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Moss is gathered from Aqueduct Towers and has as yet no known uses other than for research in Herbiculture (extra characteristics are OK for donating). Details are still needed. Feel free to edit.


Every moss can be of one or more of the kinds listed below (up to five kinds have been observed on a single moss). Multiple kinds appear in alphabetical order. Common moss seems to be special in that it cannot be harvested and only seems to appear alone.

The characteristics of the moss can be changed by someone drinking from the Aqueduct Towers. You will get a message stating that the characteristics of the moss have changed ("You murmur a silent prayer to the gods, lean over the moss-covered cistern, and take a deep drink of the cool water. Your stat seems subtly enhanced, and the moss has somehow changed character a bit."). You can continue to drink from towers, but you can only change the characteristics of the moss once per teppy hour.

The change appears to be somewhat random, but each change does appear to be similar to the previous moss.

What is the maximum number of characteristics for any moss?

Kinds of Moss

Potential Moss attribute combinations

A checklist for identifying existing Moss Attributes. We have no idea as of yet what the maximum number of attributes are, or if any set of combinations are incompatible.


Known ways a moss can change characteristics:

From To Added Removed
calico, fuzzy, slimy fuzzy, slimy - calico
common slimy slimy common
common prickly prickly -
green, spotted fuzzy, spotted fuzzy green
crackly, green crackly, dry, green dry -
green common common green
green crackly crackly green
green, spotted green, prickly, spotted prickly -
mottled dry, mottled dry -
mottled mottled, spongy spongy -
mottled, spongy mottled - spongy
mottled, spongy, spotted mottled - spongy, spotted
prickly prickly, striped striped -
slimy, spotted dry, slimy dry spotted
spongy, spotted mottled, spongy, spotted mottled -
fuzzy,spotted prickled,spotted prickled fuzzy


Moss regrows with unaltered characteristics 2-3 minutes after harvesting.

Minutes Quantity
0-2 0
2-9 1
10-22 2
23-39 3
40-60 4
70-80 5

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Last edited June 10, 2005 9:15 pm by Cappu (diff)