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T3Beta > Architecture > Initiation

The Tale 3 Principles of Architecture is available to citizens of level 1 or higher. It requires that you build a compound which is then expanded to 16 sectors. You don't have to expand it yourself, but the effect of guild ownership has yet to be tested. Successful completion of this Principle increases your level by 1.

Low Cost Housing

Once you've aquired Citizenship, your next likely task will be to build a Compound and complete Principles of Architecture. You'll need the following materials:

Step 1

Go to a convenient School of Architecture, use your F3 map to find a SArch, and purchase the Compound Contstruction skill. The cost is:

Step 2

Decide where you would like to build your camp. If you are associated with a Guild, ask the elders for some good suggestions. You'll need some room to expand later on, so pick a spot that is 40 or more coordinates from the nearest compound. A handy way to judge distances to remember that there are 16 feet per coordinate, and avatars are also 16 feet tall, to scale. Use the /clockloc command or the F3 map to get the actual numbers for the coordinates.

You can get a quick view of the compound floor plans at Initial Styles, and you can click on the links in the first column to see snapshots of the finished compounds.

We'll explain why later in this article, but if you want a nice looking expanded compound, that costs significantly less than any other approach, click on yourself (or use the ESC key) and select

Projects > Compounds > GemFacets.
The cost for any of the compounds is: Click on the Compound > Utilites > Add a Cornerstone. Only paid accounts will be able to install a cornerstone but, for testing purposes during the Beta, all accounts are considered paid after 6 hour, regardless of their actual status. If you don't add a cornerstone, or have already used it somewhere else, you'll have to do monthly maintenence on your compound.

Step 3

Press your F8 key twice to get a cartography view of your compound, directly overhead with north at the top of the screen. Lower the walls and move to the center of your compound.

Click on your compound, pin the menu, and select Blueprints > Edit Blueprints. Move the popup so that it doesn't block your view. Someday, when you're rich and famous, you can indulge in Paint and Cut Stone Textures. For now:

You don't actually have to do this step for the GemFacets compound, but you should get in the habit.

Step 4

Click on the Building Shape tab > Add a sector. Here's the shape we're after.

If you're careful, you can add the sectors while you're in the Double F8 view. Add the following sectors:

Now that the Sloped Roof Unit is not blocking the view, carefully note the sector where the bricks are running vertically rather than crosswise, the sector with the avatar name. That's your Cornerstone Sector. In Tale 3 the exact location of your cornerstone sector is very important because the cost of each new sector varies linearly with the distance (number of coordinates SQRT(X^2 + Y^2) from your cornerstone sector.

Step 5

Now that we have the 16 sectors that we need, the GemFacets Compound had 9 sectors and we added 7 more, we need to finish the walls. Use the F6 view to take a close look at your compound and then come back to a Double F8 view to do the actual work.

On your Blueprint Editor, click Basic > Post-Lintel Door and click on the center of the right, east wall to create a door.

On your Blueprint Editor > Basic menu again, select Extruded Wall and click each of the other 12 surfaces that we added in the previous step, two outside walls and two end walls on the north, east, and south sides.

At this point your blueprint should match the earlier picture.

Step 6

Click on the X to close the editor, click on the compound again > Blueprints (maybe you pinned the menu) and this time select "Load the Materials".

Load the necessary items. Congratulations! You are now the proud owner of an expanded compound.

Click on the compound again > Blueprints (you still didn't pin the menu??), and Claim your Right to be an Initiate of Architecture.

Construction Budget

Here's a recap budget for the Initiation into Architecture.
Budget Item Flax Straw Floor Bricks Wall Bricks Walls Bricks per Wall Total Bricks Boards
Compound Construction Tuition 200 100
Build the Compound 200 100
Tale 3B2 Expansion 11 22 221 243 13 18.7 464
Tale 2 Same Expansion 7 14 140 182 13 14 322

Related pages

Once the Tale 3 wiki is open, this page will be split into several related pages
May I suggest that there be a collective Compound page, that collects summaries and links? Along the lines of the T2 page, but lighter... - S-P

Once I run out of other things that are begging for Bricks and Boards, it should be possible to provide a nice array of Perspective, Top View, Outline, and cornerstone position snapshots. I'm by no means done working with compounds :-) - MarvL


If you want to understand what we did for the Initiation into Architecture, and why, keep on reading. This discussion gets pretty technical, so just glance through it for right now. Come back and study it more carefully when you find out that the cost of an expansion you wanted to make is going to be thousands upon thousands of bricks and cut stone.

Distance Multiplier

In Tale 2 there was some sort of "large compound" factor that had to do with the number of existing sectors and the number of new sectors. Nobody ever ran down the penalty because the costs weren't onerous.
There is a very steep "large compound" penalty in Tale 3.
Sector Base Cost * Distance in Coordinates from the Cornerstone Sector

The distance multipler was tested by creating a one sector compound, and then blueprinting a second sector at various locations to determine the cost of materials. The phantom sector had a flat roof and four Post-Lintel Doors.

Budget Item Flax Straw Floor Bricks Wall Bricks Walls Bricks per Wall Total Bricks Boards
Tale 2 Anywhere 1 2 20 42 3 14 62
Tale 3 Distance 1 1 2 20 42 3 14 62
Tale 3 Distance 2 28
Tale 3 Distance 3 42
Tale 3 Distance 4 56

The exact formula for the "large compound" factor is based on distance from the cornerstone compound. The multiplier is SQRT(relativeX^2 + relativeY^2). Here are the multipliers for a modest 11x11 sector compound.

