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Guilds > Lost In Paradise

This page is dedicated to the guild Lost in Paradise

The Lost in Paradise guild is situated just north of Fool's Paradise chariot. Our goal is to provide a friendly gaming environment. We are a small town of coordinated workers with everyone doing their part to help the town grow (and to help each other).

Come and Join a Very Supportive Guild

Our guild and compound design is unique and our philosophy is aimed at supporting each player in the way he/she wishes to play the game.

If your guild is losing all its members, or you just want a change, then come join our exciting new way to explore and play in Egypt.

If you are a new player and seeking a supportive home from which to explore this game then come and join us.

If you are "bored" then come see us. We are developing new concepts and ideas that are not found elsewhere in Egypt. Come and be part of a new and stimulating way of playing and growing in atitd.

Our Membership

Elder(9): Patriarch(1): Fellow(2): Kinsman(10): Member(8): Associate(2): Initate(12):
Ptemich, DrDave, Daenks, Darcy, Ancano, HumbleSeeker, Ellistraee, Nizzex, Merit Kap0w, Zatarg, Jesusjlf Nightwind, YamiJedi, Mnhtp, zadok, Tilapya, Hymn, Orishas, Sita, pr0phet, panzer8083 murtha, Savanna, Pindar, ILikeSheep, Ahmose-Aa, Sandtiger, Smote, AnimaticIncLejoni, NecromancerKing tbag, Vibe, Shelomit, Syn, CappuDinamiv, Jayk, davi3383, Trollkeeper, Akiiki, ljdaniel, AuronIIXtheWriter, CrownedMoxxy

Total # of Members (as of 5/6/05): 44 --Ancano

Trade List

For trades, contact Ancano or Kap0w.

Raeli Tiles

Where to find us

                                                                                                                                                                Map of Egypt




Location Region What
-2095, -349 Fools Paradise Lost In Paradise Main Camp
767, 4786 Nile Delta Lost In Paradise - Rural Division
875, 7455 Nile Delta Nile Delta Outpost (NOTE: this is a rough estimate)
-2510, 11 Fools Paradise White Sand Outpost
-268, 1532 Desert Of Shades Moon Lake Outpost
-1525, 2233 Desert of Shades Sulfur Lake Outpost
1500, 2440 Red Sea Oaisis Papyrus Outpost
-426, 878 Fools Paradise Ancano's Home
726, -2225 Karnak Karnak Outpost(Gold Mines)

Time to unlock more research in Fool's Paradise

We now have a guild dedicated to research (guild opened to all FP residents) : Lost In Research

Other Links

Guild Forum -

Lost in Paradise -sanpshot gallery -

LnP Mining Map- LnPMining

Pictures of the guild - pictures

Fruit Trees - Fruit Trees

LnP.jpgAncanoMay 19, 2005 6:28 am96945The main village
banner.giflonewalkerJanuary 30, 2005 11:58 am19999a fancy banner
banner_2.giflonewalkerJanuary 30, 2005 12:05 pm24217
lnp2.jpgAncanoMay 19, 2005 6:28 am64587The LnP village - A brain child of DrDave
lnp3.jpgAncanoMay 19, 2005 6:28 am82025The village

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Last edited November 28, 2005 4:57 pm by Ptemich (diff)