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Can be gathered from trees, certain trees have more wood than others. They have a timer for gathering the trees which can be halved by fertilising with saltpeter.

When you have a hatchet you will gather more wood at once but the re-growth of the wood will be multiplied by the same amount as the extra wood. Using a hatchet often allows longer wood runs to be profitable.

Increased perception may also give an additional multiplier bonus.

There are various wood bearing plants in the game - see the foliage page for yields and pictures.

Wood may also be collected with offline chores.

Wood is useful if you want to make Boards.

It is also beneficial if you ever need to make a Bonfire

It is used to produce Charcoal.

It also has the following uses:

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Last edited August 18, 2005 12:23 pm by Alayena (diff)