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Resources > Khefre's Essence

Khefre's Essence is created by using a chest to mulch beetles. When a chest (or tent) contains one or more beetles, clicking on the chest will give you an option to mulch all the beetles stashed in it.

You get 1 Khefre's Essence per 500 beetles you mulch. You do not have to mulch all 500 beetles at one time, nor do all 500 beetles need to have been mulched in the same chest.


Mulching Beetles

Every time you mulch beetles, you get some Khefre's Essence. So it doesn't matter if you mulch 500 beetles in one chest, or 1 beetle each in 500 chests, once you've mulched your 500th beetle, you get a Khefre's Essence.

Before you reach the critical 500 beetle point, you have less than a full deben of the Essence, and thus less than enough to use for other projects. For simplicity, the "less than a deben" of essence doesn't appear in your inventory.

Pharaoh likened it to "having some bug mulch stuck on your hands". I prefer thinking of it as a partially full jar that you just keep around. Maybe your cicadas like it, or something. - Sabt-Pestnu

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Last edited February 2, 2006 10:30 pm by Hekatef (diff)