut Meat Honey -1:48 => -1:54
Coconut Meat Ink -3:00 => -8:24
Coconut Meat Leeks 0:36 => -6:00
Coconut Meat Malapterurus 4:36 => -4:12 6 Coconut Meat + 1 Malapterurus
Coconut Meat Malt (Burnt) 2:12 => -7:48
Coconut Meat Malt (Dark Roasted) -3:06 => -7:40
Coconut Meat Malt (Light Roasted) -8:18 => -7:04 6 Coconut Meat + 1 Malt (Light Roasted)
Coconut Meat Malt (Medium Roasted) -6:18 => -7:28 6 Coconut Meat + 1 Malt (Medium Roasted)
Coconut Meat Malt (Raw) 1:42 => -6:04
Coconut Meat Mutton -8:12 <= -3:18 6 Coconut Meat + 1 Mutton
Coconut Meat Oil -4:06 => -8:12
Coconut Meat Onions -8:18 <= -1:48 6 Coconut Meat + 1 Onions
Coconut Meat Oxyrynchus -8:18 => 4:00 6 Coconut Meat + 1 Oxyrynchus
Coconut Meat Peppers -8:18 => -7:28 6 Coconut Meat + 1 Peppers 4 Honey + 2 Peppers + 1 Coconut Meat
Coconut Meat Perch -7:18 => -3:30 6 Coconut Meat + 1 Perch
Coconut Meat Phagrus 5:24 => -8:18
Coconut Meat Rabbit Meat 5:06 => -6:24
Coconut Meat Salt -3:00 => -3:16
Coconut Meat Tilapia 3:48 => -8:18
Coconut Meat Watermelon 5:18 => -4:18
Cucumbers Dates 1:36 => -0:28 4 Honey + 2 Cucumbers + 1 Dates 4 Honey + 2 Dates + 1 Cucumbers
Cucumbers Eggplant -5:20 <= -3:44 4 Honey + 2 Cucumbers + 1 Eggplant 4 Honey + 2 Eggplant + 1 Cucumbers
Cucumbers Garlic -2:24 => -8:18 4 Honey + 2 Cucumbers + 1 Garlic 6 Garlic + 1 Cucumbers
Cucumbers Grilled Fish -8:24 <= -6:36 4 Honey + 2 Cucumbers + 1 Grilled Fish 6 Grilled Fish + 1 Cucumbers
Cucumbers Gunpowder -8:16 <= 4:36 4 Honey + 2 Cucumbers + 1 Gunpowder 6 Gunpowder + 1 Cucumbers
Cucumbers Honey 4:40 => -7:42 4 Onions + 2 Cucumbers + 1 Honey 6 Honey + 1 Cucumbers
Cucumbers Ink -3:48 => 4:30 4 Honey + 2 Cucumbers + 1 Ink 6 Ink + 1 Cucumbers
Cucumbers Leeks -1:24 => -7:48 4 Honey + 2 Cucumbers + 1 Leeks 6 Leeks + 1 Cucumbers
Cucumbers Malapterurus -7:56 => -8:08 4 Honey + 2 Cucumbers + 1 Malapterurus 4 Honey + 2 Malapterurus + 1 Cucumbers
Cucumbers Malt (Burnt) -8:20 <= -7:44 4 Honey + 2 Cucumbers + 1 Malt (Burnt) 4 Onions + 2 Malt (Burnt) + 1 Cucumbers
Cucumbers Malt (Dark Roasted) -8:16 => -7:52 4 Honey + 2 Cucumbers + 1 Malt (Dark Roasted) 4 Honey + 2 Malt (Dark Roasted) + 1 Cucumbers
Cucumbers Malt (Light Roasted) 0:32 => -4:52 4 Honey + 2 Cucumbers + 1 Malt (Light Roasted) 4 Honey + 2 Malt (Light Roasted) + 1 Cucumbers
Cucumbers Malt (Medium Roasted) -8:24 => -2:56 4 Honey + 2 Cucumbers + 1 Malt (Medium Roasted) 4 Honey + 2 Malt (Medium Roasted) + 1 Cucumbers
Cucumbers Malt (Raw) -6:12 => -6:28 4 Honey + 2 Cucumbers + 1 Malt (Raw) 4 Honey + 2 Malt (Raw) + 1 Cucumbers