5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5
5 7.1 6.4 5.8 5.4 5.1 5.0 5.1 5.4 5.8 6.4 7.1 5
4 6.4 5.7 5.0 4.5 4.1 4.0 4.1 4.5 5.0 5.7 6.4 4
3 5.8 5.0 4.2 3.6 3.2 3.0 3.2 3.6 4.2 5.0 5.8 3
2 5.4 4.5 3.6 2.8 2.2 2.0 2.2 2.8 3.6 4.5 5.4 2
1 5.1 4.1 3.2 2.2 1.4 1.0 1.4 2.2 3.2 4.1 5.1 1
0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 0
1 5.1 4.1 3.2 2.2 1.4 1.0 1.4 2.2 3.2 4.1 5.1 1
2 5.4 4.5 3.6 2.8 2.2 2.0 2.2 2.8 3.6 4.5 5.4 2
3 5.8 5.0 4.2 3.6 3.2 3.0 3.2 3.6 4.2 5.0 5.8 3
4 6.4 5.7 5.0 4.5 4.1 4.0 4.1 4.5 5.0 5.7 6.4 4
5 7.1 6.4 5.8 5.4 5.1 5.0 5.1 5.4 5.8 6.4 7.1 5
5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5

So the location of your cornerstone sector and the layout of your compound is very, very important.

While it has yet to be verified, the wording of the Initiation into Architecture suggests that while the initiate must build the compound, anybody can do the actual expansion.

Perhaps Teppy wants smaller compounds. At these prices, huge compounds will be history, that's for sure. Nobody is going to be able to afford the larger compounds, and unless a guild has several active members who are willing to contribute their cornerstones, maintenance is going to be a real problem.

Compound can be packed close together, of course, but if we can only lower the walls of one compound at a time, sightlines can get to be a real problem.

It will be interesting to see how the Distance Modifier plays out in Beta, once folks realize that Teppy is robbing the stagecoach.

Building on Slopes

When you initially build, a popup will warn you that xx of 49 sectors are available at your selected location, even when all 49 sectors are available. I've never seen anything less than xx=21, so I suspect that you're not allowed to build at all unless 21 of the sectors in the 7x7 area immediately surrounding the cornerstone sector are suitable for building.

"Suitable for Building" is, of course, the tricky concept. It's all about elevations. All of the sectors in your chosen building must be "buildable", but you can build practically anywhere if you don't care exactly which compound you start with.

When you click on a compound type in the menu, a compound of that type is built immediately. The cornerstone sector will end up wherever you are standing. None of the materials are recovered when you tear down a compound, your 200 Bricks and 100 Boards are gone. Again, there is no compound preview, no positioning widget, and you can't rotate the compound. Take a careful look at the snapshots if the location of your cornerstone sector is critical.

Expanding is all about the fountation.

It doesn't really matter how steep the adjacent hillside is, you can practically bury the outside wall of a sector, what counts is the wall where the sector is connected to the rest of the compound.

There are tricks, of course. :-)

If you're trying to get past a ridge, just build your blueprint out around the ridge. Once you've managed to get a sector where you want it in the blueprint view, following the contour lines, you can remove the intermediate sectors and keep on going. You might even be able to cut through the ridge from the back side.

Your compound is about 32 feet high, with a 4 foot fountation. Your cornerstone sector will be buried 2 feet into the ground. You can then extend your compound to any location that you can reach following a contour line that's +/- 2 feet in elevation relative to the cornerstone compound. You're permitted to "go around" objects, and discontinuous sectors are fine. In fact many of the most attractive compounds create archways by using Special Sloped Roof Element walls that can span an empty sector.

So we have the following considerations:

When you're picking a location, place your initial compound on the lower side of the area, but not at the lowest point in the area. Remember, getting around a high spot is easy. Just follow the contour line and then remove the intermediate sectors. Getting past a low spot is likely to be impossible.

Sticks and Stones

The cost of construction materials is the same (when the multiplier is 1) as it was in Tale 2 for the four sectors immediately adjacent to the Cornerstone Sector. In all other sectors you'll have to increase the material costs because of the Distance Factor.






_ Plain Wall 20
_ Plain Door 24 12
_ Post Lintel Door 14
_ Extruded Wall 14
Sloped 20 4
Stairstep 20 4
Sloped Special 28 2
Columns 4
Wedges 7
Plaster Floor 20
Marble Floor 1
Ceiling Type 1.5 3
Building Shape
_ Wall Texture
__ Blocks 10 for 8 Walls
__ Bricks 0
_ Trim Texture
__ Arcs 5 for 8 Walls
__ Stripes 0

The research for Tale 3 Compounds was done, in large part, by MarvL. There's a related Tale 2 page at Compounds.


*sigh* I am such a goob... - Sabt-Pestnu
Didnīt Teppy changed it somehow on Friday 12 May?

GemFacets16.gifMarvLMay 7, 2006 3:39 pm47847A view of the expanded compound
GemFacets16Layout.gifMarvLMay 7, 2006 3:40 pm42315The floorplan of the finished compound
GemFacetsF8.gifMarvLMay 7, 2006 3:38 pm71938Overhead view of the recommended compound expansion

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Last edited May 23, 2006 7:15 am by MarvL (diff)