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Better Shroom Page- Mushrooms

Mushroom Types

Type Screenshot Type Screenshot Type Screenshot Type Screenshot
Acorn's Cap Bleeding Hand Brain Camel's Mane
Cat Nip Cobra Hood Colt's Foot Dead Tongue
Dueling Serpents Dung Rot Earth Light Eye of Osiris
Fish Hook Hairy Tooth Heart of Ash Heaven's Torrent
Iron Knot Nature's Jug Nefertari's Crown Peasant's Foot
Pool of Tranquility Ra's Awakening Razor's Edge Salt Water Fungus
Sand Spore Scorpion's Brood Slave's Bread Toad Skin

Introduction to Mushrooms

Mushrooms are a family of resources with different rarities, some extremely easy to find and others rare and troublesome to acquire. Mushrooms appear randomally throughout Egypt during the night, mostly between 2:00-4:30, though some have different spawn times.

You can hunt for mushrooms during the above hours; basically, choose a large stretch of land, away from the Chariot Stops, and arrive there at around 2:00. Start running around the area, using the Builder's Cam (shortcut is F7)- in several minutes you will be able to see small glints or dark spots on the landscape. Approach them and change to a different camera (using F5, F6 and F8). Click on a mushroom to pick it up.

A good location for your first mushroom hunt (nicknamed Shrooming) is large stretches of grass, as it has a high variety of mushrooms, and they are easily seen using Builder's Cam.

Visual graphs of mushroom spawn times

Mushroom Tracking

Shroomdar: Please add the type, amount, coordinates, and time of day for your mushroom finds. Mushrooms tend to come back in similar locations.

Currently Known Mushroom Information

Please notice the information below has varying degrees of accuracy.

Acorn's Cap

Bleeding Hand


Camel's Mane

Cat Nip

Cobra Hood

Colt's Foot

Dead Tongue

Dueling Serpents

Dung Rot

Earth Light

Eye of Osiris

Fish Hook

Hairy Tooth

Heart of Ash

Heaven's Torrent

Iron Knot

Nature's Jug

Nefertari's Crown

Peasant's Foot

Pool of Tranquility

Ra's Awakening

Razor's Edge

Salt Water Fungus

Sand Spore

Scorpion's Brood

Slave's Bread

Toad Skin

AC.jpgArmEagleJune 1, 2006 7:27 pm43254Acorn's Cap
BH.jpgArmEagleJune 1, 2006 7:27 pm43254Bleeding Hand
BRN.jpgArmEagleJune 1, 2006 7:28 pm43254Brain
CF.jpgArmEagleJune 1, 2006 7:28 pm43254Colt's Foot
CH.jpgArmEagleJune 1, 2006 7:28 pm43254Cobra's Hood
CM.jpgArmEagleJune 1, 2006 7:29 pm43254Camel's Mane
CN.jpgArmEagleJune 1, 2006 7:30 pm43254Catnip
DR.jpgArmEagleJune 1, 2006 7:30 pm12439Dung Rot
DS.jpgArmEagleJune 1, 2006 7:30 pm43254Dueling Serpant
DT.jpgArmEagleJune 1, 2006 7:30 pm43254Dead Tongue
EL.jpgArmEagleJune 1, 2006 7:31 pm43254Earth Light
EOO.jpgArmEagleJune 1, 2006 7:31 pm43254Eye of Osiris
FH.jpgArmEagleJune 1, 2006 7:32 pm43254Fish Hook
HOA.jpgArmEagleJune 1, 2006 7:32 pm43254Heart of Ash
HT.jpgArmEagleJune 1, 2006 7:32 pm43254Hairy Tooth
HVT.jpgArmEagleJune 1, 2006 7:32 pm43254Heaven's Torrent
IK.jpgArmEagleJune 1, 2006 7:33 pm43254Iron Knot
NC.jpgArmEagleJune 1, 2006 7:33 pm43254Nefertari's Crown
NJ.jpgArmEagleJune 1, 2006 7:33 pm43254Nature's Jug
PF.jpgArmEagleJune 1, 2006 7:33 pm7872Peasant's Foot
POT.jpgArmEagleJune 1, 2006 7:34 pm43254Pool of Tranquility
RA.jpgArmEagleJune 1, 2006 7:34 pm43254Ra's Awakening
RE.jpgArmEagleJune 1, 2006 7:34 pm43254Razor's Edge
SB.jpgArmEagleJune 1, 2006 7:34 pm43254Slave's Bread
SCB.jpgArmEagleJune 1, 2006 7:34 pm10458Scorpions Brood
SS.jpgArmEagleJune 1, 2006 7:35 pm43254Sand Spore
SWF.jpgArmEagleJune 1, 2006 7:35 pm43254Saltwater Fungus
TS.jpgArmEagleJune 1, 2006 7:35 pm43254Toad Skin

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Last edited September 6, 2008 6:38 pm by Dreasimy (diff)