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Users > Userkare

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"Hello Evryone",Sorry i havn't been around for awhile been very busy in Real Live.My old PC gave out on me afew months ago and I was unable to play The Tale in the Desert..But i have a new PC.But i am unable to play still because i have Windows Vista as a operating system on my new PC,The Tale in the Desert doesn't have a download for ATITD at the moment for Vista.It has only for Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000, or Windows XP for Required Operating Systems.I hope by Tale 4 it will have a download for Vista though and i will be back in the game to see and talk with all my friends and family..Until then everyone have a great time playing and have fun.I miss you all very much.Hope to see everyone in the New Tale in the Desert,Take care ...." Carpe Diem ", Sieze the Day.!!!


This page is a Personal User page.That we use every day in the game please don't change or add any stuff to any of the pages or add any Links on the pages...Thank You,Have Fun & Take Care,Have a Great Day and "Carpe Diem".., Sieze the Day!!! ....
"this user page was Created & Done by"Userkare


***************************** Reali Temples And Stuff ****************************

This page is my Personal Page.That i use every day in the game please don't change or add any stuff in this Link,Thank you..

Userkare's Reali Temples And Stuff

********************* More Pics and Personal Stuff of Userkare *********************

You will see Pics of our Lovely Camp in here,and little history about me { Userkare }.Plus other stuff

More pics of Kelly and Userkare

************************** Cool stuff to find on the Wiki ***************************

Wiki Links Cool stuff to find on the Wiki....This site is Currently under construction more to be added soon......

*** My stuff to Vote on ***

{ My stuff for voting on,is South of CS in Karnak just near School of Harmony }
Reali Mosic Table 1412,-1076 opening soon...
Prismatic Opticon 1407,-1066 opening soon....
Formal Garden 1373,-1085 afew steps south from the Funnybone Bar and Grill
Venery 1394,-1070 along the road in front of Funnybone Chatline Guild-Hall

My Banquet Menu has been written: If you are looking at my banquet Menu and are able to make the types of Wines and beers please chat me in the game and we can talk on prices,Thanks you..
*First course: Dish with Peasant Foot Mushrooms at least one seventh by item, duration at least 29 minutes 22 seconds..*Wine with: Tannin at least 7. Age at least 1 vintages. Beer that is: Fruity Sweet date
*Second course: Dish with Leeks at least one seventh by item, duration at least 28 minutes 52 seconds..*Wine with: Tannin at least 6. Age at least 1 vintages. Beer that is: Potent Black orange
*Third course: Dish with Razor's Edge Mushrooms at least one seventh by item, duration at least 19 minutes 2 seconds..*Wine with: Tannin at least 5. Age at least 3 vintages. Beer that is: Fruity Sweet date
*Fourth course: Dish with Dead Tongue Mushrooms at least one seventh by item, duration at least 16 minutes 24 seconds... *Wine with: Age at least 3 vintages. Residual Sugar at least 9 percent. Beer that is: Spicy Brown date
*Fifth course: Dish with Heaven's Torrent Mushrooms at least one seventh by item, duration at least 23 minutes 26 seconds..*Wine with: Tannint least 6. Age at least 1 vintages. Beer that is: Very Potent Brown honey
*Sixth course: Dish with Cabbage at least one seventh by item, duration at least 19 minutes 12 seconds..*Wine with: Age at least 1 vintages. Alcohol at least 6 percent. Beer that is: Spicy Black honey
*Seventh course: Dish with Carrots at least one seventh by item, duration at least 21 minutes 9 seconds..*Wine with: Tannin at least 9. Age at least 2 vintages. Beer that is: Fruity Brown date

If you keep scrolling down you can see a lot MORE on this page that you might like to look at and check out !!!

