Better Shroom Page-
Mushroom Types
Introduction to Mushrooms
Mushrooms are a family of resources with different rarities, some extremely easy to find and others
rare and troublesome to acquire. Mushrooms appear randomally throughout Egypt during the night, mostly between
2:00-4:30, though some have different spawn times.
You can hunt for mushrooms during the above hours; basically, choose a large stretch of land,
away from the Chariot Stops, and arrive there at around 2:00. Start running around the area, using
the Builder's Cam (shortcut is F7)- in several minutes you will be able to see small glints or dark spots on the
landscape. Approach them and change to a different camera (using F5, F6 and F8). Click on a mushroom
to pick it up.
A good location for your first mushroom hunt (nicknamed Shrooming) is large stretches of grass, as
it has a high variety of mushrooms, and they are easily seen using Builder's Cam.
Visual graphs of mushroom spawn times
Mushroom Tracking
Please add the type, amount, coordinates, and time of day for your mushroom finds.
Mushrooms tend to come back in similar locations.
Currently Known Mushroom Information
Please notice the information below has varying degrees of accuracy.
- Tale 3 Information appears under this bullet
- Tale 2 Information appears under this bullet
- Tale 1 Information appears under this bullet
Acorn's Cap
- Known Spawn Time: 2:48-4:18
- Location/Info: Unclear spawning habits. Can be found on hills, not on hills, near water, or in dry riverbeds. See Shroomdar for possible hunting spots. (Note: i have seen anywhere from a lone acorn's cap to over 25 in a group)
- Tale 1 Known Spawn Time: 2:48am-4:18
- Tale 1 Location/Info: near water, in groups of 5 (sometimes less, max 5), grass or sand. (Tale 3, found 6 don't know if that's a new max or not. -AmisiBastet)
Bleeding Hand
- Location/Info: Rocky mountains
- Known Spawn Time: 3:24 - 4:54
- Location/Info: Rocky mountains or hills.
- Needed for: Cooking Level 2 tuition.
- Tale 1 Known Spawn Time: 3:00am-4:53am (some places spawn at 3:35am)
- Was used at a Toxin Kitchen to make Nut's Essence.
- Was needed for Botanical Identification 1 skill tuition.
- Known Spawn Time: 2:18 - (saw at 4:00)?
- Found on Dirt/Rock.
- Known Spawn Time: 2:20 - 4:53
- Location/Info: Rocky or dirt hills/mountains. Similar to Cat Nip.
- Tale 1 Known Spawn Time: 2:18am - 4:53am
- Tale 1 Location/Info: seen on mountain terrain, steep slopes
- Was needed for Botanical Identification 3 skill tuition.
Camel's Mane
- 1 Required per batch of Harvest Elixer
- Known Spawn Time: 2:00 - 3:30
- Location/Info: Hills. Similar to Toad Skin. Pretty common.
- Needed for: Cooking Level 4 tuition.
- Tale 1 Known Spawn Time: 2:00-3:30am (some despawn at 3:00)
- Associates with CF, TS, NC, SC, alone.
Cat Nip
- Known Spawn Time: <2:24 - 4:53
- Location/Info: Mountains, spawns of 5. Similar to Brain.
- 2 Required per batch of Elixir of Regrowth
- Tale 1 Known Spawn Time: 2:14am-4:54am
Cobra Hood
- Known Spawn Time: 3:36-5:06
- Location/Info: Similar to Iron Knot. Found on the same terrain and often in the same area. Very common.
Colt's Foot
- Location/Info: Same as Tale 1
- Known Spawn Time: 2:12am - 3:42 am
- Location/Info: Similar to Nefertari's Crown.
- Needed for: Cooking Level 2 tuition, Botanical Identification 1 tuition
- Tale 1 Known Spawn Time: 2:12am-3:42am
- Tale 1 Location/Info: grassy hills/plains and mountain terrain
- Associates with CM, TS, NC sometimes.
Dead Tongue
- Known Spawn Time: 2:48am-4:18am
- Needed for: Paint recipes
- Known Spawn Time: 2:49am-4:18 am
- Location/Info: Spawns in groups of five near water.
- Tale 1 Known Spawn Time: 2:49am-4:19am
- Was needed for Botanical Identification 2 skill tuition.
Dueling Serpents
- Found two on SAND at 3:09 at the top of a cliff
- Known Spawn Time: 2:26-3:54am
- Location/Info: Spawns in pairs, in the desert (found in grass --Vilbert). Very similar to Sand Spore.
- Tale 1 Location/Info: low-altitude hilly sand, grows in pairs, may migrate southward each night. (Khatzesput told me she has seen them move north and west 200 coords a night, keeping this in mind does seem to help -Toba) (I have found they always move South wardly. Not due South but close to it. -Neophant)
- Was needed for Botanical Identification 3 skill tuition.
Dung Rot
- Tale 3 needed for Test of Towers: Nighttower
- Known Spawn Time: 2:06am-3:36am
- Location/Info: Mountains not too far from water. Large spawns, seems to migrate quickly. Similar to Pool of Tranquility.
