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Users > Ancano

I started my ATITD life in Karnak, and joined the Radio-Phoenix guild early on. They taught me many things about the game, but I never felt like I was truly one of them. After awhile, I set out on my own and ended up calling a little oasis in the middle of egypt my home.

I lived there for quite awhile, alone, and concentrating mostly on myself, so I made the decision to change from being a resident of Karnak to a resident of Fool's Paradise(FP).

In FP, I found many friends, and joined the guild Lost in Paradise(Now known as "The Village"), I had no idea what this would mean for my future. Over time, I grew closer to LnP, and I climbed the ranks quickly. Soon I was helping the new members become aquainted to LnP, instead of someone teaching me.

Now, I am second in command of LnP, and I enjoy the position more and more every day. I can teach the new members, learn from the older members, and get help from the guild to accomplish my goals.

I also started and run the research guild in Fool's Paradise, Lost in Research, and we've opened up several techs so far.

I came in third place at both Bladedancer 1 and Bladedancer 2, the events were run by Temm.

I tied for first place with Toba at Iron Man II.

Whew, after being gone for 6 weeks, I'm ready to get back in the game and get back to work :)

Compound Pics
Herbs Mushrooms Inventory
Mining Sites
Paint Colors
Raeli Tiles
Skills and Stats
Yeast Tests

Guild Links:

Architects of Egypt
Birds of Fire
Lost in Paradise
Lost in Research
The Village

Ancano_Halo.jpgAncanoDecember 5, 2005 10:41 pm17167
CabbageJuice.MacAncanoMay 5, 2005 7:03 pm321Cabbage juice macro
Dig4.jpgAncanoApril 18, 2006 7:15 pm43309Only 3 hole dig I've been at
Monument_Unearthing.jpgAncanoApril 18, 2006 7:19 pm41029
Sallah.jpgAncanoJanuary 23, 2006 3:12 am38651
Wonderwoman.jpgAncanoDecember 11, 2005 5:04 am31698
WoodTreatment.macAncanoMay 28, 2005 5:50 pm3112Wood Treatment Tank macro

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Last edited January 28, 2006 5:40 pm by Ancano (diff)