Cucumbers Mutton -8:20 <= 8:24 4 Honey + 2 Cucumbers + 1 Mutton 6 Mutton + 1 Cucumbers
Cucumbers Oil -5:16 => 1:48 4 Honey + 2 Cucumbers + 1 Oil 6 Oil + 1 Cucumbers
Cucumbers Onions -1:56 <= -7:48 4 Honey + 2 Cucumbers + 1 Onions 6 Onions + 1 Cucumbers
Cucumbers Oxyrynchus -1:16 <= -7:56 4 Honey + 2 Cucumbers + 1 Oxyrynchus 4 Honey + 2 Oxyrynchus + 1 Cucumbers
Cucumbers Peppers -8:24 => -8:24 4 Honey + 2 Cucumbers + 1 Peppers 4 Honey + 2 Peppers + 1 Cucumbers
Cucumbers Perch -7:52 => -6:12 4 Honey + 2 Cucumbers + 1 Perch 6 Perch + 1 Cucumbers
Cucumbers Phagrus -4:08 <= -8:08 4 Honey + 2 Cucumbers + 1 Phagrus 4 Honey + 2 Phagrus + 1 Cucumbers
Cucumbers Rabbit Meat 3:44 <= -8:24 4 Honey + 2 Cucumbers + 1 Rabbit Meat 4 Onions + 2 Rabbit Meat + 1 Cucumbers
Cucumbers Salt -7:16 <= -2:28 4 Honey + 2 Cucumbers + 1 Salt 4 Honey + 2 Salt + 1 Cucumbers
Cucumbers Tilapia -7:44 <= -5:54 4 Honey + 2 Cucumbers + 1 Tilapia 6 Tilapia + 1 Cucumbers
Cucumbers Watermelon -8:20 => -4:44 4 Honey + 2 Cucumbers + 1 Watermelon 4 Honey + 2 Watermelon + 1 Cucumbers
Dates Eggplant -7:44 <= -6:52 4 Honey + 2 Dates + 1 Eggplant 4 Honey + 2 Eggplant + 1 Dates
Dates Garlic -8:18 <= -8:18
Dates Grilled Fish -7:48 <= -8:00
Dates Gunpowder -0:30 <= 1:18
Dates Honey 6:36 <= -8:18 6 Honey + 1 Dates
Dates Ink -8:20 <= -8:12
Dates Leeks -5:24 <= 4:54
Dates Malapterurus -7:40 <= -3:56
Dates Malt (Burnt) -0:20 <= -8:08
Dates Malt (Dark Roasted) -8:24 <= -7:48
Dates Malt (Light Roasted) -7:40 <= -8:20
Dates Malt (Medium Roasted) -8:12 <= 1:52
Dates Malt (Raw) 0:20 => -7:08
Dates Mutton 5:30 <= 4:30
Dates Oil -8:24 <= -7:18
Dates Onions 4:12 <= -7:54
Dates Oxyrynchus 7:30 <= -5:36
Dates Peppers -7:12 => -7:04 4 Honey + 2 Dates + 1 Peppers 4 Honey + 2 Peppers + 1 Dates
Dates Perch 0:24 <= -8:18
Dates Phagrus -7:12 <= -7:30
Dates Rabbit Meat -8:24 <= -8:00
Dates Salt -1:32 <= -5:20
Dates Tilapia 6:30 <= -3:36
Dates Watermelon -8:24 <= -7:54
Eggplant Garlic -6:00 => -7:54 4 Honey + 2 Eggplant + 1 Garlic 6 Garlic + 1 Eggplant
Eggplant Grilled Fish -8:00 <= -8:06 4 Honey + 2 Eggplant + 1 Grilled Fish 6 Grilled Fish + 1 Eggplant
Eggplant Gunpowder -7:32 <= -8:18 4 Honey + 2 Eggplant + 1 Gunpowder 6 Gunpowder + 1 Eggplant
Eggplant Honey -7:08 => -7:36 4 Onions + 2 Eggplant + 1 Honey 6 Honey + 1 Eggplant
Eggplant Ink -8:16 => -5:12 4 Honey + 2 Eggplant + 1 Ink 6 Ink + 1 Eggplant
Eggplant Leeks -7:52 => -8:18 4 Honey + 2 Eggplant + 1 Leeks 6 Leeks + 1 Eggplant
Eggplant Malapterurus =>
Eggplant Malt (Burnt) -3:16 => -6:28 4 Honey + 2 Eggplant + 1 Malt (Burnt) 4 Onions + 2 Malt (Burnt) + 1 Eggplant
