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Buildings > Hegemonic Census

Hegemonic Census

Test building for people to register Hegemon votes in a particular district (location determines the district).

To build:

Construction costs:

Built: outside (projects menu)

Skill/Tech required: none, but must be signed up for the The Test of the Hegemon


The Hegemon Districts are coordinate based. The center of the map is at 1024, 0 and each of the 16 districts is 4096 by 2048.
In other words, Egypt is 2 Districts wide and 8 Districts high. (note that the number of districts varies with the popularity of the test - see The Test of the Hegemon for details).

When the Hegemon score is calculated only the Hegemonic Census with the highest score in each district is considered. If you have two booths in a particular district only the one with the most votes will count. If you don't have a booth in a given district you obviously can't win that district.

The Test of the Hegemon is largely about placing your Hegemonic Censuses where your supporters are located. For example, a remote Guild where you have several friends is a much better location than next to a Chariot Stop where there are a dozen other booths.

The following map indicates the lower center boundry of each District and the commentary indicates the major landmark in each region. If you want to see a successful set of booths, check Users/MarvL/Hegemon.

The Coordinates and Region are as indicated on the F3 popup.

The District indicates the feedback from the test menu

The sort order is

                                                Map of Egypt

F3 Map Location



Landmarks in the District

F3 Map Location Region District Landmarks in the District
1023 6144 ND 18 Pharoah Bay Chariot Stop
Nile Delta Chariot Stop
1024 6144 ND 28 Eastern Nile Delta
Northern Sinai
1023 4096 ND 17 Valley of the Kings Chariot Stop
1024 4096 ND 27 Sinai Chariot Stop
1023 2048 RSO 16 Desert of Shades Chariot Stop
1024 2048 RSO 26 Red Sea Oasis Chariot Stop
1023 0 Karnak 15 Southern Desert of Shades
Northern Fools Paradise
1024 0 Karnak 25 Southern Red Sea Oasis
Northern Cradle of the Sun
1023 -2047 Karnak 14 Fools Paradise Chariot Stop
1024 -2047 Karnak 24 Karnak Chariot Stop
Cradle of the Sun Chariot Stop
1023 -4095 LN 13 Lower Nubia Chariot Stop
1024 -4095 LN 23 Southern Cradle of the Sun
Northern Lower Nubia
1023 -6143 UN 12 Western Nubia
1024 -6143 UN 22 Eastern Nubia
1023 -8191 UN 11 Upper Nubia Chariot Stop
1024 -8191 UN 21 Eastern Upper Nubia

Hegemon.jpgBalthazarrApril 26, 2006 3:37 am232352Hegemon.jpg

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Last edited April 26, 2006 3:43 am by Balthazarr (diff)