Smurf's User Page
Aspiring Artist, Thinker and Explorer (who somehow got mixed up in the paths of conflict and worship instead against his will)
This is how swell I am: 2 Str, 7 Dex, 10 Spd, 5 Per, 1 Con, 2 Foc, 111 Oenology, 41 Gastro, 8 Beerology, 3 Evilology
Oenology - I can identify...
- Fruity:
- Berry: Raspberry, Cassis
- Dried Fruit: Raisin, Strawberry Jam, Fig, Prune
- Tree Fruit: Apple, Apricot
- Other: Artificial Fruit, Banana, Lemon
- Microbiological: Saurkraut
- Vegetative: Tobacco, (Cooked:Asaragus), (Fresh:Eucalyptus)
- Carmelized: Soy Sauce
- Woody: (Phenolic:Vanilla)
Sub Pages...
Grape Trading
[Paint Recipes]?
Food Recipes
Test Progress
Tests whose time has come...
- The Test of Peeping into Other People's Tunics (Telepathy)
- The Test of Oh My God I Spent Way Too Much Effort On This (Vigil)
- The Test of NO F*** WAY! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S ACTUALLY OVER!! YAY!!! (Acrobat)
- The Test of Crushing Shrieking Insects to make them Shut Up (Cicadas)
- The Test of the 1 cubit Obelisk (the pass was not officially recognized, but it was plenty of work, so as far as I'm concerned, I passed)
Tests whose time is coming, watch out!
- The Test of the Very Long Engagement (yes, after 2 months of planning, it's still on!)
- Khefre's Promiscuous and Oh So Prolific Children (2/3)
- The Test of Been There Done That, Now Wait, a.k.a Heket's Rake (only ever played one game but looks like I'm passing very soon!)
- The Test of Drinking Wine (not really a test yet, but I've drunk quite a lot, so I think it deserves to be acknowledged)
Tests whose time was coming, but ain't coming no more...
- The Test of Where's Waldo, Except That He Insulted a Witch and Got Turned Into a Dead Tongue Shroom and Could Be Anywhere at the Moment, But Isn't... (Darkest Night)
- The Test of Yes I Know Physics and No I Still Don't Get This... (Pyro)
- The Test of How Do I Get Rid Of This Extra Tab? (Demi-Pharaoh)
Expertise (if you need advice or help)
- Making mutton burgers with sides of mashed cabbages and sauteed dung rot. Mmmm
- Retired charcoal exploder - I now spend my emeritus years teaching this wonderful occupation to others and enjoy seing their eyes light up when they make their first batch. In my prime, I could make 100 cc with 150 wood and no water, now look at what I've become... *sobs*
- Mixer of colored stuff
- Drinker and maker of fine alcohol