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Users > Ancano > Projects

I am an Architect by nature, so here I will list all the projects I'm currently working on.
One ongoing project is to open lots of techs in Fool's Paradise. Progress on that can be tracked here Lost in Research
I passed Test of Life on 1/9/2006. I have a tower on the Red Sand Aqueduct line, which extends all the way to a known herb growing spot.
The Village Aqueduct has been completed now. Last I heard there is 93 cabbage spot around -40, -1973
My latest project is of course building a Medium House. I finally got it built on 1/27/2006. Here is a pic.

The Test of Octec's Ghost. I was able to complete this test on 12/16/2005 will a great deal of help from DrDave and The Village. With the completion of this test, I became a Master of Architechture.
I built my Funerary Temple not long after the test was available, and I have been stuffing tiles into it just as fast as I can get them. I really hope to pass this one before the end of the Tale. You can see a pic of it's current look under my Test Pics section.
OK, another project I started was to add to my compound, specifically a bunch of tubs for sulfur production, and flax gins for flax processing. I am close to completing this project now, thanks in large to help from my guild. Once it's done, I'll be able to produce canvas and linen much faster for research. I have now finished this project, so now I can process flax at quite a fast pace.

Medium_House.jpgAncanoJanuary 27, 2006 11:35 pm114711

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Last edited March 18, 2006 8:48 pm by Ancano (diff)
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