Eggplant Malt (Dark Roasted) -8:16 => -1:32 4 Honey + 2 Eggplant + 1 Malt (Dark Roasted) 4 Honey + 2 Malt (Dark Roasted) + 1 Eggplant
Eggplant Malt (Light Roasted) -1:28 => -1:08 4 Honey + 2 Eggplant + 1 Malt (Light Roasted) 4 Honey + 2 Malt (Light Roasted) + 1 Eggplant
Eggplant Malt (Medium Roasted) -2:00 => -1:32 4 Honey + 2 Eggplant + 1 Malt (Medium Roasted) 4 Honey + 2 Malt (Medium Roasted) + 1 Eggplant
Eggplant Malt (Raw) -8:04 => -1:20 4 Honey + 2 Eggplant + 1 Malt (Raw) 4 Honey + 2 Malt (Raw) + 1 Eggplant
Eggplant Mutton -5:20 <= -2:00 4 Honey + 2 Eggplant + 1 Mutton 6 Mutton + 1 Eggplant
Eggplant Oil -8:00 => 7:48 4 Honey + 2 Eggplant + 1 Oil 4 Honey + 2 Oil + 1 Eggplant
Eggplant Onions -3:32 <= -7:48 4 Honey + 2 Eggplant + 1 Onions 6 Onions + 1 Eggplant
Eggplant Oxyrynchus 5:36 <= -7:28 4 Honey + 2 Eggplant + 1 Oxyrynchus 4 Honey + 2 Oxyrynchus + 1 Eggplant
Eggplant Peppers =>
Eggplant Perch -7:44 => -8:18 4 Honey + 2 Eggplant + 1 Perch 6 Perch + 1 Eggplant
Eggplant Phagrus -5:04 => -3:00 4 Honey + 2 Eggplant + 1 Phagrus 4 Honey + 2 Phagrus + 1 Eggplant
Eggplant Rabbit Meat 0:00 <= -6:12 4 Honey + 2 Eggplant + 1 Rabbit Meat 4 Onions + 2 Rabbit Meat + 1 Eggplant
Eggplant Salt -5:00 => 4:28 4 Honey + 2 Eggplant + 1 Salt 4 Honey + 2 Salt + 1 Eggplant
Eggplant Tilapia -8:16 <= -8:18 4 Honey + 2 Eggplant + 1 Tilapia 6 Tilapia + 1 Eggplant
Eggplant Watermelon -5:36 => -7:04 4 Honey + 2 Eggplant + 1 Watermelon 4 Honey + 2 Watermelon + 1 Eggplant
Garlic Grilled Fish -8:06 <= -7:36
Garlic Gunpowder -5:00 <= -5:54
Garlic Honey -6:32 => -4:35
Garlic Ink -7:54 <= -0:44
Garlic Leeks -8:07 <= 2:30
Garlic Malapterurus -8:18 <= -7:16
Garlic Malt (Burnt) -6:36 <= -8:00
Garlic Malt (Dark Roasted) -7:30 => -6:24
Garlic Malt (Light Roasted) 1:00 <= -4:28
Garlic Malt (Medium Roasted) 3:06 <= -6:56
Garlic Malt (Raw) -6:42 => -2:36
Garlic Mutton -4:54 <= 8:00
Garlic Oil -7:42 <= -2:36
Garlic Onions -6:18 <= -6:00
Garlic Oxyrynchus -3:18 <= -1:48
Garlic Peppers -8:18 => -6:08 6 Garlic + 1 Peppers 4 Honey + 2 Peppers + 1 Garlic
Garlic Perch 6:36 <= -7:24 6 Garlic + 1 Perch 6 Perch + 1 Garlic
Garlic Phagrus 6:22 <= 6:06
Garlic Rabbit Meat -8:12 <= -7:43
Garlic Salt -7:42 <= -7:56
Garlic Tilapia -3:42 <= -8:00
Garlic Watermelon -8:12 <= -3:12
Grilled Fish Gunpowder -6:48 => 3:48
Grilled Fish Honey -1:00 => -7:56
Grilled Fish Ink -7:42 => 6:08
Grilled Fish Leeks 0:30 => 8:06
Grilled Fish Malapterurus -8:18 => -2:24
Grilled Fish Malt (Burnt) 2:48 => 5:40
Grilled Fish Malt (Dark Roasted) -5:48 => -7:12
Grilled Fish Malt (Light Roasted) -2:48 => 3:24
