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Pharaoh's Palace

We believe that Pharaoh should have a home in the land of Egypt. We have designed and are building a palace in Lower Nubia -- Pharaoh's Playground -- to give him such a home.

We ask for your help.

The guild The Architects of the Great Palace are organizing this effort. You may talk to any of the members: Mykerinos?, Ingenia, Djehuty, Rhyddereh, Helpmaboab, CardinalTarod, FaceAnkh, Esme?, Zignotrop, Marrick, Draeton?, or Gamaruset, if you have questions.

Scroll down for the resources required for the design and a spot to enter your pledge to help build Pharaoh's Palace. Locations of publically stashable chests are also provided.

Look to the bottom of the page for the announcement text.

If there is a lot of interest and effort, we will proceed to a second phase which will include the beautification and upgrading of Pharaoh's Palace. But we need to get this stage done first!

The Location

The Design

The Requirements

Feel free to edit this page with your pledge! Any extra resources will go into possible future expansions.

I am compelled to ask: are the requirements based on building the whole compound in one fell swoop? This is important only in that requirements are based on the size of the final result. Thus, significant savings will be seen by building a large compound in sections, and especially so when building costly elements (marble flooring and columns) early on, when the compound is still small. - Sabt-Pestnu
I believe the Palace has been designed as a single compound, rather than in sections. Sadly, the designer has left this land, leaving only fragments of papyrus scrolls describing his intended design. But with the support of the people of Egypt and with the Gods smiling on us, Pharoah will soon his palace. - helpmaboab

Note the new *cheaper* resource requirements due to an updated design!

Resource Needed Have Pledged
Bricks 255,390 50000 233,000
Flax 4,381 4,381 All
Slate 20,790 18,541
Straw 8,762 0 All


Player Pledge Stage
SplitSecond 40,000 bricks (and 30,000 straw for bricks) Awaiting pickup
Gamaruset 10,000 bricks Making
Granyx 21k straw for bricks Awaiting pickup
Stratochief All Flax Complete
Ahz 100 slate
Rhyddereh 1,500 slate
Ptemich 500 slate Complete
Gamaruset 1,500 slate Complete
Helpmaboab 4,000 slate 6555 done
ThePencil 1,000 slate Complete
Blogmul 1,500 delivered
Gronk 55 slate complete
Ancano 500 slate complete
Aleric 10,000 bricks Awaiting pickup
Aleric 2,000 slate 1,000 delivered
Taurean 20,000 bricks, 2,000 slate
Draeton 1,000 slate
Khama 500 slate delivered
Both 300 slate delivered
Katma 500 slate delivered
Anonymous- LN donation chest 1600slate delivered

Drop-off Location

Wondering where to drop off resources? Either /chat one of the people listed above, or use one of the public donation chests:

Region Coordinates Notes
Cradle of the Sun 4954, -1986South of CS, by Hegemon Tables
Desert of Shades -1428, 2786 up hill NW from CS
Fools Paradise -2100, -457 Small Hill North of CS
Karnak 1378, -882 West of CS, behind ToI's
Lower Nubia Palace grounds
Lower Nubia830, -3617 North of CS, by Kings Convoy
Nile Delta 844, 7052 on hill behind CS
Pharaohs Bay -987, 7673 on hill West of CS
Red Sea Oasis 2350, 2289 East of CS
Sinai 2643, 5555 on hill behind CS
Upper Nubia 741, -7838 East of CS
Valley of the Kings -1317, 5434 on hill West of CS

The Announcement

Good day, people of Egypt.

It is with great hope that I address you today.

I see all across Egypt the wondrous works created by our people. I have seen wondrous towers light the way across Egypt, and staggeringly enormous obelisks that dwarf everything within sight. I have witnessed swirling lights in the sky in an entrancing and mesmerizing dance. I have been awed as people dedicate tremendous amounts of time and energy to the worship of the gods. I have partaken of, and been witness to, some tremendous matches of wit and tenacity on the boards of conflict. I have been stumped by, and sometimes managed solve the occasional mind-twisting puzzles devised by some of the most devious Egyptians I have ever known. I have been inspired by Egyptians who speak of a better tomorrow, and who give themselves over willingly to help integrate new immigrants into our great land. I have observed people seek out instruction and challenges across Egypt to perfect and hone their physical physique.

