Citizenship Achieved: Sept. 9, 2004
Camp located at 1647, 2301. (Red Sea Oasis)
Current Paint Recipies
Food Recipies
[Treated Board Recipies]?
Current Projects
- Test of Life - 1 Tower Built - Current Score: 1918
- Test of Khefre's Children - Breeding Beetle - Passed Level 1
- Test of Pyrotechnics
- Test of RaeliMosaic - Designing
- Test of Darkest Night
- Round 1: 7/7 Bleeding Hand, 0/7 Fish Hook, 7/7 Ra's Awakening, 2/7 Dead Tongue
- The Test of the Safari
- Bullfrog 1/4, Desert Rat 0/4, Falcon 4/4, Fennec 0/4, Gazzele 4/4, Ibis 1/4, Otter 0/4
- The Test of the Covered Cartouche
- The Path of the Pilgrim - Looking for Group
- Test of Festival
- Isis-100% Bastet-100% Hathor-100%
- Test of Towers - 161.01%
Judging Levels
- Gliderport - 0.87
- Raeli Mosaic - 1.46
- PotP - 0.78
- Tomb - 0.78
- Strength - 2
- Dexterity - 7
- Endurance - 0
- Speed - 7
- Constitution - 0
- Focus - 1
- Perception - 3
- Gastro - 20
- BT - 18
- Oenology - 20
- Fumeology - 38
- PotP - 85
Tests passed
- Architecture: Towers Obelsik Mega [Journeyman of Architect]
- Art: Intiate
- Body: Acrobat, Cicadia
- Conflict: Intiate
- Leadership: Hegemon
- Thought:
- Worship: Vigil
Current Ranks
Unique Skills
- Cooking = 3
- Desiccation = 3
- SheetGlass = 7
- Navigation = 3
- Pyramid Const = 7
- Salvage = 2
- Mechanics = 5
- Bot Id - 1
Neo expired 32 days - deinventoried Ra/Thoth wines (removed $INVENTORY) -- FaceAnkh
Isis Fruit
- Contact me or Red Sand Glass Emporium large selection.
Toth/Ra Wines
Ra Wines