Grilled Fish Malt (Medium Roasted) 6:56 => -4:16
Grilled Fish Malt (Raw) -7:30 => 2:04
Grilled Fish Mutton -7:48 <= -4:55
Grilled Fish Oil -7:36 => -1:36
Grilled Fish Onions -8:24 <= 0:24
Grilled Fish Oxyrynchus -5:18 => -8:18
Grilled Fish Peppers -6:54 => 4:12 6 Grilled Fish + 1 Peppers 4 Honey + 2 Peppers + 1 Grilled Fish
Grilled Fish Perch -4:30 => -7:42
Grilled Fish Phagrus -8:18 => -8:18
Grilled Fish Rabbit Meat 0:12 <= 6:00
Grilled Fish Salt -7:30 => -8:08
Grilled Fish Tilapia -2:18 => 3:58 5 Honey + 1 Tilapia + 1 Grilled Fish
Grilled Fish Watermelon -5:18 => -6:30
Gunpowder Honey 6:18 => -8:18 6 Honey + 1 Gunpowder
Gunpowder Ink -1:28 => -7:52
Gunpowder Leeks -5:48 => -8:06
Gunpowder Malapterurus -7:18 => -2:20
Gunpowder Malt (Burnt) -7:24 => -8:00
Gunpowder Malt (Dark Roasted) -8:18 => -6:28
Gunpowder Malt (Light Roasted) -3:24 => -3:08
Gunpowder Malt (Medium Roasted) -8:06 => -8:04
Gunpowder Malt (Raw) -8:18 => -8:24
Gunpowder Mutton -8:18 <= 1:36
Gunpowder Oil 3:54 => -0:30
Gunpowder Onions -8:12 <= -8:18
Gunpowder Oxyrynchus 7:54 <= -7:36
Gunpowder Peppers -8:06 => 3:16 6 Gunpowder + 1 Peppers 4 Honey + 2 Peppers + 1 Gunpowder
Gunpowder Perch -8:18 => 0:12
Gunpowder Phagrus -7:30 => -7:12
Gunpowder Rabbit Meat -8:12 <= -7:06
Gunpowder Salt -6:48 => -8:16
Gunpowder Tilapia -7:30 <= -3:00
Gunpowder Watermelon -7:36 => -6:36
Honey Ink 6:18 <= -5:32
Honey Leeks -2:42 <= -8:18
Honey Malapterurus -6:30 <= -4:16 6 Honey + 1 Malapterurus
Honey Malt (Burnt) 7:06 <= -7:12
Honey Malt (Dark Roasted) -7:00 <= -7:32 6 Honey + 1 Malt (Dark Roasted)
Honey Malt (Light Roasted) -4:24 <= -4:36
Honey Malt (Medium Roasted) -4:40 <= -8:16
Honey Malt (Raw) -8:06 => -5:16 6 Honey + 1 Malt (Raw)
Honey Mutton -5:42 <= -6:06
Honey Oil -4:18 <= -4:18
Honey Onions -6:36 <= -1:00
Honey Oxyrynchus -1:48 <= -8:12
Honey Peppers -8:18 => -8:24 6 Honey + 1 Peppers 4 Onions + 2 Peppers + 1 Honey
Honey Perch -3:42 <= -6:06
Honey Phagrus -8:12 <= -8:18 6 Honey + 1 Phagrus
Honey Rabbit Meat 0:25 <= -6:55
Honey Salt -4:12 <= -8:00
Honey Tilapia -8:18 <= -8:00 6 Honey + 1 Tilapia
Honey Watermelon -7:06 <= -7:42 6 Honey + 1 Watermelon
Ink Leeks -7:08 => -8:18
Ink Malapterurus 3:42 => -4:42 5 Camel Meat + 1 Malapterurus + 1 Ink
Ink Malt (Burnt) -8:06 <= 2:12
Ink Malt (Dark Roasted) -8:00 => -6:32
Ink Malt (Light Roasted) 6:12 => -4:08
Ink Malt (Medium Roasted) -3:12 => -1:00
Ink Malt (Raw) -2:00 => -5:08
Ink Mutton 4:04 <= 5:42
Ink Oil -8:24 <= -8:16
Ink Onions -6:00 <= -8:18 6 Onions + 1 Ink
Ink Oxyrynchus -8:04 <= 7:00
