I am a research monkey, first and formost.
Looking for someone in RSO area to pass init of worship with.
I don't like making lime, if you can do it, i'll trade stuff for it, even limestone. :) I rot dung as a hobby, don't ask me why. Maybe I'm sick. :)
Am learning paints for research and fun atm, have worked with clay, copper, iron, carrots, silver powder, saltpeter, and cabbage juice. /chat me if you can help me out a little or are willing to make trades for other paint resources (lead, shrooms, red sand) for me to play with.
Mining: Can do mining of iron, copper, silver, bronze, brass. Looking for good sources of all other minerals in and around the RSO area. Hell, I'd even travel abroad. I am good at charcoal in an oven and still enjoy doing so. I enjoy mining and am willing to trade these minerals other stuff I'm not so good at getting.
Glass: Can do all glass stuff, including sheet glass (7/7)
Herbs, Fishing & Shrooms: I fear Herbs as my color is messed, Shrooms avoid me like the plague. I am a novice fisherman. Would like any tips or help in these areas as I see food as a very useful part of the game.
I will trade anything I can make or have in order to assist in RSO research in any way at all.
I am willing to learn anything if it may help to further research (why I learned glass, alloys, and am learning paint). If it doesn't, I'm much less likely to be interested, but maybe (like acro).
Alice White: 1 SP 1 Sulf 4 Cop 3 Cab 3 Car
Aquamarine: 8 Co 1 Cab 1 Silv
Bisque: 1 SP 1 Sulf 8 Car 1 Cab 1 Co
Brown: 5 Carrots 5 Cabbage 1 Lime
Burley Wood: 1 SP 1 Sulf 2 Co 8 Car
Cadet Blue: 3 Carrot 7 Co
Carrot: 10 Carrots
Chocolate: 8 Carrots 2 Cabbage Juice
Cornflower Blue: 1 SP 5 Co 5 Clay
Crimson: 9 Carrots 1 Cabbage 1 Lime
Dark Grey: 3 Co 7 Clay 1 Cab 1 SP
Dark Magenta: 1 SP 1 Sulf 1 Clay 3 Car 6 Cab
Dark Olive Green: 4 Silver 6 Clay
Dark Orchid: 5 Cabbage 2 Carrot 2 Clay 1 Silver 1 SP
Dark Salmon: 4 Clay 4 Carrot 1 Cab 1 Co
Dark Sea Green: 1 Sulf 5 Iron 5 Co
Dark Slate Blue: 10 Cabbage Juice
Dark Slate Grey: 5 Silver 5 Cabbage
Dim Grey: 5 Cabbage Juice 5 Clay
Feldspar: 4 Clay 4 Carrot 1 Cab 1 Co
Firebrick: 1 Sulf 1 Clay 1 Cab 8 Carrot
Gainsboro: 1 SP 1 Sulf 2 Cop 1 Cab 1 Car 8 Clay
Ghost White: 1 Sp 1 Sulf 4 Cop 3 Cab 4 Car
Gray: 5 Clay 5 Cabbage 1 SP
Indian Red: 5 Carrots 5 Cabbage Juice
Indigo: 9 Cabbage 1 Co
Light Cyan: 1 Sulf 5 Cab 5 Co
Light Salmon: 1 SP 1 Sulf 1 Co 9 Car
Light Sea Green: 7 Co 3 Silver
Light Sky Blue: 1 SP 5 Co 5 Cabbage
Light Slate Grey: 4 Carrot 7 Co
Light Steel Blue: 1 SP 3 Co 7 Cab
Maroon: 1 SP 6 Silver 5 Carrots
Medium Aqua Marine: 6 Co 3 Silv 1 Cab or 9 Co 1 Car
Medium Orchid: 2 Cabbage 5 Carrot 2 Clay 1 Silver 1 SP
Medium Turquoise: 10 Copper
Medium Violet Red: 9 Cabbage Juice 1 Carrot 1 Lime
Midnight Blue: 8 Silver 2 Cabbage
Misty Rose: 1 SP 1 Sulf 6 Car 3 Cab 1 Co
Olive Drab: 8 Clay 2 Co
Orange Red: 9 Carrot 1 Lime
Orchid: 1 SP 1 Co 1 Silver 7 Carrot 10 Cab
Pale Green: 4 Carrot 7 Co 1 Cab 1 Silver
Pale Turqouse: 1 SP 1 Sulf 9 Co 1 Cab
Pale Violet Red: 5 Carrot 5 Cabbage 1 Clay 1 SP
Peru: 9 Carrot 1 Co
Pink: 1 SP 1 Sulf 1 Co 1 Iron 4 Cab 4 Car
Plum: 1 SP 1 Co 3 Cab 3 Car 3 Clay
Purple: 1 SP 2 Cab 2 Car 2 Clay 4 Silver
Rosy Brown: 1 SP 1 Cabbage 8 Clay 2 Co
Salmon: 1 Sulf 1 Co 1 Clay 9 Car
Sea Green: 4 Copper 6 Silver
Sienna: 9 Clay + 1 Carrot or 1 Cabbage
Silver: 4 Carrot 7 Co 1 Cabbage
Sky Blue: 1 Cab 9 Co
Slate Blue: 8 Cabbage 2 Clay 1 SP
Steel Blue: 1 SP 7 Copper 3 Silver
Tan: 2 Carrots 3 Co 7 Clay 1 Cab 1 SP
Teal: 3 Cabbage 7 Co
Thistle: 1 SP 1 Sulf 1 Co 9 Cab
Turquoise: 9 Copper 1 Silver
Wheat: 1 SP 1 Sulf 4 Silver 8 Car
My Definition of efficiency is: clay, SP, cab, car, silver, sulphur, cop, iron. other things i haven't tried and may not try painting with (shrooms).
anyone wanna alphebetize them , go for it :)