All the members of the guild have contributed considerable time, effort and resources. Some of their more significant efforts are listed below, but there is a lot of general work and maintenance they've put in.
The list is arranged in approximately chronological order, so some early donations may seem simple, but those resources were normally harder to acquire early on.
- Alya: many bricks and boards
- Esme & FaceAnkh: many bricks, boards, straw, flax and slate
- Hieros: more bricks
- Kem: lots of grass (really helped with the bricks!)
- Pheanor-Re: leather and oil for two pottery wheels
- Esme and FaceAnkh: 2 pottery wheels
- Alis: medium stone
- Hellinar & ozith: 2 pottery wheels (rope from ozith)
- Ptenkhet: firebricks for kilns and flint for rocksaws, rope + oil + leather for another 6 pottery wheels
- Janvira: 2 flystones, firebricks for kilns
- Sejdemash(FaceAnkh): cornerstone 1
- aqualit: 40 oil (rocksaw)
- Pheanor-Re and Alis: 40 oil, 7 leather (towards a mason's bench)
- Red Sea Disciples: second rocksaw
- C4: 2 flystones
- Ezzy (Esme): cornerstone 2
- Ndainye: anvil bed
- Ledara/ozith/FA+Esme: anvil tools
- Silat: nail mould (for upgraded forge)
- Qetesh: 14 carpentry shop blades
- Ezzy: millions of flax combs
- FaceAnkh and Esme (and ozith): pinch rollers
- idnic: thousands of clay and ~100 flint
- Ledara and Hawkeye: copperwire for a handloom
- Hellinar: cornerstone 3
- LittleCleo: 100cc, 20 iron, 40 wax & honey
- Ptenkhet: many kilns, MCB, kitchen
- ozith: 9 sm, 5 med, 1 large quartz
- Ledara: 2 medium stones, 12 cuttables
- Alya: 10 student forges
- aqualit: paper press and 2 flax hammocks
- Zizen: 5 carp blades
- Luna: many bricks and boards
- Tono: cornerstone 4
- Trathien: nail moulds for the 10 forges
- Alis and Pheanor-Re: marble for a tasting table
- Esme and FaceAnkh: 2 iron pots
- Tono: kilns and copper sheeting for 2 kettles
- Cygnus: 1 brass plate for watermine
- Alis: 24 glass pipes for watermine
- FaceAnkh+Esme: barrel vice
- Granyx: 22 sheet glass (vault kiln)
- aqualit: 2400 firebricks (vault kiln)
- Esme+FA: 4 more rocksaws
- Esme: 4000 firebricks + 4000 wet firebricks (vault kiln)
- Rym: 28 sheet glass, 450 firebricks (vault kiln)
- FaceAnkh: 6 carp shop blades (~6k)
- Granyx: 879 firebricks (vault kiln)
- LittleCleo: 1000 firebricks (vault kiln)
- Alis: 1500 wet firebricks (vault kiln)
- Ptenkhet: firing 5k wetbricks(!)
- Cygnus: 3 thermos (vault kiln)
- Cygnus/CoLG: 58 bearings (40/18) for pottery deck
- Esme+FA: 2 kettles
- Esme: charcoal hearth
- Alis+Pheanor(+Esme+FA): 6 OSM for wine tasting table
- aqualit: 5 carp shop blades
- Ptenkhet: watermine bits, gemcutting table bits
- LittleCleo: 40 white sand (gem cutting table)
- LittleCleo+Djehuty: 142 bearings, 60 flystones (pottery deck), 20 med stones
- Esme+FA: rest of the pottery deck bits
- Ptenkhet: compound + cornerstone
- Nileside Lounge: some brick racks & drying racks
- Ptenkhet: 2nd paper press
- Ptenkhet: 400 small quartz for a barrel grinder
- Esme+FA: 10 more rocksaws and a mason's bench
- Cygnus(Ledara): 5 kettles
- Chlodwig: charcoal oven
- Esme+FA: more (24?) pottery wheels
- LittleCleo: most of a greenhouse
- otter: remaining dirt for greenhouse
- Chlodwig: glory hole
- Ptenkhet: paper press
- Ptenkhet: 9 more kettles
- Esme+FA: bearings, pinch rollers, some of the cut stone and other bits for 7 more paper presses
- Ptenkhet: 100 cut stone and 84 brass for 7 more paper presses
- Esme+FA: remaining bits for barrel grinder, 2nd kitchen
- Esme+FA: 20 flax hammocks
- ozith: cornerstone to replace Tono's (expired :S)
- Esme+FA: beetle terrarium
- Esme+FA: acid bath
- Esme+FA: 2500 firebricks, 10 copper sheeting for the clinker vat
- Miu+Nubi: 60 cut stone for the clinker vat
- Ptenkhet: star rack, 20 pinch rollers for forges, 10 kettles, gearbox assembly table
- aqualit(+Tono): 1 charcoal oven
- OldJoe (With Esme's bricks): 1 charcoal oven
- Chlodwig: charcoal oven
- LittleCleo: batch mixer for paint lab
- Ledara: 400 dirt, 24 sheet glass (greenhouses)
- Alis: 200 dirt (greenhouses)
- Eranu: 24 sheet glass (greenhouses)
- Esme+FA: remaining bits for a greenhouse
- Esme+FA: 120 linen for paper presses
- Esme+FA: remaining bits for 3 greenhouses
- Esme: 797 dirt
- OldJoe, Ptenkhet, LittleCleo: first charcoal brazier
- Sola: banquet table
- ToKay, OldJoe, Ptenkhet, Eranu, Sola, Tamutnefret, LittleCleo: second charcoal brazier
Many thanks to everyone for all the help :)