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About Userkare My Personal info Page

This page is our Personal Page.That we use every day in the game please don't change or add any stuff to this page...Thank You,Have a Great Day......"Done by" Userkare

************************** More about Userkare *************************


*I'm 42 years old....I live in Merritt a small city in British Columbia,Canada.....In reallife I do all types of Art from...
Drawings,Painting,Sculpturing,Pen & Ink Drawing,Cartoon Drawings and I also do Calligaghy work,in my spare time..
I'm honest,open minded,and straight forth coming with people,I always tell the truth.Being brought up in a christain household all me life.I have been playing ATITD game from the begining of Tale I.This is a great game..I'm honored to have meet and come to know so many wonderful and awesome people over the years,which i can say that they are my friends and family.

*In Tale II is were i found my True love,"kelly".she make every day brighter and more fun.I'm in love with Kelly in Real Life and i'm married to Kelly in the game.We are" Soulmates"in real life and the game, Always & Forever.We have been together from the ending of tale II.We have found true Love with each other.I love Kelly,with all my Heart,Body and Soul and they will always belong to you,kelly,this life and the next...
We are always willing to help people if and where we can.We will answer any question that you care to ask.Just give a shout or open a chat with me or my wife Kelly anytime we would be happy to help anyone ...You can find my wife,Kelly and i living in karnak south of the Univ of Leadership at 1630,-1630 in The Love Shack Valley.The Love Shack is are home Guild.On this page at the bottom you'll see pictures of our beautiful valley we call home.

*Our Family Guild is The Funnybone Chatline,location 1389 -1085 south of the CS in karnak just before the School of Harmony.Funnybone chatline is a very loving,caring and wonderful group of people,please come and join our faimly.....

well thats just a little bit about myself...Hope you have fun reading & looking around my user pages enjoy,and talk to you in the game.


A little background history on my User name:,"Userkare"is not a name i just thought up ,I did Research on live poeple in Ancient Egypt.Userkare was a High Priest to the #2 Pharoah in Real Life,Which he was lost until 2004 were they uncovered the remians of the old priest bones and are in a museum now where ? I don't know that hehe.My Avatars name is the Recarnation of the High Priest "Userkare",that was uncovered,and the birth place of Userkare was and is karnak.Thats my story and i'm sticking to it.,LOL.........



More pics of Kelly and Userkare.If you keep scrolling down you can see our awesome Camp and Valley we call"HOME",on this page too and a lot MORE on this page.................

........... ............

                             My "Sweetheart" Kelly and I at the Players meet in Pittsburg 


Stats & Levels in Skills

**Strength 5
**Dexterity 5
**Endurance 1
**Speed 21
**Constitution 0
**Focus 0
**Perception 7
**Adv,Chemistry 2
**Camp Deco 4
**Carving 4
**Cooking 7
**Cooperage 4
**Ecology 5
**Firebuilding 6
**Mechanics 5
**Mining 6
**Navigation 6
**Obe Const. 4
**Pyramid Const. 7
**Rhythmic Str. 6
**Salvage Tech 6
**Sheet Glass Fab 7
**Beer 67
**Gastro 54
**Fumeology 236
**Oenology third book

***Healthy with the Lung Spore {cure} thank you Hasani***

Level 41 Scribe of Harmony

my stuff to Vote on

*Formal Garden , at 1373,-1085 {please stop by and check it out,thank you}

*Venery at 1394,-1070 {please stop by and check it out,thank you}

*Reali Mosic Table at 1412,-1076 {opening soon} ...

*Prismatic Opticon at 1407,-1066 {opening soon} ...

************************Tests Passed and Working on*****************************

Userkare: Tests passed

Architecture ..Init of Architecture , Obelisk , Towers , Life ,

Art ..Init of Art ,

Body ..Init of Body , Cicadas,

Harmony ..Init of Harmony , Prophet , Marriage , Freeman , Souls ,

Leadership ..Init of Leadership , True Leadership , Coalition {1305}

Thought ..Init of Thought , Tomb of the Immortal , Bijou ,

Worship ..Init of Worship , Vigil , Pilgrim ,

Tests that Userkare: going to start or working on

Architecture Test

Funerary Temple : at {32921}

Megalopolis : Working with a Awesome group of poeple on this test

Art and Music Test

Khefres Children , {still long ways away} no worries,

Raeli Mosaic , {Working on it} 1412,-1076 {opening soon}

Prismatic Opticon , {Working on it} 1407,-1066 {opening soon}

Formal Garden , at 1373,-1085 {please stop by and check it out,thank you}

Body Test


{ Facets Taught 89 } Masters to me: Justin,Faris,Dru,clause,Rosalyn,Court...

