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Sunset > Venery > Help Banner Tour Spoiler

Welcome Message

To reach the mainland, you'll need a Sail for your Ferry. You can visit each of the Help Banners and then get your Sail from the School of Arts and Music by asking for Supplies, or you can grow additional Flax, process it into Thread, and weave your own Sail. Either method is fine.

Please click on the Venery Base again and "Search for Keys" for your first clue. You can check your status (or Withdraw) at any time with ESC > Tests > Venery > Keyring (or Withdraw).

Help Banner Tour

Congratulations! You have completed the Help Banner Tour, and you now have a Venery Certificate that you can read using your ESC > Special menu. If you don't already have a Sail, you can obtain one by visiting the School of Art and Music, and asking for Supplies.

There are 24 Help Banner Statues on the Welcome Island. The first Statue, with fluttering banners supported on outstretched arms, is just behind you up here on the top of the mountain. Click on it and "Search for Keys."

The Basics

Proceed down the path, to the first curve, for your next banner.

No Hint, because a key cannot be hidden in the Venery Base.


Watch for the next banner on the left side, on the outside of the curve. Bump your cursor on the left or right side of the screen, and admire the waterfall on the interior of the island.

You still need a key: Activate your /clockloc option. Go to The Basics at 319 -215 and "Search for Keys".

Basic Resources

Don't go too far. Your next banner is on the grassy patch.

You still need a key: Activate your /clockloc option. Go to Goals at 396 -206 and "Search for Keys."


Now go on down the path, just past the canyon.

You still need a key: Activate your /clockloc option. Go to Basic Resources at 405 -204 and "Search for Keys."


Your next banner is in a patch of Sand.

You still need a key: Activate your /clockloc option. Go to Grass at 409 -219 and "Search for Keys."


This isn't the last sand you'll ever see in Egypt!. Your next banner is near the seashore.

You still need a key: Activate your /clockloc option. Go to Utilities at 425 -220 and "Search for Keys."


Your next banner is on the causeway, halfway across the lake.

You still need a key: Activate your /clockloc option. Go to Sand at 449 -227 and "Search for Keys."


You're now as good at slate as you will ever be. Walk along the lake shore to the next banner, and gather some slate on the way.

You still need a key: Activate your /clockloc option. Go to Mud at 448 -247 and "Search for Keys."

More Resources

The next one is easy to find. Don't bump your nose.

You still need a key: Activate your /clockloc option. Go to Slate at 440 -269 and "Search for Keys."


Look in the clump of trees just this side of that big building.

You still need a key: Activate your /clockloc option. Go to More Resources at 445 -277 and "Search for Keys."


Head left, directly toward the ocean, just over the low hills.

You still need a key: Activate your /clockloc option. Go to Straw at 437 -293 and "Search for Keys."


Head for the big building back by the road. Gather some thorns on the way.

You still need a key: Activate your /clockloc option. Go to Thorns at 409 -301 and "Search for Keys."


Now cross the road and go most of the way to the foothills.

You still need a key: Activate your /clockloc option. Go to Chat at 416 -330 and "Search for Keys."

Stone Blade

You've got the pattern now. :-) Head on down the road just a bit.

You still need a key: Activate your /clockloc option. Go to Schools at 403 -304 and "Search for Keys."

First Project

Your next stop is just past the junction. Don't go up the hill just yet.

You still need a key: Activate your /clockloc option. Go to Stone Blade at 404 -287 and "Search for Keys."

The Path

We'll go up into the village later. For now, take the footpath over to the other school.

You still need a key: Activate your /clockloc option. Go to First Project at 395 -296 and "Search for Keys."


Now for some cross country exploration. Type /clockloc in your chat bar to get the location tracker, and find the banner at 349 -273.

You still need a key: Activate your /clockloc option. Go to The Path at 386 -291 and "Search for Keys."

Rotten Flax

That worked! The location of the next banner allows us to explain rendering behavior. You'll see a few object, such as compounds, from a long ways away, but minor objects aren't typically displayed until you approach them. Walk towards 341 -249, over by the second clump of trees, and watch your next banner appear. This has been happening all along, but you probably hadn't noticed it before.

You still need a key: Activate your /clockloc option. Go to Flax at 363 -298 and "Search for Keys."

Tar Pit

Press your F7 key and find the small beige building up in the village. If you walk straight toward the Guildhall you CAN climb the cliff, promise. But you'll probably have to give up and use the road to reach the compound, won't you. :-Þ

You still need a key: Activate your /clockloc option. Go to Rotten Flax at 349 -273 and "Search for Keys."


Continue on around the village road to the mine.

You still need a key: Activate your /clockloc option. Go to Tar Pit out in the middle of the grassy plain at 341 -249 and "Search for Keys."


The animal pens are your next stop.

You still need a key: Activate your /clockloc option. Go to Compound at 384 -270 and "Search for Keys."


On the Island it's easy to find the Guildhall. Finding your way on the mainland is more of a challenge. Our Wiki, at, is an excellent resource.

You still need a key: Activate your /clockloc option. Go to Mining at 373 -271 and "Search for Keys."


Chariots are the backbone of our transportation system on the mainland.

You still need a key: Activate your /clockloc option. Go to Livestock at 370 -262 and "Search for Keys."

Chariot Stop

You now eligible for a Sail. Please return to the School of Art and Music, and ask for Supplies.

If you would also like to get a Venery Certificate, in addition to your Sail, you'll need to climb back up the mountain and once again Search for Keys on the Venery Base. Otherwise, once you have your sail, you can simply abandon the tour by selecting ESC > Tests > Venery > Withdraw.

You still need a key: Activate your /clockloc option. Go to Guildhall at 373 -257 and "Search for Keys."

Action Items

  1. Check on the Usage Statistics for the current Island Banners
  2. Get Teppy to fix "withdrown"
  3. Get Teppy to extend the Ownership menu to include Transfer of Ownership, and thereby Change of Designer, including donating the Venery back to the Guild
  4. Verify that the Student Loom will make a Sail on the Island
  5. Remove the Sail from the Ferry Tuition
  6. Add a Sail when you ask for Supplies at the School of Arts and Music WITH a Common Altar Key or with a Venery Certificate
  7. Modify the Citizenship tab to include the Venery Track for a Sail, OR the Student Loom track
  8. If a sail gets swept up, does the player run the Venery again, or what? We don't want to create a market in Sails
  9. Ask Teppy about building a Glider on the Island
  10. Ask Teppy about the MegaChat concept as an Architectural Monument test

Once everything has been validated, French and German translations will be added to the Welcome Text, and to each Clue and Hint.

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Last edited January 22, 2006 9:05 am by MarvL (diff)