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The Test Of The Hegemon

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Test of Hegemon

Stranger's Preamble

Gharib: You know me as The Stranger
Gharib: For generations Egypt has seen it's share of foreigners visit this land.
Gharib: Some of them choose to stay. To become a part of this "society" that you seem to think you can create.
Gharib: But do you look at them as peers? Equals?
Gharib: No, more likely as cheap labor.
Gharib: Well, since you long to own slaves, I will give you that chance.
Gharib: You see, the reward for this Test is ability to invite one immigrant to join us here in Egypt...
Gharib: And the ability to to take that priviledge away at your whim.
Gharib: Be a benevolent sponsor, if that is your nature, or a cruel master.
Gharib: In The Test of the Hegemon, put on your best face. Accululate support from many regions of Egypt, election-style...
Gharib: Each week, the top three Leaders, as measured by geographic areas (rectangles) will gain this ability, and will pass the Test of the Hegemon.
Gharib: I'm curious...
Gharib: Just what is your criteria for a "Leader"?
Gharib: One who would think of the greater good? One who would select the most worthy among those who visit?
Gharib: Or one who views their new charge as a pack-mule, to toil for their friends.
Gharib: Let the manipulation begin.

Test Details

The Test of the Hegemon grants the winner the one-time ability to pay for one month for a person (intended for new immigrants, but not restricted to that in Tale1).

Egypt is split into rectangular districts and, to win, a candidate must place in the top three holders of districts (providing a minimum number of districts is held). If there is a tie in the top three, the pass will be retained for the next round (like the Conflict system), allowing four candidates to pass in the next round. There is one round each week.

To win a district, a candidate needs a simple majority of votes in the district (ties do not count as a win). In order to collect votes, a candidate must build one or more Hegemonic Census in different districts of Egypt. Any person may register their support for the builder by voting at the booth. They can only vote at one booth (voting elsewhere moves the vote), but the vote will remain until moved, withdrawn or the Hegemon candidate passes. When a candidate passes, all their Census buildings are removed.

Districts can change from election to election. The number can either double or half, based on how many districts have "low population". A district has a "low population" when the winner of the previous election had less than 7 votes from that district. If there are 3 or fewer districts with a low population, then the number of districts doubles. (Cell sizes cut in half, across all of Egypt) If there are 11 or more such districts, the number of districts halves. District boundaries appear to be based on the edges of the world. If there were 4 precincts (2EW, 2NS) then the center would be 1024,0.

To construct a Hegemonic Census

In Tale1, the minimum number of districts needed to pass was 3 when Egypt had 16 districts, and 2 when Egypt had 8.

Additionally, Hegemons from Tale1 were permitted to carry their power over into Tale2 (probably since it was the last Leadership Test released and there was little time to use the reward in a considered fashion). None of the Tale1 Hegemons used their power (possible exception of Raland, but not sure if that worked). They were: Safira, Tweetiti (used in T2), MissBarbara (MissB), FaceAnkh, NosajofOxicropolis (Oxi), Qetesh, Esme, Jodpar, MacPhisto, homegrown, Kir, Hirokache, Raland, zisoni, Rhyddereh (list may be incomplete). Note: it currently takes a devcall to get this used, so you might be waiting a while, much passed it usefulness (had to go ahead and pay for the person as their trial was expired)

Our status this Telling: Who has passed, who has not.

See also: Tests, Leadership

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Last edited April 26, 2005 8:50 am by Diotima (diff)