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Users > Thujone

Petition by Thujone (76 signatures, 5 petitioners) Implementation Status:

Trial account time and payment notification act


Most new players are subject to the very human belief that they can get something for nothing; Some players react in an unpleasant manner when they learn that the game is not free and thus add to wear and tear on mentors;

Players who do realize this is a trial report that it is difficult to find the menu options that tell them how much time they have left; and

Unexpectedly hitting the end of a trial period is a possible cause for the high number of drop-outs after Welcome Island;

We beseach Pharaoh to add an informative pop-up box to all trial accounts, that appears upon login, and which states the following information:

-That the account is a trial account

-How much time is left on the trial

-Where to find in the menus and on the web information about payment amounts and methods

-Helpful advice for new players at Pharoah's discretion, such as explaining that logging out instead of afk'ing saves trial time, or possibly a rotating selection of tips or the wiki address.

This box should disappear after the trial account converts to paid status.

(If someone would volunteer to translate this petition, I would be grateful.)

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Last edited February 8, 2006 8:32 am by Thujone (diff)
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