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Users > Kamenwati

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Here are some of the grapes I have available for swapping. The grapes listed below I have at least 1000 of in stock. Obviously I have odds and ends of various other grapes laying around. I really need some grapes from DoS, PB, LN, ND, and CotS to blend with mine.

Your grapes do not have to be high RS in order to be useful to me! What I need is different growing locations on the east and west sides of the map.

Location Vintage RS Flavor
Karnak 21 RS 26 Bananna Raisin
Karnak 21 RS 26 Lemon Pineapple Prune
Karnak 21 RS 13 Lemon Bananna Eucalyptus
Karnak 21 RS 33 Fig Pineapple Raisin
Karnak 12 RS 30 Fig Pineapple Prune (Conc 1012)
Karnak 12 RS 30 Lemon (Conc 971)
Karnak 12? RS 30 Oak Fig "Spicey" (Conc 1052)
Karnak 5 RS 5 Fig Oak Asparagus
RSO 30 RS 16 Blackberry "Berry" Raisin

If you're interested in swapping some grapes with me just leave me a message in game. Let's swap grapes!


Coming soon - detailed wine inventory.


Two herb combinations I have gotten a point from:

Herb 1 Herb 2 Flavor Aroma
Cinnamon Mountain Mint Oily Leather
Common Rosemary Tiny Clover Sweet Lead Pencil
Common Rosemary Cicada Bean Hot Camel Dung
Common Rosemary Dark Ochoa Antiseptic Maple
Common Rosemary Dwarf Wild Lettuce Antiseptic Earth
Common Rosemary Drapeau D'or Astringent Chocolate
Common Rosemary Khokali Sweet Berries
Chives Pale Dhamasa Dry Pepper
Chives Mountain Mint Dry Pine
Chives Meadowsweet Creamy Stewed Vegtables
Chives Dank Mullien Astringent Lead Pencil
Wild Lettuce Weeping Patala Oily Minerals
Wild Lettuce Meadowsweet Woody Rotting Fish
Wild Lettuce Mountain Mint Burnt Minerals
Wild Lettuce Orange Niali Harsh Pepper
Wild Lettuce Bee Balm Hot Berries
Wild Lettuce Tsango Creamy Stewed Vegtables
Wild Lettuce Sugar Cane Oily Camel Dung
Wild Lettuce Wild Onion Sweet Camel Dung
Bluebottle Clover Daggerleaf Toasty Exotic Spices
Bluebottle Clover Silvertounge Damia Toasty Oak
Common Sage Daggerleaf Toasty Candy
Common Sage Ginger Root Mellow Stewed Vegtables
Houseleek Caraway Spicy Chocolate
Houseleek Daggerleaf Woody Lead Pencil
Houseleek Shyama Harsh Pine
Houseleek Sugar Cane Dry Candy
Houseleek Honey Mint Smokey Oak
Houseleek Upright Ochoa Dry Pine

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Last edited September 6, 2005 1:34 am by Kamenwati (diff)
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