There is to many PGT and GT to name in here

{ My GREATEST Teacher & Master is my Beautiful and Sexy Wife, Kelly }

Asian Influence Done Bicycle Kick Done
Broad Jump Done Cartwheels Done
Cat Stretch Done Clapping Push-Ups Done
Crunches Done Greek Bridge Done
Handplant Done Handstand Done
Inverted Pushups Done Jump Split Done
Jumping Jacks Done Kick-Up Done
Leg Stretch 6 of 7 Lunge Done
Pinwheel Done Push-Ups Done
Rear Squat Done Roundoff 6 of 7
Run in Place Done Side Bends 6 of 7
Somersault 6 of 7 Squat Thrust Done
Squats 6 of 7 Toe Touches Done
Wide Squat Done Windmill 6 of 7

"22' Moves now out "28" if you see me running around just shout out,do /Tell or a PM me...I'll come and acro with you that is if i'm not doing anything atm but if so i'll come back and acro,We are always willing to help out anyone at anytime .........

Safari : Animals Captured :
5 Gazelles , 0 Falcons , 4 Ibis , 3 Desert Rats , 5 Otters , 5 Bullfrogs , 3 Fennces , { Brown , Furry , Pygmy }

Banquet have it now working on menu,hoping to have a Great Banquet soon

Oyster Catcher : havn't worked it all out yet but still need a Huge ,larges , mediums and smalls still long ways to go with this test

Harmony Test..Reason

Mentorship, {taking a break at the moment}

**168"Scholar's Gem Cutting Table" , 86"Empty hand Tower" , 172"Pathmaker" , 234"Tomb of Immortal" , 85"Vener Points"....

Total points standing at 745

Harmony Test..Critic

**147"Gazobo" , 236"Prismatic Opticon" , 246"Reali Mosic" , 40"Pyro Jugding" , 57"Khefres Childen's Judging"....

Total points standing at 726

Leadership Test

Working on the Test of the Bureaucrat , Perm Points 865 & still going..Can't Remeber,Maybe ? 11 ?Bureaucrat done

Covered Cartouche, {taking a break at the moment}

Demi-Pharaoh, {taking a break at the moment}

Thought Test

Pathmaker, {still long ways away} no worries,

Venery, {open at 1394,-1070}

Empty Hand, {still long ways away} no worries,

Worship Test

Festivals, {still long ways away} no worries

Beacons, {still long ways away} no worries,

Leavened Bread, {still long ways away} no worries,

Visions, {still long ways away} no worries,

Again this page is a Personal User page.That we use every day in the game please don't change or add any stuff to any of the pages or add any Links on the pages...Thank You,Have Fun & Take Care,Have a Great Day and "Carpe Diem".., Sieze the Day!!! .... "Done by" Userkare

Petition by Userkare

Legal Opinion: Feature Request

Compound Windows

This pentition is for being able to put 2 Type of Style Windows on His or Her Compounds.. In the Blueprint Editor under *Basic* have the option of 2 type of Windows for His/Her Compound.

TYPE of WINDOWS:Tall and Slim Window and a Box Style Window

.....Tall and Slim...................................................................Box Style
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*In order to make these Style Windows for the loading of Materials for the Blueprint.. ~Tall and Slim Window will need : 3 Sheets of Glass, 40 Boards,50 Slate and 300 bricks... ~Box Style Window : 2 Sheets of Glass,25 Boards, 30 Slate and 200 bricks....

The Windows for the Compounds are for making the Compounds more Realistic as a Home with both Doors and Windows..

Thank You for taking time to Read my pentition .I hope you have a Great Day , Have Fun and Take Care Thanks


Kelly and Userkare Pictures of The Love Shack Camp and Valley

these are pictures of Userkare's camp,Kelly took in Tale II....Kelly is so wonderful,Thank You Honey .......Tale 2 Pics

..................................... .....................................

 Kelly and Userkare in the game                     SMOKETIME,Lite it up,BABY!!              Sideview Kelly & Userkare ;o) 

                   "DO NOT DISTRUB",We're in the Shower!!!

Our Love Hammock..................................................................................................................... The Love Bed

Kelly's Barbie DreamHouse

The Love Shack valley

                                                   The Love Shack Animal Barn
    The Love Shack Guild Hall                          Kelly's veggie Garden

                                                                                                        The Love Altar    
                                    See our Monkeys

The Brown's Family Crest


I hope you enjoyed looking and reading my user page,as much as i enjoyed doing it..Thank you for taking time and looking around have a great day and take care... "Carpe Diem".., Sieze the Day!!!
"Done by" Userkare

"Bellydance like a Egyptain"....................................... ....................................... "Walk like a Egyptain"

Click here to my main User page again

Bordersidev.jpgUserkareOctober 27, 2007 4:56 am17451Bordersidev
TheLoveShackBed.jpgUserkareNovember 19, 2007 3:41 am75083TheLoveShackBed
Two-EgyptT3ku.jpgUserkareSeptember 30, 2007 12:47 am114184Two-EgyptT3ku
headert3kellyrob.jpgUserkareSeptember 27, 2007 9:49 pm112238headert3kellyrob
kellyrobt3love.jpgUserkareSeptember 27, 2007 10:14 pm110424kellyrobt3love
tomybelovedkellyloves.jpgUserkareSeptember 30, 2007 12:40 am41789tomybelovedkellyloves

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Last edited August 15, 2008 1:02 am by Userkare (diff)