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Users > Xev

Xev's Wiki Notes

When I drank water:

(Karnak) 1310, -952 Strength, Dry Slimy Moss ---> Fuzzy

Cooking Recipes ( Level 3 )

Focus Feast (6/19/2005)

Results: Str -7, Dex -5, End 0, Spd 0, Con -5, Foc 19, Per -9
2 Servings

Bonfire Recipes

Big Ash Recipe

at 262 Wood Left add 5 Dried Papyrus
at 232 Wood Left add 12 Garlic
at 172 Wood Left add 152 Carrots
at 106 Wood Left add 156 Cabbage

Results: 50 Ash, 2 Charcoal

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Last edited June 20, 2005 12:47 am by Xev (diff)
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