****************************** Guilds & Guild Stuff ******************************

*Our family Guild is"The Funnybone Chatline"a very loving,caring and wonderful group of people.Come down and join our Family.South of the Chariot Stop in KarnaK.1387,-1069 just before the School of Harmony.There is no fee for joining,though donations are gladly accepted,Everyone is welcome.Come join the faimly & fun!,But We ask for everyone that joins The Funnybone Chatline Guild,To read the *Messages* at The Funnybone Guild-hall and The*Guild Guide Lines*below on my User page here,Thank You.Have a Great Day,take care & have fun

Our Guilds .........Our list of Guilds we Founded and Belong to

Guild Territory .........this site is a map of some Guild Locations

this site are the guidelines for The Funnybone Chatline Guild,.........Guild Guide-lines.......but this Guide-lines is good for Anyone & Everyone and all Guilds to follow and live "The Tale in The Desert" is Suppose to be a time for relaxing and having a fun time with friends and family.."So Please be kind to each other have fun and take care of one another."

Some of the Funnybone Family: LatonaCicada, AlaricRa, ReddRuby, Lelia, Eighteen (MOM!!), Kelly, Userkare

***************************** Great Marvels Of Egypt ****************************

Great Marvels Of Egypt.................some awesome pic's.

*We are travelers and explorers,My lovely wife and I." We run everywhere in the game to find & seek the great marvels of this Great Land of Egypt.The site below is some pics that we have took of things we have seen in Tale 3...........


*This site is Currently under construction.Check out this though and see some awesome pic's of thing we have see in the game.

***'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'** Flower STUFF **'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'***

"The Love Shack Valley"

User's Flower STUFF.....The Crossbreeds of Userkare"

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Fumeology STUFF ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

                                      SMOKETIME,Lite it up,BABY!!  
Fumeology STUFF
**Fumeology Points: 235


This is "THE LOONEYTUNES COOKING SCHOOL" wiki part of my User page,just click on the Recipe Notes and there is some Recipe we use alot of,This recipe page can be changed at any time so keep an eye on the changes.Plus there is alot more in this Page.This page is our Personal Page.That we use every day in the game please don't change or add any stuff to this page...Thank You,Have a Great Day......"Done by" Userkare

Page #1.... Recipe Notes .....This is "THE LOONEYTUNES COOKING SCHOOL" these Recipe are for my Personal Use,these are Recipes of friends i have asked to put into my user you'll find in this page more then just Recipes.

Page #2.... More Recipes Of The Loonytunes Cooking School.....This is "THE LOONEYTUNES COOKING SCHOOL" these Recipe are for my Personal Use,these are Recipes from the wiki you'll find in this page more then just Recipes.

**Beer Points: 68 **Gastro Points: 52 **Fumeology Points: 235

Herb and Mushroom links

No Stem herbs are further broken down into
Blossoms, Leafy, Pipes, and Spikes.

* I am a traveler and explorer. " I am a herb and shroom hunter " I go out daily in this Great land of Egypt..........

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~** Finding the Fish **~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

"Gone Fishing for the day"Be Back Later

Finding the Fish

Map of stuff around Karnak and Egypt

still adding and working on putting coords on the map that is below !!..

