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The Test Of Takeskot > Egyptian Takeskot League

Egyptian Takeskot League
Dedicated to the coordination of Takeskot games

Our Guild Hall is located across the road from the Takeskot Dunes Chariot Stop at 1443, 673. We are trying to expand the Guild Hall, so donations of boards and bricks are most welcome when joining.

Please /chat one of the elders (AatonPulonich, Isandre, Vannyn) so we know to come down to the Dunes and let you in.

Expansion Materials On Site
qty pledged received
Bricks 219200 2344
Boards 109625 11458

Upcoming Events

To be announced.

For the next tourney, I recommend that everyone involved reset before the games start. This will allow for the least confusing games setup. -- Vannyn

Member Rankings

Member Name Rank Team Won Against Lists
Alzarus 1 none
AatonPulonich 1.0 Isandre's Thieves 0 people won against
Vannyn 2 Isandre's Thieves
Isandre 2 Isandre's Thieves 4 people won against
Nefernetka 1
Madwife 1 T.U.T.
Latona 1
Bhoth 2 (high 2) Isandre's Thieves 4 people won against
Setheri 1
fahq 2
Toba 2 T.U.T.
Oxi 1
Barhi 2.1
SanderDolphin 2
Corwitep 1
Zintwana 2.1 M.A.G.Z.
Miralda 2.1
TheMazeEcho 1
Neferneferuaten 1
Binny 1
Cappu 1
Hogan 1
Nemek 1
Menket 2.1 M.A.G.Z.
Ptenkhet 1
Maxion 1
Osidion 1
Menna 1
Psychodelica 1 T.U.T.
losiris 1
Telanoc 1
Al-Bilal 2.1 M.A.G.Z.
Sallah-Hazerah 1
Gwydeon 2.1 M.A.G.Z.
Hasani 1 T.U.T.
Troubles 1
Amy 2 looking for a team
Aptet 1
TpcT 1
Zarrehp 1
Zanna 1
Kharizma 1
rummynose 1
Tweetiti 1.1 4 people won against
Tournevis 1
gonegaming12 1
Zatarg 1
Lill 1
Pacer 1
Ivy 1
MAMTeles 1
Vilbert 1.1
otox 1
Peachy 1
kuupid 1
Wuqensta 1
Les 1
MrKarl 1
Anankha 1
Var-LeTha 1
Ismule Wood Mule Only

Tournament Brackets

Date Tournament Style
xxxxxxxxxx Single Elimination
xxxxxxxxxx Double Elimination
xxxxxxxxxx [Round Robin]?

Mac User Notes:

Stealing can be difficult as the F1 key launches the Mac Helper application. There are a couple of ways around this:
  1. fn+F1 forces F1 to act as a function key instead of an application launcher. This is a 2 key operation though, and may be the more difficult method.
  2. <ctrl> + F1 at the begining of the game to temperarily map all function keys to the open application ... i.e. ATITD. NOT TESTED
  3. From the Keyboard Control Panel, disable "use F1-F12 for launching applications". This is a more "permanent" solution and may not be suitable for some players. NOT TESTED

4 Player Playing Fields at Takeskot Dunes:

Mob Rules: This court is all about speed and coordination. All of the statues are slate colored. All slate colored markers appear in the center of the court. Other random colors appear throughout the court, but don't bother with them.

Ankh: This court is all about coordination. There are many colors for both statues and markers. There are more marker colors than statue colors. This is a popular court because of the challenging paths

Pharaoh's Head: This court requires coordination and skill. The paths are more challenging than Ankh and there are just as many colors for statues and markers. Not for the Novice

7 Player Playing Fields in Nile Delta:

Old Egypt Marathon: (839, 6565) This court is under renovation. Huge court with lots of colors. 7 Players per team.

AatonPulonich.xmlAatonPulonichMarch 22, 2006 1:41 am323Test XML file for Isandre, l33t hax0r extraordinaire
Bhoth.xmlIsandreMarch 26, 2006 6:06 pm398Bhoth's XML output
Corwitep.xmlIsandreMarch 26, 2006 6:27 pm334Corwitep's XML Output
Easy_Takeskot_Team_CreatorIsandreMarch 19, 2006 9:35 pm34816Helps determine who can play based on wins
Isandre.xmlIsandreMarch 22, 2006 2:12 am400Isandre's XML output
MAMTeles.xmlIsandreMarch 26, 2006 6:27 pm334MAMTeles's XML Output
Psychodelica.xmlIsandreMarch 26, 2006 5:51 pm338Psych's XML Output
Samruc.xmlIsandreMarch 26, 2006 6:28 pm523Samruc's XML Output
Takeskot.xmlAatonPulonichApril 28, 2006 12:26 am22965takeskot.xml with results up to April 22 games
TakeskotTracker.zipIsandreApril 24, 2006 1:16 am31076Version 1.4.2 See Readme.txt for bug fixes and functionality changes
Vannyn.xmlIsandreMarch 26, 2006 6:28 pm714Vannyn's XML Output
Vilbert.xmlIsandreMarch 26, 2006 6:06 pm333Vilbert's XML Output
Zintwana.xmlZintwanaMarch 26, 2006 10:06 am315Zintwana's XML output
Zyen.xmlIsandreMarch 26, 2006 6:29 pm330Zyen's XML Output
takeskot_20060318.xlsAatonPulonichMarch 22, 2006 2:10 am15360My notes from last Sunday's tournament. OMG BEHIND TEH SCENES ALL ACCESS

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Last edited April 23, 2006 10:03 pm by Miralda (diff)