It has been researched that no comment will be displayed in some cases regarding one of this specificity of a failed mutagen, we consider it means things have then been done correctly -- but this could also be the lack of wit of our great scientists.
Note: Recipes are specific to a University, not a lab. All samples turned in to a University will be evaluated against that University's current recipe. When the scientists at that University have been presented with a drop of mutagen from a correct completion of their current recipe, that University begins working on a new recipe.
So posting of results should probably be organized by University. I think the results posted below are labeled LN because tests are being run at a LN lab, but I would have to guess they are being turned in at Karnak (which means these results could be combined with the Karnak results posted on the other page). But I don't know what University they have been turned in to for sure, so I won't change it myself. --Sola
Unfortunately it was Sinai Sola as I was not aware of the Uni dependant recipe system. I've ammended the page accordingly. ~ Zintwana.