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Map of Egypt



Guild or City



Location Description Guild or City Permissions Notes
1630,-1630 kelly & User Home The Love Shack Private Home Sweet Home
1643,-1614 kellys Barbie House The Love Shack anyone can look Home&Gardens
1389 -1085 Family Guildhall The Funnybone Chatline Everyone is Welcome Great People
1393,-1075 Guild Workshop The Funnybone Chatline
1387,-1075 Funnybone bar&Grill The Funnybone Chatline members and anyone Beer,Wine&Food
1410,-1070 Art Gallery Funnybone Art Gallery open to public works of art
1429,-1056 Leek tower Funnybone Water and Power Public 45 Leeks
1479,-1073 Garlic tower Funnybone Water and Power Public 33 Garlic
1421,-937 Onion tower Funnybone Water and Power Public 33 Onions
-239, -2555 Sulphurous lake Fool's Paradise free water
1913, 990 Sulphurous lake Public ,Karnak free water
2555,-355 Sulphurous lake Public ,Karnak free water
2161,-848 White Sand Public ,Karnak Free sand 1/10 Heavy
57,1286 White Sand Public ,Seven Lakes Free sand 1/10 Heavy
4341,7746 Bauxite Dig Site Tanis north of the CS
-2090,-475 Gypsium Dig Site Fool's Paradise right next to CS
57 1286 Tar Seven Lakes closest to CS 1/20 Heavy
-1701,-2720 Tar Fool's Paradise Long run 1/20 Heavy
-2537 -7277 Tar Khartoum Long run 1/20 Heavy
771, -2961 Red Sand Kush Good run from CS
405 6564 Red Sand Lower Egypt Public to use
1694,-1573 Limestone Field Home Sweet Home Public to use NO-f.pits Pls
1773,-829 Limestone Field Karnak,U of Arch Public to use firepit to use
1284,-464 Limestone Field Karnak,north of SBody Public to use firepit to use
1513,-1178 Raeli Oven The Funnybone Chatline
756,-2309 Raeli Oven Karnak
1638, -1630 Raeli Oven Karnak
-2072, 2960 Raeli Oven Desert of Shades
1655,-1607 Raeli Oven Karnak
1757,-1703 Raeli Oven Karnak
836,-4846 Grow Papy Spot Kush Herbing the way

The Limestone Field near The Lover Shack valley at "1694,-1573", all we ask of everyone please don't build "Compounds , Firepits and Chests "at the Limestone Field. We like to keep it Clean and Tidy....We will have chests there for the public to use in the near future.Thank You...


Thank you...I hope you enjoyed looking and reading my user page,as much as i enjoyed doing it.Thank you for taking time and looking around have a great day and Make your day full of Fun and Relax ..."" Carpe Diem "", Sieze the Day.!!!

{{ But Do Not Ever Sieze Bureaucrats thats Bad }}

"Bellydance like a Egyptain" .......................................... & .......................................... "Walk like a Egyptain"