Ink Peppers -8:18 => -2:24 6 Ink + 1 Peppers 4 Honey + 2 Peppers + 1 Ink
Ink Perch -2:20 <= -2:54
Ink Phagrus -8:16 <= -0:08
Ink Rabbit Meat 6:48 <= -8:20
Ink Tilapia -7:36 <= -0:06
Ink Watermelon -8:24 => 0:20
Leeks Malapterurus -8:18 <= -8:24
Leeks Malt (Burnt) 3:24 <= -7:44
Leeks Malt (Dark Roasted) -5:18 => -8:20
Leeks Malt (Light Roasted) -8:18 <= -6:12
Leeks Malt (Medium Roasted) -3:54 <= 6:44
Leeks Malt (Raw) -7:00 => -8:24
Leeks Mutton 7:40 <= 0:30
Leeks Oil 4:12 <= -6:36
Leeks Onions -8:12 <= 6:50
Leeks Oxyrynchus -1:12 <= -8:00
Leeks Peppers 4:42 => 1:32 6 Leeks + 1 Peppers 4 Honey + 2 Peppers + 1 Leeks
Leeks Perch -3:36 <= -5:54
Leeks Phagrus 2:48 <= -5:06
Leeks Rabbit Meat -8:11 <= -4:30
Leeks Salt -3:12 <= -1:12
Leeks Tilapia 5:00 <= -4:00
Leeks Watermelon -8:18 <= -2:54
Malapterurus Malt (Burnt) -6:12 <= 0:00
Malapterurus Malt (Dark Roasted) -1:04 => -8:20
Malapterurus Malt (Light Roasted) -8:24 => -3:36
Malapterurus Malt (Medium Roasted) -8:24 => 0:08
Malapterurus Malt (Raw) -5:40 => 6:08
Malapterurus Mutton -6:12 <= 3:18
Malapterurus Oil -3:27 <= 0:00 5 Camel Meat + 1 Malapterurus + 1 Oil
Malapterurus Onions -6:28 <= -3:48
Malapterurus Oxyrynchus 0:32 <= -8:00
Malapterurus Peppers =>
Malapterurus Perch -8:15 <= -3:36 5 Honey + 1 Malapterurus + 1 Perch
Malapterurus Phagrus 5:12 <= -8:04
Malapterurus Rabbit Meat -3:24 <= -7:36
Malapterurus Salt -7:28 <= -3:56
Malapterurus Tilapia -8:04 <= -1:18
Malapterurus Watermelon -6:00 => -7:29 5 Honey + 1 Watermelon + 1 Malapterurus
Malt (Burnt) Malt (Dark Roasted) =>
Malt (Burnt) Malt (Light Roasted) =>
Malt (Burnt) Malt (Medium Roasted) =>
Malt (Burnt) Malt (Raw) 1:32 => -8:08
Malt (Burnt) Mutton -1:44 <= -8:12
Malt (Burnt) Oil -0:24 => -7:40
Malt (Burnt) Onions -8:46 <= -4:12
Malt (Burnt) Oxyrynchus -7:56 <= -5:44
Malt (Burnt) Peppers -8:16 => -2:32 4 Onions + 2 Malt (Burnt) + 1 Peppers 4 Honey + 2 Peppers + 1 Malt (Burnt)
Malt (Burnt) Perch -7:40 => 2:12
Malt (Burnt) Phagrus -8:04 <= 1:44
Malt (Burnt) Rabbit Meat 1:20 <= -5:24
Malt (Burnt) Salt -7:24 <= -1:12
Malt (Burnt) Tilapia -6:48 <= -2:42
Malt (Burnt) Watermelon -7:56 => -2:56
Malt (Dark Roasted) Malt (Light Roasted) <=
Malt (Dark Roasted) Malt (Medium Roasted) <=
Malt (Dark Roasted) Malt (Raw) -8:16 => -4:44
Malt (Dark Roasted) Mutton -7:40 <= -7:18
Malt (Dark Roasted) Oil 3:52 <= -2:12
Malt (Dark Roasted) Onions 5:12 <= -7:54
Malt (Dark Roasted) Oxyrynchus -1:20 <= 3:00
Malt (Dark Roasted) Peppers -8:00 => 6:00 4 Honey + 2 Malt (Dark Roasted) + 1 Peppers 4 Honey + 2 Peppers + 1 Malt (Dark Roasted)
Malt (Dark Roasted) Perch -8:20 <= -2:06
