This is a list of recipes from Tale 1 for making
Treated Boards in a
Wood Treatment Tank. These are Tale 1 recipes, but should work with the subtition of Tar for Petroleum, everything else is the same. Since the rate of change for each attribute (or K Values) for each wood treatment tank is different, these recipes may not work exactly as written in your wood treatment tank. If a recipe does not work, it should at least give you a good starting point for figuring out a recipe that does work for your tank. There is also a
guide to wood treatment and on how to calculate your K Values as well as links to simulators.
*IMPORTANT* All quantities below are listed in 'seconds of treatment', not in debens of usage. Every 10 seconds of treatment will actually use 1 deben of resource. You must apply these recipes in the order listed. Board types have their attributes sorted alphabetically, and then are put into the list alphabetically.
- For all Petrol, use tar. It works to the same effect
Tale 1 Recipes
Black Glossy Hard
- 130 Water, 20 Beeswax, 30 Oil, 30 Petrol, 10 Lead, 12 Oil
Black Hard Pliable Boards
- 52 Oil, 8 Lime, 8 Petrol, 8 Lead, 2 Oil, 8 Saltpeter
Black Rigid
- 18 Ash, 8 Oil, 8 Petroleum, 9 Water, 33 Sulfur, 3 Petroleum, 20 Lime
Blonde Fireproof Rigid
- 3 Water, 10 Lead, 10 Potash, 10 Sulfur, 20 Lime
Blonde Glossy
- 130 Water, 120 Beeswax, 10 Water, 10 Sulfur
Blonde Glossy Hard
- 130 Water, 120 beeswax, 30 Lime, 60 Sulfur
Blonde Hard Rigid Volatile
Blonde Rotproof
- 20 Sulfur, 35 Oil, 30 Beeswax, 35 Sulfur
Blonde Termite-Resistant
- 69 Sulfur, 9 Saltpeter, 9 Petroleum
Glossy Hard White
- 130 Water, 120 beeswax, 30 Lime, 60 Sulfur, 30 Potash, 1 Oil
Glossy White
- 120 Water, 35 Saltpeter, 10 Petroleum, 20 Oil, 15 Potash
Hard Fireproof
- 3 Oil, 3 Water, 9 Lead, 9 Lime, 9 Petrol, 9 Potash, 29 Sulfur, 29 Ash
Hard Glossy White
- 130 Water, 120 beeswax, 30 Lime, 60 Sulfur, 30 Potash
Hard Pliable Rotproof
- 95 Oil, 7 Lime, 10 Petrol, 12 Lead, 8 Sulfur, 10 Oil, 32 Beeswax, 33 Saltpeter
Hard Rigid Rotproof
- 150 Sulfur, 26 Lime, 8 Oil, 24 Beeswax
Nontoxic Rigid
- 5 Water, 33 Sulfur, 25 Lime, 16 Water
Nontoxic Soft
- 60 Sulfur, 20 Lime, 10 Water, 10 Lime, 5 Water
- 3 Water, 33 Sulfur, 3 Lead, 1 Water
Rigid Rotproof
- 55 Sulfur, 25 Lime, 10 Oil, 20 Wax
Rigid Termite-Resistant
- 70 Sulfur, 10 Saltpeter, 20 Lead
Rotproof Soft
- 95 Oil, 20 Beeswax, 8 Water, 60 Saltpeter, 18 Beeswax