Click here to go to the top my main User page again

3sandblooms.jpgUserkareAugust 18, 2007 4:40 pm597733sandblooms
3sandblooms1.jpgUserkareAugust 18, 2007 4:46 pm78193sandblooms1
AN.jpgUserkareAugust 18, 2007 4:58 pm12869AN
BarbieDreamhouse.jpgUserkareAugust 15, 2007 12:41 am183524BarbieDreamhouse
BigOrchid.jpgUserkareAugust 18, 2007 4:59 pm19706BigOrchid
Bonfirek.jpgUserkareDecember 21, 2007 1:35 am111180Bonfirek
Camp_2007.jpgKellyAugust 13, 2007 12:21 pm63056Camp 2007
Christmascard.jpgUserkareDecember 7, 2007 4:37 am69159Christmascard
Christmascard1.jpgUserkareDecember 13, 2007 9:18 am106951Christmascard1
Hammock.jpgUserkareAugust 21, 2007 7:29 am61538Hammock
HitD.jpgUserkareAugust 18, 2007 5:19 pm6411HitD
HomeinKarnak5.jpgUserkareFebruary 4, 2007 2:22 pm75818Kelly and Userkare Love Shack Valley
KellyUserkareartcp.jpgUserkareOctober 17, 2007 3:25 am49064KellyUserkareartcp
KellyandUserkare69.jpgUserkareAugust 17, 2007 4:44 am48698KellyandUserkare69
KellyandUserkareinLove.jpgUserkareAugust 15, 2007 4:01 am43006KellyandUserkareinLove
KellyandUsersmoking.jpgUserkareAugust 15, 2007 5:45 am11436kellyandUsersmoking
KellyandUsersmoking1.jpgUserkareAugust 15, 2007 5:47 am87554KellyandUsersmoking1
KellynRob.jpgKellyApril 25, 2007 12:19 am70621Kelly and User
Kellysdreamhouse.jpgUserkareAugust 21, 2007 7:26 am184349Kellysdreamhouse
LatonaCicadaFunnybone.jpgUserkareMay 28, 2007 5:27 am0Some of the Funnybone Family at the Players meet
LoveShackGuildhall.jpgUserkareFebruary 4, 2007 2:45 pm82335The Love Shack Hall
Minnie_me.jpgKellyAugust 17, 2006 11:40 pm153912
Oddweed1.jpgUserkareAugust 15, 2007 10:58 pm8683Oddweed1
Orchid.jpgUserkareAugust 18, 2007 5:35 pm14766Orchid
OrchidweedwithUser.jpgUserkareAugust 15, 2007 3:06 am32275OrchidweedwithUser
Otter3.jpgUserkareSeptember 2, 2007 5:45 am13312Otter3
Sabertooth.jpgUserkareAugust 18, 2007 5:19 pm13872Sabertooth
Sabertooth1.jpgUserkareAugust 18, 2007 5:11 pm2973Sabertooth
Sabertooths.jpgUserkareAugust 18, 2007 5:14 pm4807Sabertooths
Shangu-la.jpgUserkareAugust 21, 2007 7:44 am8263Shangu-la
Storchid.jpgUserkareAugust 18, 2007 5:41 pm14766STorchid
The_Love_Shack_Camp1.jpgKellyAugust 13, 2007 12:19 pm69569The Love Camp Shack
Userkare.jpgUserkareAugust 17, 2006 10:53 pm23825pic
altar.jpgUserkareFebruary 4, 2007 3:15 pm66037The Altar
bewareeayordod.jpgUserkareSeptember 2, 2007 5:36 am23290bewareeayordod
blackbrown1.jpgUserkareAugust 16, 2007 12:44 am155886blackbrown1
camp2007.jpgUserkareAugust 12, 2007 6:58 pm63056The Love Shack Camp
egyptlogo.jpgUserkareOctober 18, 2007 10:11 pm17867egyptlogo
egyptlogo2.jpgUserkareOctober 18, 2007 10:11 pm18155egyptlogo2
footbridge.jpgUserkareFebruary 4, 2007 2:46 pm62365Love Shack FootBridge
header1.jpgUserkareAugust 15, 2007 5:07 am84061header1
kelly2005.jpgUserkareAugust 17, 2006 11:17 pm96211
kellyAndusersittingbymoonlight.jpgUserkareOctober 18, 2007 9:23 pm48589kellyAndusersittingbymoonlight
kellyUsergreencat.jpgUserkareOctober 17, 2007 3:28 am69470kellyUsergreencat
kellyandUsersmoken.jpgUserkareNovember 19, 2007 3:06 am81230kellyandUsersmoken
kellyandmeatpittsbrugha1ac.jpgUserkareFebruary 4, 2007 2:28 pm57222Kelly and Userkare at Players Meet
kellyanduserorchidweed.jpgUserkareAugust 21, 2007 7:43 am12781kellyanduserorchidweed
lookatmysweetie.jpgUserkareAugust 17, 2007 10:36 pm18389lookatmysweetie
oldschool.jpgUserkareOctober 16, 2007 6:35 pm83273oldschool
ourmonkeys.jpgUserkareAugust 21, 2007 7:26 am57612ourmonkeys
roadrunner2.jpgUserkareJanuary 4, 2008 3:48 am54120roadrunner2
roadrunner3.jpgUserkareJanuary 4, 2008 4:45 am34337roadrunner3
sexykelly.jpgUserkareAugust 17, 2006 11:35 pm21884mywife kelly
sideview.jpgUserkareOctober 16, 2007 5:46 pm26979sideview
thebarn.jpgUserkareAugust 21, 2007 7:28 am201208thebarn
userkare.jpgUserkareAugust 17, 2006 10:50 pm518454Pic
userkarefunnybone.jpgUserkareAugust 17, 2007 10:05 pm145162userkarefunnybone
veggiegarden.jpgUserkareFebruary 4, 2007 3:13 pm69133veggie gardem
waterfallgrh.jpgUserkareAugust 21, 2007 7:27 am256490waterfallgrh

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Last edited August 15, 2008 12:48 am by Userkare (diff)
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