Wood treatment guide can be found at
Wood Treatment
K-Values for LnP tank(I hope), if you don't like the recipes, then find better ones, nothing stopping you now.
I like to use the simulator at http://atitd.jayseven.com/woodtreatment/default.asp
Numbers in parenthesis are experimental and not properly measured. Used Ancano's numbers for most recipes -Nizzex
Flex - 4.863 (4.835?)
Cut - 4.291 (this value was double-checked and determined to be correct)
Flame - 4.140
Water - 4.88 - This is the retested value, hopefully it is more accurate. -Ancano (4.84?)
Insect - 4.147
Human - 4.628
Dark - 4.5078
Glossy - 5.1
Tested Recipes
- Rigid Hard Rotproof White - 130 Lime, 30 Tar, 10 Lead
- Pliable Hard Volatile Blonde - 45 Oil, 10 Lime, 30 Ash, 84 Sulfur
- Pliable Soft Rotproof Blonde - 76 Oil, 27 Ash, 44 Beeswax, 115 Saltpeter
- Rigid Hard Volatile Blonde - 150 Sulfur, 20 Lime
- Hard Rotproof - 5 Oil, 10 Lime, 70 Sulfur, 10 Lime, 10 Oil, 20 Beeswax
- Pilable Soft Rotproof Nontoxic Blonde - 190 Beeswax, 110 Saltpeter, 15 Beeswax, 10 Saltpeter
- Rigid Rotproof - 40 Sulfur, 40 Lime, 60 Beeswax
- Soft Rotproof - 100 Oil, 20 Beeswax, 10 Water, 70 Saltpeter, 20 Beeswax
Untested Recipes
- Pilable Soft Rotproof - 180 Beeswax, 110 Saltpeter, 10 Beeswax, 10 Saltpeter - Does not work, see Water note above -Nizzex
- Pliable Soft Rotproof Blonde - 190 Beeswax, 110 Saltpeter - Very similar to first recipe, but that extra beeswax makes the difference, Does not Work
- Rigid Hard Rotproof - 150 Sulfur, 100 Beeswax, 70 Sulfur, 10 Lead, 30 Beeswax, 10 Lead