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Laws > Unknown > Camel Straw Sanity Act

Camel Straw Sanity Act

A maxium of 300 straw may be added to a camel pen in a 24hr period.

By putting a limmit on the amount that can be added per day, time can be spent more productively. As long as you put in 300 every day, you are guarenteed to get a camel based on when you built the pen.

Because some one that started later than you can never overtake you, as long as you keep up the 300 per day, you are guarenteed to get a camel before them.

Because your pen gets emptied out when the camel arives, you go back to the end of the queue and have to wait your turn again. This guarentees even distribution of camels.

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Last edited October 14, 2004 1:09 am by Moofius (diff)