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Resources > Mushrooms

Mushroom Types

Type Screenshot Type Screenshot Type Screenshot Type Screenshot
Acorn's Cap Bleeding Hand Brain Camel's Mane
Cat Nip Cobra's Hood Colt's Foot Dead Tongue
Dueling Serpents Dung Rot Earth Light Eye of Osiris
Fish Hook Hairy Tooth Heart of Ash Heaven's Torrent
Iron Knot Nature's Jug Nefertari's Crown Peasant's Foot
Pool of Tranquility Ra's Awakening Razor's Edge Salt Water Fungus
Sand Spore Scorpion's Brood Slave's Bread Toad Skin

Introduction to Mushrooms

Mushrooms are a family of resources with different rarities, some extremely easy to find and others rare and troublesome to acquire. They can be used in Cooking and some have other uses (such as Paint ingredients). Mushrooms appear randomally throughout Egypt during the night, mostly between 2:00-4:30, though some have different spawn times.

You can hunt for mushrooms during the above hours; basically, choose a large stretch of land, away from the Chariot Stops, and arrive there at around 2:00. Start running around the area, using the Builder's Cam (shortcut is F7)- in several minutes you will be able to see small glints on the horizon. Approach them and change to a different camera (using F5, F6 and F8). Click on a mushroom to pick it up.

A good location for your first mushroom hunt (nicknamed Shrooming) is large stretches of grass, as it has a high variety of mushrooms, and they are easily seen using Builder's Cam.

Mushroom Tracking

Shroomdar - an online tool for tracking Mushroom appearances.
Please update the Shroomdar whenever you find clusters of mushrooms.

Currently Known Mushroom Information

Please notice the information below has varying degrees of accuracy.

Acorn's Cap

Bleeding Hand


Camel's Mane

Cat Nip

Cobra's Hood

Colt's Foot

Dead Tongue

Dueling Serpents

Dung Rot

Earth Light

Eye of Osiris

Fish Hook

Found soil acidity at 441 at large spawn and 281 at single spawn P I 21.

Hairy Tooth

Heart of Ash

Heaven's Torrent

Iron Knot

Nature's Jug

Stays in one spot for several nights, with increasing spawns each night, before moving somewhere completely different. Seems to spawn in powers of 2 (4, 32, 128, 256).

Nefertari's Crown

Grows in groups of five. Four will be close together, with the fifth slightly away from others.

Peasant's Foot

Pool of Tranquility

Ra's Awakening

Razor's Edge

Theory: May stay in one spot for several nights, with increasing spawns each night, before moving somewhere completely different (like Nature's Jug). Also seems to spawn in powers of two, like NJ.

Salt Water Fungus

Sand Spore

Preliminary data suggest 500 to 1000 pairs spawn, Egypt-wide, each night. (Can anyone confirm this?)

Scorpion's Brood

Slave's Bread

Toad Skin

Raw data and Ideas

Spawn Times, and other details

--It seems to me that each type of mushroom, with the exception of Bleeding Hand and Eye of Osiris, has a "partner" that has similar spawning habits. This is especially linked to spawning time, and in most cases the type of terrain as well. Nature's Jug and Razor's Edge, though, while spawning at the exact same times, spawn in very different areas.

It's unclear what significance this has, if any.

Mushroom Type Pairs
Dead Tongue Acorn's Cap
Razor's Edge Nature's Jug
Camel's Mane Toad Skin
Cat Nip Brain
Iron Knot Cobra's Hood
Colt's Foot Nefertari's Crown
Sand Spore Dueling Serpents
Pool of Tranquility Dung Rot
Scorpion's Brood Earth Light
Peasant Foot Heart of Ash
Hairy Tooth Fish Hook
Heaven's Torrent Salt Water Fungus
Slave's Bread Ra's Awakening

Hmm. Each of these pairs has one "ancient" mushroom, and one mushroom that was introduced halfway through T1 when Darkest Night was first released. I smell code reuse :) -- Amtep

Mer-GanGetham: The pairing of Camels Mane and Toad Skin must be weak or influenced by other factors, as we get CM in my area almost every "night", but I have never found a TS here.
Knives: Nothing says the pairs have to spawn in the exact same locations; just that they have similar spawning habits and have the same spawning/despawning times.
A couple of times recently, mixed batches of Iron Knot and Bleeding Hand have spawned in Desert of Shades, shortly after Razor's Edge spawned.

Mushroom Progressions/Patterns

Ifur asserts that there is a progression of shrooms. So, for example, one night you see EL, the next night Brain will be nearby (assuming an appropriate habitat is nearby), then Cat Nip. So if you want Brain, look at EL spots from the day before.

Please verify or disprove the concept.