Malt (Dark Roasted) Phagrus -3:20 <= 0:44
Malt (Dark Roasted) Rabbit Meat -2:00 <= -8:24
Malt (Dark Roasted) Salt 6:44 <= -8:20
Malt (Dark Roasted) Tilapia 2:36 <= -8:00
Malt (Dark Roasted) Watermelon -7:40 <= -1:32
Malt (Light Roasted) Malt (Medium Roasted) -4:52 => -0:48
Malt (Light Roasted) Malt (Raw) 0:48 => -8:08
Malt (Light Roasted) Mutton -8:20 <= -5:06
Malt (Light Roasted) Oil -8:20 <= -6:56
Malt (Light Roasted) Onions -7:48 <= -1:42
Malt (Light Roasted) Oxyrynchus 7:32 <= -4:40
Malt (Light Roasted) Peppers -8:12 => -7:40 4 Honey + 2 Malt (Light Roasted) + 1 Peppers 4 Honey + 2 Peppers + 1 Malt (Light Roasted)
Malt (Light Roasted) Perch -8:16 <= 7:08
Malt (Light Roasted) Phagrus -8:12 <= 7:08
Malt (Light Roasted) Rabbit Meat -3:52 <= -0:36
Malt (Light Roasted) Salt -8:20 <= -7:32
Malt (Light Roasted) Tilapia -8:00 <= -4:48
Malt (Light Roasted) Watermelon 7:40 => 5:40
Malt (Medium Roasted) Malt (Raw) 2:40 => -5:30
Malt (Medium Roasted) Mutton -1:16 <= -4:12
Malt (Medium Roasted) Oil -4:04 <= -4:24
Malt (Medium Roasted) Onions -8:00 <= -8:18
Malt (Medium Roasted) Oxyrynchus -8:20 <= -7:30
Malt (Medium Roasted) Peppers -8:04 => -6:04 4 Honey + 2 Malt (Medium Roasted) + 1 Peppers 4 Honey + 2 Peppers + 1 Malt (Medium Roasted)
Malt (Medium Roasted) Perch -3:12 <= 0:48
Malt (Medium Roasted) Phagrus -8:20 <= -8:12
Malt (Medium Roasted) Rabbit Meat -7:36 <= -8:18
Malt (Medium Roasted) Salt -8:20 <= -5:36
Malt (Medium Roasted) Tilapia -7:44 <= -8:06
Malt (Medium Roasted) Watermelon 0:16 => -6:36
Malt (Raw) Mutton -6:16 <= -6:24
Malt (Raw) Oil -3:48 <= 6:44
Malt (Raw) Onions -5:16 <= -7:06
Malt (Raw) Oxyrynchus 5:36 <= -8:04
Malt (Raw) Peppers -8:24 <= 3:52 4 Honey + 2 Malt (Raw) + 1 Peppers 4 Honey + 2 Peppers + 1 Malt (Raw)
Malt (Raw) Perch -8:24 <= 5:30
Malt (Raw) Phagrus -3:32 <= 2:04
Malt (Raw) Rabbit Meat -2:24 <= 1:24
Malt (Raw) Salt -8:24 <= 4:36
Malt (Raw) Tilapia -6:12 <= -7:18
Malt (Raw) Watermelon -8:20 <= -3:20
Mutton Oil -5:18 => -7:24
Mutton Onions -8:18 <= -8:08
Mutton Oxyrynchus -6:36 => -1:42
Mutton Peppers -8:18 => -2:44 6 Mutton + 1 Peppers 4 Honey + 2 Peppers + 1 Mutton
Mutton Perch -8:12 => 3:06
Mutton Phagrus -6:48 => 2:24
Mutton Rabbit Meat -7:36 => -8:18
Mutton Salt -7:48 => -3:56
Mutton Tilapia 2:48 => -1:36
Mutton Watermelon -8:18 => -7:18
Oil Onions -6:00 <= 4:12
Oil Oxyrynchus -8:12 <= -8:18
Oil Peppers -7:48 => 4:32 4 Honey + 2 Oil + 1 Peppers 4 Honey + 2 Peppers + 1 Oil
Oil Perch 5:18 => 1:00
Oil Phagrus -7:58 <= 4:36
Oil Rabbit Meat -8:04 <= -8:20
Oil Salt -8:16 <= 6:52
