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The Test Of Life > Karnak Water And Power > Moss Research

You can help advance Egypt's knowledge, and give yourself a stat boost for a day, in the process!

As often as once an hour, you can drink from a tower, and have an effect on the moss growing there. At the same time, you can increase one of you stats for a day.

Please add information to our table here, so we can track exactly what effects the moss.

For "Your Stats", just enter the seven numbers, seperated by / (stats can by two digits). For example, if you have strength 3, dexterity 7, endurence 0, speed 6, constitution 0, focus 2, perception 7, please enter 3/7/0/6/0/2/7.

Effect might be personal too, for what we know. Please enter the nickname of the drinker, not the one reporting.

Location Your Stats Moss Before Moss After Egypt Time Tower stats (if any)
before drinking
1090 -813 0/0/0/0/0/0/2 green green Akhet II-23 9:45 am - Alya
1100 -900 0/0/0/0/0/0/2 spongy spotted mottled spongy spotted Akhet II-15 6:49 pm -- Alya
1350 -986 0/0/0/0/1/0/2 green common Akhet II-18 9:37 pm constitution Alya
1350 -987 0/0/0/0/1/0/2 common common Akhet II-19 2:35 pm constitution Alya
1289 -917 0/0/0/0/1/0/2 phosphorescent phosphorescent Akhet II-24 10:45 am constitution Alya
1100 -900 0/1/0/0/0/0/2 mottled spongy mottled Akhet II-16 10:40 am dexterity Alya
1190 -917 0/1/0/0/0/0/2 green green Akhet II-18 12:39 am dexterity Alya
1000 -935 0/1/0/0/0/0/2 common common Akhet II-19 8:13 pm dexterity Alya
1080 -900 0/0/1/0/0/0/2 green common Akhet II-16 11:16 pm endurance Alya
1379 -1004 0/0/1/0/0/0/2 common common Akhet II-23 2:20 pm endurance Alya
1100 -900 0/0/0/0/0/1/2 mottled spongy spotted mottled Akhet II-16 7:30 am focus Alya
1100 -900 0/0/0/0/0/1/2 mottled mottled Akhet II-16 1:48 pm focus Alya
1080 -900 0/0/0/0/0/1/2 green green Akhet II-16 4:52 pm focus Alya
1070 -848 0/0/0/0/0/1/2 common common Akhet II-18 6:36 pm focus Alya
1080 -900 0/0/0/0/0/0/3 green green Akhet II-16 8:15 pm perception Alya
1080 -865 0/0/0/0/0/0/3 common dry Akhet II-17 5:12 pm perception Alya
1190 -917 0/0/0/1/0/0/2 green common Akhet II-18 4:15 am speed Alya
1000 -934 0/0/0/1/0/0/2 common common Akhet II-23 5:27 pm speed Alya
1000 -934 1/0/0/0/0/0/2 green common Akhet II-19 7:16 am strength Alya
1000 -934 1/0/0/0/0/0/2 common common Akhet II-24 2:02 pm strength Alya
1300 -900 5/7/0/20/6/4/5 dry common Akhet II-25 5:36 am - Amtep
1310 -950 4/7/0/6/0/2/7 common slimy Akhet II-14 5:07 am strength Bifa
(drank here often)
1288 -917 0/0/0/0/0/1/0 green green Akhet II-13 2:32 pm constitution Dandylonglegs
1100 -900 2/7/0/4/1/2/4 prickly prickly Akhet II-12 10:15 pm focus Forgiving
1100 -900 2/7/0/4/1/1/5 prickly prickly striped Akhet II-13 5:05 am perception Forgiving
1100 -900 0/0/0/0/0/1/0 prickly prickly Akhet II-12 9:06 pm focus Forgivings-son
1130, -917 1/6/0/2/0/3/4 slimy slimy smelly Akhet II-29 6:33 pm FoxKids
1290 -917 1/7/0/1/2/2/5 calico calico mottled Akhet II-28 6:18 pm - Haqikah
1250 -917 2/7/0/1/2/2/5 calico mottled spongy mottled spongy Akhet III-4 11:18 pm strength Haqikah
1118 -900 1/2/0/0/0/2/4 green spotted green prickly spotted Ahket II-13 5:35 am focus Jaxum
