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Macros > Raeli Oven

This macro will save the RGB values of a Raeli Oven to a file every 30 seconds as well as the current time. The macro DELETES the file if it exists when it first starts, so be sure to rename old color logs before starting it again. Pin the Raeli Oven window to the top left of the screen and make sure to leave it unobstucted. You can even switch to other programs, as long as the Raeli Oven window is still visible. You can paste the output of the file into this webpage (Tiles) and it will give you a list of color names. Be aware that there is a chance it will miss colors if they have a very small window. I have seen it miss a color once that only showed up for 30 seconds. It should be accurate for the most part though. The macro turns off when the R, G, and B values are all less than 20 (Black).

SetActiveWindow eGenesis Client

	ColorFile = File

DeleteFile c:\raeli.txt

While 1 = 1
	LoadRGB 90, 200
	If {RGBRed} < 20
		If {RGBGreen} < 20
			If {RGBBlue} < 20
	FileOpen ColorFile, c:\raeli.txt
	FileAppend ColorFile
	FileWrite ColorFile, {Hour}:{Minute}:{Second} - {RGBRed} {RGBGreen} {RGBBlue}
	FileClose ColorFile
	//Keys {RGBRed} {RGBGreen} {RGBBlue} {RETURN} //Uncomment this to have the RGB sent to chat
	Delay 30 sec

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Last edited February 8, 2005 11:10 pm by Chichis (diff)