Oil Tilapia -8:12 <= -7:48
Oil Watermelon 5:18 => -4:48
Onions Oxyrynchus -6:36 => -5:30
Onions Peppers -8:18 => -5:56 6 Onions + 1 Peppers 4 Honey + 2 Peppers + 1 Onions
Onions Perch -2:54 => -5:18
Onions Phagrus 2:42 => -7:48
Onions Rabbit Meat -7:12 => -5:30 6 Onions + 1 Rabbit Meat
Onions Salt 7:00 => -4:20
Onions Tilapia -7:42 => 0:36
Onions Watermelon -2:06 => -7:48
Oxyrynchus Peppers -2:28 => -8:20 4 Honey + 2 Oxyrynchus + 1 Peppers 4 Honey + 2 Peppers + 1 Oxyrynchus
Oxyrynchus Perch -1:24 => -7:18
Oxyrynchus Phagrus -7:24 => -8:18
Oxyrynchus Rabbit Meat -8:18 <= -8:18
Oxyrynchus Salt -6:48 => -4:40
Oxyrynchus Tilapia -2:06 <= -1:12
Oxyrynchus Watermelon -6:18 => -5:54
Peppers Perch 2:52 <= -8:06 4 Honey + 2 Peppers + 1 Perch 6 Perch + 1 Peppers
Peppers Phagrus -2:28 <= -8:16 4 Honey + 2 Peppers + 1 Phagrus 4 Honey + 2 Phagrus + 1 Peppers
Peppers Rabbit Meat -8:24 <= 1:52 4 Honey + 2 Peppers + 1 Rabbit Meat 4 Onions + 2 Rabbit Meat + 1 Peppers
Peppers Salt 1:48 <= 0:08 4 Honey + 2 Peppers + 1 Salt 4 Honey + 2 Salt + 1 Peppers
Peppers Tilapia -7:56 <= 3:42 4 Honey + 2 Peppers + 1 Tilapia 6 Tilapia + 1 Peppers
Peppers Watermelon -3:24 <= -8:08 4 Honey + 2 Peppers + 1 Watermelon 4 Honey + 2 Watermelon + 1 Peppers
Perch Phagrus -8:18 <= -3:48
Perch Rabbit Meat 4:00 <= -8:00
Perch Salt -8:18 <= 3:20
Perch Tilapia -8:18 <= -8:18
Perch Watermelon -8:00 => -0:18
Phagrus Rabbit Meat -6:00 <= 5:18
Phagrus Salt -8:00 <= -0:12
Phagrus Tilapia -7:54 <= -8:18
Phagrus Watermelon -1:00 => 1:54
Rabbit Meat Salt -4:32 => -3:24
Rabbit Meat Tilapia -8:18 => -2:24
Rabbit Meat Watermelon 5:48 => 7:18
Salt Tilapia -3:44 <= 0:24
Salt Watermelon 7:28 => -3:56
Tilapia Watermelon -8:12 => -8:06

The Tables

Since there are so many cookable foods, we have separated the table out into distinct pages for certain aspects of cooking:

There are three (semi-arbitrary) categories of food - Mushrooms, Nutrients (herbs) and Primary (everything not a mushroom or herb). Complete lists of these types may be found on the Food types page.

In instances where the amounts of ingredients are equal, the order is determined by the sort order or dominance order. See the Ingredient Order table for this (this data is also embedded in the tables as the direction arrows <= or =>).

cookingbasetimes.sxcturtledawnDecember 14, 2004 7:49 pm7337the same info as cookingbasetimes.html but in an OpenOffice spreadsheet format. Should open properly in most spreadsheet programs.

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Last edited February 8, 2006 8:00 pm by FaceAnkh (diff)