Information page about RDK
Student of Architecture (Grandson, Scribe of Architecture)
I am online most days durring evening hours (Timezone ) UTC+1 (Summertime UTC+2) Date and Time conversion
I live in the Netherlands in real live
Languages Dutch, German
, English
Moves i have, 69 facets taught
Move | Acronym | Bewegung | Mouvements | Facets |
Asian Influences | AI | Asiatische Kampfakrobatik | influenece asiatique | 7/7 |
Bicycle Kick | BK | Radfahren | saut en pédallant | 7/7 |
Broad Jump | BJ | Weitsprung | grand saut | 7/7 |
Cartwheels | CW | Radschlagen | roue | 7/7 |
Cat stretch | CS | Seitstretching | Assouplissements poussés | 7/7 |
Crunches | CR | Bauchtraining | abdominaux | 7/7 |
Greek Bridge | GB | Griechenbrücke | pont grec | 7/7 |
Handstand | HS | Handstand | marche sur les mains | 7/7 |
Inverted Pushups | IP | Kopfstandstützen | pompes poirier | 7/7 |
Jump Split | JS | Spreizsprung | saut jambes écartés | 7/7 |
Jumping Jacks | JJ | Hampelmänner | échauffement des bras et des jambes | 7/7 |
Kick-Up | KU | Kick-Up | saut arrière | 7/7 |
Leg Stretch | LS | Beinstretching | flexion des jambes | 7/7 |
Pinwheel | PW | Armkreisen | petits mouvements de bras | 7/7 |
Rear Squat | RS | Beinstrecken | coup de pied arrière | 7/7 |
Side Bends | SB | Seitbeugen | étirement des bras | 7/7 |
Squat Thrust | ST | Stützbeuge | accroupissement et saut | 7/7 |
Toe Touches | TT | Rumpfbeugen | touché des orteils | 7/7 |
Windmill | WM | Windmühle | moulin à vents | 7/7 |
So Moves i need are
Move | Acronym | Bewegung | Mouvements | Facets |
Clapping Push-Ups | CPU | Klatsch-Liegestützen | Pompes en claquants des mains | 5/7 |
Handplant | HP | Einhandstütz | équilibre sur une main | 5/7 |
Lunge | LU | Ausfallschritt | fente | 6/7 |
Push-Ups | PU | Liegestützen | pompes | 6/7 |
Roundoff | RO | Seitsalto | roue sans les mains | 5/7 |
Run in Place | RiP | Im Stand Laufen | course sur place | 6/7 |
Somersault | SS | Purzelbaum | roulade et poirier | 4/7 |
Squats | SQ | Kniebeugen | flexion | 5/7 |
Wide Squat | WS | Spreizbeugen | flexion jambes écartés | 5/7 |
The Disciplines
- Prentice of Architecture (First DOS Megapolis/Test of Live (RSO))
- Initiate of Arts
- Initiate of The Human Body
- Initiate of Conflict
- Initiate of Leadership
- Initiate of Thought
- Initiate of Worship
- Mechanics 1
- Pyramid Construction 7
- Salvage Techniques 2
- Cooking 3
- Sheet Glass Fabrication 6
- Gastronomy 2
- Beer Testing 5
- Oenology 11
- Fumeology 0
- Strength 3
- Dexterity 4
- Endurance 0
- Speed 0
- Constitution 0
- Focus 6
- Perception 1
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