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Test Info (Scribe of Two)

Architecture (Scribe)

Towers - 102.72%
Obelisk - Passed with a 79-cubit standard
Megalopolis - Passed with RSO Mega.
Life - Passed early with a score of 6180.
Phoenix - We'll see.
Octec's Ghost - Will probably do it.

Art & Music (Student)

Khefre's Children - Passed

He's called that for a reason, folks!
See pictures of my beetles here.

Pyrotechnics - Working on it, sort of.
Mosaic - Meh... I might get around to it someday, but probably not.
Flight - I think they're all ugly. :P
Windsong - I probably will. Whether it'll be good or not is a different story.

Body (Scribe)

Acrobat - 7 Dexterity
Cicadas - 20 Speed, despite never having looked for cages past 7 speed. Blame NJ and rats... but mostly NJ.

Darkest Night - 7 Constitution

Safari - 6 Strength

Reason - 9 Focus

Banquet - 7 Perception

Need a doable list, first.

Conflict (Journeyman)

Man, I'm such a conflict slacker...
Telepathy - Passed (Rank 4.0)
Heket's Rake - Passed (Rank 2.0)
Zhadu - Passed (Rank 1.1)
Yokir - Level 0 (Rank 1.0)
Sevenblade - Level 5 (Rank 1.2)
Kanivan Tak - Level 0 (Rank 1.0)

Leadership (Initiate)

Basically, Leadership isn't for me.

Thought (Student)

Tomb - It's on permanent redesign. Heh.
EHT - Forget it. Marble = evil.
Venery - Won't do it unless I get really bored someday.
Pulse - Thinking about it...
Bijou - As soon as I get the marble, I'll do it. Which could take a loong time...
Pathmaker - Passed. It's at (2180, 2275), and had a score of 538 (22 judges) when it passed.

Worship (Student)

Marriage - Not planning on it anytime soon
Vigil - Passed with 125 points (5 sacrifices)
Pilgrim - If I can find a group, I'll do it.
Festivals - Humble Priests -

BeetlePopup.jpgKnivesJuly 23, 2005 3:18 pm16220
K-23-Side.jpgKnivesJuly 27, 2005 5:17 am8633Lily pic
K-23-Top.jpgKnivesJuly 27, 2005 5:17 am5175Lily pic
K-28-Side.jpgKnivesJuly 27, 2005 5:01 am7786Lily pic
K-28-Top.jpgKnivesJuly 27, 2005 5:01 am5075Lily pic

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Last edited January 19, 2006 6:00 pm by Knives (diff)
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