1129 -916 4/6/0/3/0/2/5 ? ? (no change) Akhet II-13 5:08 pm strength kaayru
1130 -917 4/6/0/3/0/2/5 spongy calico spongy Akhet II-17 8:13 am strength kaayru
1310 -950 2/5/0/4/0/0/3 slimy spotted dry slimy Akhet II-16 1:07 pm - Kaely
1310 -950 2/5/0/4/0/0/3 dry slimy spotted dry slimy Akhet II-18 2:15 am Strength Kaely
1370, -986 3/7/0/14/2/3/7 calico crackly calico crackly Akhet II-18, 5:15 pm - LittleCleo
1370 -987 3/7/0/14/2/3/7 crackly green crackly dry green Akhet II-13 9:08 am endurance LittleCleo
1390, -987 1/3/0/0/0/1/2 green spotted green Akhet II-25 10:44 am - Nebamon
1370, -987 2/3/0/0/0/1/2 calico crackly crackly Akhet II-19, 7:42 am strength Nebamon
920 -934 2/7/0/6/0/0/3 common molted Akhet II-18 10:27 pm none Neophant-II
1370 -986 2/7/0/6/0/1/3 calico,mottled,spongy calico,mottled,phosphorescent,spongy Akhet III-6 03:23 am none Neophant-II
980 -935 5/7/0/10/1/0/4 common spongy Akhet II-18, 3:42 am - OldJoe
1390, -987 5/7/0/10/1/0/4 green striped green spotted striped Akhet II-25 5:57 pm - OldJoe
1390, -987 6/7/0/10/1/0/4 green spotted striped spotted striped Akhet II-25 9:33 pm strength OldJoe
1270 -917 6/7/0/10/1/0/4 crackly common Akhet II-19 9:29 pm strength OldJoe
(same result after server rollback and restart)
1190 -917 4/7/0/21/6/2/5 common green Akhet II-19 6:42 am - Pyschodelica
1200 -900 6/7/0/5/1/2/5 dry fuzzy dry fuzzy Akhet III-1 6:49 am constitution Zignotrop
1390 -987 6/7/0/5/1/2/5 calico mottled prickly calico mottled Akhet III-2 12:09 pm constitution Zignotrop
1200 -900 6/8/0/5/0/2/5 calico smelly calico dry Akhet II-30 11:09 am dexterity Zignotrop
1200 -900 6/8/0/5/0/2/5 calico dry fuzzy smelly dry fuzzy Akhet II-30 6:40 pm dexterity Zignotrop
1200 -900 6/7/1/5/0/2/5 dry dry Akhet III-1 6:58 pm endurance Zignotrop
1340 -970 6/7/0/5/0/3/5 green green Akhet II-25 6:30 pm focus Zignotrop
1129 -916 6/7/0/5/0/2/6 calico (?) calico fuzzy slimy Akhet II-16 12:53 pm perception Zignotrop
1129 -916 6/7/0/5/0/2/6 calico fuzzy slimy fuzzy slimy Akhet II-16 3:54 am perception Zignotrop
1100 -900 6/7/0/5/0/2/6 mottled mottled spongy Akhet II-16 7:40 am perception Zignotrop
1229 -916 6/7/0/5/0/2/6 green green Akhet II-16 11:20 am perception Zignotrop
1129 -916 6/7/0/5/0/2/6 calico slimy slimy Akhet II-16 3:52 pm perception Zignotrop
1150 -916 6/7/0/5/0/2/6 common common Akhet II-24 3:54 am perception Zignotrop
1290, -917 6/7/0/5/0/2/6 fuzzy spongy fuzzy spongy Akhet II-30 7:02 am perception Zignotrop
1200 -900 6/7/0/6/0/2/5 dry, fuzzy dry, fuzzy Akhet III-1 12:46 am speed Zignotrop
1350 -950 7/7/0/5/0/2/5 green green Akhet II-14 7:20 am strength Zignotrop
1129 -916 7/7/0/5/0/2/5 calico calico Akhet II-15 9:50 pm strength Zignotrop
1129 -916 6/7/0/5/0/2/6 calico spongy spongy Akhet II-17 1:48 pm strength Zignotrop
1129 -916 7/7/0/5/0/2/5 mottled mottled slimy Akhet II-18 2:20 pm strength Zignotrop
1340 -970 7/7/0/5/0/2/5 green green Akhet II-25 10:02 pm strength Zignotrop
1120 -900 2/6/0/2/0/3/4 phosphorescent, spotted green, phosphorescent Akhet II-2 5:17 am strength Foxkids
1130 -917 2/6/0/2/0/3/4 common mottled Akhet III-4 6:41 pm strength FoxKids


