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Users > Calixes



The Porkgasm Recipe

Since there was some mild interest in this recipe, I'll post it...Please note that this is only a slight variation on a Cook's Illustrated recipe, but damn, is it tasty. ;)

Pork Tenderloin Medallions in Apple-Cream Sauce

Entree - serves 3, although you may have to fight over it.





Be prepared to fight your family/friends for the last piece. =D

About Me

Caveat: I get cranky easily around the very young and/or very stupid. Of course, if you're very young and/or very stupid, chances are there's no point in warning you, so have at it.

I spend most of my time foraging and getting distracted by shiny things. I like research and crossbreeding and cooperative efforts. I love most of the Art tests, but I am a harsh critic...Not everyone in possession of the right materials is Picasso. I don't like people who aren't happy unless they're unhappy about something...It's illogical. This is an amazing game; I acknowledge that there's always room to improve, but if it makes you so unhappy, why stay? On the whole though, I am continually and thoroughly impressed with the game, with the players' calibur of behavior, and with the general yetzer ha tov...the 'will to do good' that I see so consistently. We've got an amazing little society going, despite what the critics say.

In life, I'm thirty-one years old, female, and sharing my compound with my boyfriend, Deohotep. I have recently gone back to school to pursue a degree in graphic art (which has been thwarted by chronic illness - that's why I'm so often online). I paint when I feel like it.

If you're interested, you can see a bit of both my traditional work and my work done on computer at - better to avoid if you're easily offended by nudity, language, politics, wombats, etc. Comments are always welcome.

Test Progress

Initiate Student Prentice Journeyman Scribe Master Sage Oracle
Architecture X X X
Art X X
Body X X X X X X
Conflict X
Leadership X
Worship X X X X X

Keeping Score


Indulgence Numbers


Humble_Priest_Req_TrackingCalixesSeptember 20, 2005 11:01 pm19968a spreadsheet i've started to track my HP requirements and the requirements of those who test with me.
JoyousCalixesCalixesApril 2, 2006 8:12 am150747Yay! Found it!

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Last edited April 12, 2006 3:59 pm by Calixes (diff)