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Guides > Wood Treatment > Recipes

This is a list of recipes for making Treated Boards in a Wood Treatment Tank. Since the rate of change for each attribute (or K Values) for each wood treatment tank is different, these recipes may not work exactly as written in your wood treatment tank. If a recipe does not work, it should at least give you a good starting point for figuring out a recipe that does work for your tank. There is also a guide to wood treatment and on how to calculate your K Values as well as links to simulators.

*IMPORTANT* All quantities below are listed in 'seconds of treatment', not in debens of usage. Every 10 seconds of treatment will actually use 1 deben of resource. You must apply these recipes in the order listed. Board types have their attributes sorted alphabetically, and then are added to the list alphabetically.

Also, check the recipes below using the simulator to check if it will work in your Wood Treatment Tank. Each Tank has different K Values.

Rigid Hard

Rigid Hard Blonde

Rigid Rotproof

Rigid Rotproof Nontoxic

Rigid fireproof

Rigid Rotproof Nontoxic White


Pliable Rotproof

Pliable soft

Pliable White

Pliable Soft Rotproof

Pliable Hard

Pliable Hard Volatile Blonde

Pliable Termite-resistant

Pliable Termite-resistant Nontoxic Blonde

Hard Rotproof

Hard Rotproof Blonde

Hard fireproof

Soft Rotproof

Rotproof Nontoxic

Rotproof Termite Resistant

Rotproof Termite-resistant Blonde

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Last edited February 12, 2006 8:38 am by Sapphicat (diff)