EL -> Brain -> Cat Nip

- Is EL the start of the chain or does it go in circles? - Calqu
- Doesnt seem to go full circles, but can probably loop within it, if you take enough shrooms into concideration in the circle. A recent brain spawn in DoS seem to have looped once with CN->Brain->CN. - Ifur
- I've noticed this sort of thing too, but I don't think it's caused by a set cycle. Probably just variations in the ecology, which we have no way of testing. I know I picked up EL for almost a week straight in one spot before, and never saw any Br or CN around. Oh, and you do realize Br and CN are one of the 'pairs' mentioned above... so it's only natural they'd spawn in the same area. ~Knives

Mushroom Ecology

Acorn's Cap depends on elevation, nitrogen, phosphorous, acidity and eco-density.
Bleeding hand - nitrogen, phosphorous, eco-density
Brain - nitrogen and eco-density
Camel's mane - elevation, heavymetals, acidity, nitrogen, eco-density

How do we know any of this? --Megrez
This is all complete speculation. We currently have no way to test any of that and never had a way to test nitrogen and phosphorus. --MacPhisto
It's from cache-mining, I guess; this information has been in the cache files since T1. Note that you're not told *how* the shrooms depend on the variables or how they affect them, and there are currently no ways to measure any of these variables or even officially know they exist. --insomnia
Since you cannot understand, I cannot? Tut tut that is fallacious.-- Anon
If you understand it, surely you can explain it better? For example, how does nitrogen affect Bleeding Hand shrooms? Does there need to be a high level of nitrogen for BH to appear? What is a high level of nitrogen? How can I measure the level of nitrogen in a given area? -- insomnia

ShanVizen: Starting to update this page, tidying things up and adding some reference links for easier navigation. This may take a while (10/27/2005)

Shadus: I went ahead and moved this to Resources/Mushrooms and uploaded all the geocities graphics to the main server... sorry whoever's graphics I moved over. I also moved the two pics from old "Mushrooms" page. Someone needs to upload a 120x120 pic of scorpions brood called SCB.jpg and it'll automatically fill in the appropriate place in the chart.

Erika I found all of the double-indents and references to Tale 1 info confusing. I added Tale 1 flags to the double-indents, took out information that seemed to be verified (by a single-indent), and verified a few things either from Shroomdar or my own knowledge of shroom uses (eg IK and TS). Hope this doesn't bother anyone too much. January 11, 2005.

AC.jpgShadusOctober 4, 2004 10:34 am43254Acorn's Cap #1
BH.jpgShadusOctober 4, 2004 10:35 am43254Bleeding Hand #1
BRN.jpgShadusOctober 4, 2004 10:35 am43254Brain #1
CF.jpgShadusOctober 4, 2004 10:35 am43254Colt's Foot #1
CH.jpgShadusOctober 4, 2004 10:36 am43254Cobra's Hood #1
CM.jpgShadusOctober 4, 2004 10:37 am43254Camel's Mane #1
CN.jpgShadusOctober 4, 2004 10:37 am43254Catnip #1
DR.jpgShadusOctober 4, 2004 10:38 am12439Dung Rot #1
DS.jpgShadusOctober 4, 2004 10:38 am43254Dueling Serpant #1
DT.jpgShadusOctober 4, 2004 10:39 am43254Dead Tongue #1
EL.jpgShadusOctober 4, 2004 10:39 am43254Earth Light #1
EOO.jpgShadusOctober 4, 2004 10:40 am43254Eye of Osiris #1
FH.jpgShadusOctober 4, 2004 10:40 am43254Fish Hook #1
HOA.jpgShadusOctober 4, 2004 10:40 am43254Heart of Ash #1
HT.jpgShadusOctober 4, 2004 10:42 am43254Hairy Tooth #1
HVT.jpgShadusOctober 4, 2004 10:41 am43254Heaven's Torrent #1
IK.jpgShadusOctober 4, 2004 10:42 am43254Iron Knot #1
NC.jpgShadusOctober 4, 2004 10:43 am43254Nefertari's Crown #1
NJ.jpgShadusOctober 4, 2004 10:43 am43254Nature's Jug #1
PF.jpgShadusOctober 4, 2004 10:44 am7872Peasant's Foot #1
POT.jpgShadusOctober 4, 2004 10:44 am43254Pool of Tranquility #1
RA.jpgShadusOctober 4, 2004 10:44 am43254Ra's Awakening #1
RE.jpgShadusOctober 4, 2004 10:45 am43254Razor's Edge #1
SB.jpgShadusOctober 4, 2004 10:45 am43254Slave's Bread #1
SCB.jpgSarielOctober 24, 2004 12:16 pm10458Scorpions Brood
SS.jpgShadusOctober 4, 2004 10:46 am43254Sand Spore #1
SWF.jpgShadusOctober 4, 2004 10:46 am43254Saltwater Fungus #1
TS.jpgShadusOctober 4, 2004 10:47 am43254Toad Skin #1

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Last edited April 30, 2006 4:33 pm by Vilbert (diff)