It is this last discipline, the Discipline of Body, which brings me to the reason I address you today.

Recently, I, like many of you, began the Test of the Singing Cicadas. Scattered across our wondrous country are scattered cages of cicadas, and it is up to us to find them, gather them, and then form our own cage and place it so that we may challenge others to find it. “What a wondrous way to explore our land!” I thought to myself. And so I took up the challenge, and began the exploration of Egypt.

During my exploration I found many hidden oases in this great land. I discovered treasures of geography, breathtaking sunsets and night-skies, and mesmerizing natural wonders. “Look at this land,” I thought to myself. “There is so much land to love!”

I have yet to find enough cicadas to form my own cage for hiding, but that is not why I address you today.

During my journeys I noticed something else, missing from the land of Egypt. As enormous, beautiful, and awesome a land is Egypt, I could not help as though it was missing the heart of the people.

I began to worry; had I missed something, or have we as Egyptians forgotten it altogether? I began to ask around. I met others along the way who felt the same. “Egypt is an amazing, spectacular, and wonderful place to live and work … yet, we do feel as though something is missing.”

For we have run the sun-dappled sands of the desert, the swollen banks of the Nile, and the salty shores of Egypt, and have found no place where Pharaoh may make his home in our land.

It is only fit that our ruler should live with his people, and not on some rumoured remote island, where, though he is safe, he is not near the people who love and adore their god-king.

We were perfect agreement. This oversight must be corrected.

And so we have designed a palace for Pharaoh.

Some of you may wonder where such a palace could be built. Some of you may rightly state that there are many places in all of our great land that is suitable for Pharaoh’s palace.

Yet, is that really true? Surely Pharaoh would appreciate his palace being placed in what was once known as “Pharaoh’s playground”? Would just any road outside the palace other than the grandest walk in all of Egypt suffice?

And so, the others in the group have advised me that Pharaoh’s palace should be built in his playground —in Lower Nubia. And so there it was placed, there it was designed, and there shall it be built.

Surely I could dedicate myself to building this palace. If not myself, than the group of us that discussed the idea could built it!

But that is not the purpose of the palace. To be a gift of the people, it must be *from* the people and not only a few!

And so I ask you, Egypt, to help us build his palace. I ask you, to find it in yourselves, to spare some of your already scant resources, to give up – just a little – to share your materials, for Pharaoh’s palace.

Shall we toil endlessly in overcoming the Stranger’s challenges and ignore the one who guides us through the treacherous waters? Or instead should we recognize his efforts, show him our love, and construct for him a palace fit for the god-king Pharaoh? Is it too much to ask of us, the people, to construct a place for Pharaoh to rest his weary head after having toiled endlessly to make Egypt a better place for all of us?

No! I do not just say no, I shout it! No! It is not too much to ask!

Some of you may wonder how we plan to accomplish this.

Those of us that have formed this idea have also formed a guild of like-minded people: The Architects of the Great Palace.

You may recognize some of the people who are dedicating themselves towards this endeavour: Mykerinos, Ingenia, Djehuty, Rhyddereh, Helpmaboab, CardinalTarod, FaceAnkh, Esme, Zignotrop, Marrick, Draeton, and myself.

Each of these individuals has volunteered to help coordinate resources and accept donations from generous individuals across the land. You may ask them any questions you have about this project, and they will be more than happy to answer your questions.

I ask you, Egypt, to look at yourselves and ask if you could spare even a few resources! Some of you may currently be working towards completing a megalopolis. Would it be that difficult to save a small portion of those bricks and give them to a palace for Pharaoh?

I leave that to you, Egypt. Let us, together, build Pharaoh’s Palace!

(Those curious can visit’s_Palace)

Design.jpgGamarusetFebruary 13, 2005 8:17 pm85185The design of the palace
Location.jpgGamarusetFebruary 13, 2005 8:17 pm56023The location of the palace

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Last edited March 19, 2005 11:29 pm by Helpmaboab (diff)