Each person has the ability to remove or add certain attributes. The same person can't remove and also add the same attribute. Maybe this is similar to the map for chimes. If an attribute you can add or remove is next to the current moss, you can change it. It does appear that once a certain attribute starts to show up, it stays in that general area for a few iterations. If you would prefer to not be listed on the table below, feel free to remove your info. - Gumby

A few observations

It looks like we have 15 attributes for moss. So we could say each attribute is either off or on. Calico, prickly, spotted moss could be 100000001000010. Calico, striped 100000000000001. Each person has the ability to turn certain bits off and others on. The bits you can change may be distributed among the different stats bonuses. Maybe they change on a daily basis. Maybe certain global conditions lock certain bits off or on for any given day(we had a very hard time getting any of what I'd call common changes to occur yesterday). Lot more questions than answers so I'll just shut up now. :) - Gumby

I've noticed the mosses I get seem to change each game month... maybe it's just easier to do certain changes on certain months, or maybe it actually changes what you add/remove. Or maybe it's a coincidence ;). -Knives

Person Added Removed
Ahz slimy
alaiing calico, hairy, prickly, spongy green, mottled, phosphorescent, reticulated, slimy, striped
Alya dry mottled green, spongy, spotted
Bethesda prickly
Caelicola prickly
curtkram mottled
Forgiving mottled, slimy, spotted, striped green, hairy
Forgiving-son mottled, spongy, spotted
FoxKids smelly, green, mottled spongy, spotted
kaayru calico
Kaely dry spotted
Knives green, hairy, phosphorescent, smelly, spongy, striped calico, dry, fuzzy, mottled, prickly, reticulated, spotted
kokabeel calico
Lazybum dry, fuzzy spongy
Gumby mottled, slimy, spongy, striped calico, dry, fuzzy, green, hairy, spotted, prickly
Haqikah slimy, mottled calico
jaxum calico, crackly, mottled, spongy
LadyofFire calico, mottled, spongy reticulated
LittleCleo dry, green, hairy, phosphorescent, prickly, slimy calico, fuzzy, mottled, smelly, spongy, spotted, striped
LordofFire fuzzy
MacPhisto spongy mottled
Nebamon spongy green, spotted
Neophant-II mottled
OldJoe spongy, spotted crackly, green
Psychodelica green
Ptenkhet green, prickly
RehemaSagira calico, slimy fuzzy, mottled, spongy, spotted, striped
Rena calico, fuzzy, hairy, mottled, phosphorescent, spotted prickly, slimy, smelly, spongy, striped
Saschi spotted
Sigil striped
Tweetiti prickly green, hairy, spongy
Val crackly, green, hairy, prickly, phosphorescent, slimy, spotted calico, dry mottled, spongy, striped, fuzzy
Yargh green, prickly, spongy slimy
Zignotrop fuzzy, slimy, spongy calico

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Last edited December 29, 2005 11:11 am by Knives (diff)