- Tale 1 Known Spawn Time: 2:15am-3:38am
- Tale 1 Location/Info: show up in one place for a few nights in a row then dissapears. Suspect severe increase in Acidity caused by Casting caused DR spawns (my observation --Erika)
Earth Light
- Known Spawn Time: 2:36am-4:06am
- Location/Info: Found 2 only on steep mountainous terrain, also large groups; spawns with Scorpions Brood.
- Needed for: Paint recipes.
- Known Spawn Time: 2:36-4:06
- Location/Info: Rocky or sandy terrain; tends to spawn in large groups (up to ~500). Similar to Scorpions Brood.
- Tale 1 Known Spawn Time: 2:30am-4:06am
- Tale 1 Location/Info: mountainous terrain as well as hilly terrain, some open plain
- Associates with SC
- was needed for Botanical Identification 2 skill tuition.
Eye of Osiris
- Location/Info: Grassy valleys in Kush. Spawns in 5s but many groups in same area.
- Needed for: Night Tower,
- Known Spawn Time: 4:00-5:30
- Location/Info: Large grassy plains as in Lower Nubia or Upper Nubia. Spawns in 5s.
- Needed for: Cooking Level 2 tuition
- Tale 1 Known Spawn Time: 4:00am-5:30am
- Tale 1 Location/Info: large grassy plains as in Seven Lake and Southern Egypt.
- Was needed for Botanical Identification 2 skill tuition.
Fish Hook
- Known Spawn Time: 3:16am-4:42am
- Location/Info: Spawns in pairs, on grass, dirt or clay. Found right off the Nile, west bank, in LE.
- Known Spawn Time: 3:12-4:42
- Location/Info: Spawns in pairs, on grass, near water. Very similar to Hairy Tooth. Just east of the Nile in LN or UN would be a good place to check.
- Would like to add that while found in pairs, Fish Hook can spawn in large numbers. Encountered a huge spawn of over 70 FH spread over a 200 coordinate area.
- Tale 1 Location/Info: new; was found on grass near water in a wide valley. Similar to Pool of Tranquility. May move 100 coords north each night, depending on terrain.
Hairy Tooth
- Known Spawn Time: 3:15-4:42
- Location/Info: Found on grass where it borders sand.
- Known Spawn Time: 3:12-4:42
- Location/Info: Spawns in pairs, on grass, near water. Very similar to Fish Hook. Just east of the Nile in LN or UN would be a good place to check. Slow moving spawns. Check shroomdar for recent sightings.
- Location/Info: Observations in Yr 3, Shemu IV saw a spawn of over 100 in clumps in excess of 2 stated above. Located around -1000, 7450, they were found in a predominantly grassy area (80% on grass, 15% on sand, 5% on dirt), with terrain that was both flat and hilly. Ran out of time collecting them, and I was here 3.15am in-game time! Too much for one person! Seen them in CotS (West of UArt) in very large groups mainly on grassy flatish areas.
Heart of Ash
- Known Spawn Time: 3:48 - 5:18
- Location/Info: Sandy banks of the Nile in Southern Nile Delta region. Large grassy plains as in Upper or Lower Nubia (Appear to have a tendancy to spawn near roads - Barhi). Usually spawns in 7s, sometimes less.
- Found in Karnak and Kush
- Tale 1 Known Spawn Time: 4:19am-5:18am
Heaven's Torrent
- Known Spawn Time: 2:30-4:05
- Location/Info: Found along the coast of the Red Sea, Mediterranean Sea, or the former Lake of Reeds. Very similar to Salt Water Fungus.
- Tale 1 Location/Info: new; Found alone on a grassy peninsula, as well on rocky peninsula. apparently similar to SWF and DT, though fairly rare.
- Used for Botanical Identification skill level 3
Iron Knot
- Known Spawn Time: 3:36am-5:06am
- Known Spawn Time: 3:36-5:06
- Location/Info: On or near rocky terrain, spawns in groups of 5 but often has many, many groups nearby. Arguably the most common 'shroom in Egypt. Similar to Cobra's Hood.
- Needed for: Ante for Heket's Rake courts (one per person)
- Was needed for Botanical Identification 1 skill tuition.
Nature's Jug
- Known Spawn Time: 2:46am-4:21am
- Location/Info: Flat, wide open spaces. Seems to spawn very randomly. Usually found in open, flat desert, though not the really deep desert. Psychotically rare.
- Tale 1 Location/Info: open desert, rocky terrain as well, also found on grass with no sand anywhere in sight. Rare sightings.
- Was used at a Toxin Kitchen to make [Eye of God serum]?
- Was needed for Botanical Identification 3 skill tuition.
Nefertari's Crown
- Known Spawn Time: 2:12-3:42am
- Needed for: Making Nut's Essence in a Toxin Kitchen.
- Location/Info: Similar to Colt's Foot. Can spawn in very large groups (10-300)
- Tale 1 Location/Info: new; mountainous terrain, sandy hills, grassy hills
- Associates with CF, CM, TS, SC
- Spotting Tips: Is short and dark, stay close to parallel to the ground and don't zoom out far or they will become invisible.
Peasant's Foot
- Known Spawn Time: ~3:48-5:17 (3:48+/- 3 minutes)
- Location/Info: Spawns in groups of 3 or 7 on flat, grassy plains. Rare.
- How come I have found 10-20 groups of this? - Lousku
- Needed for: Cooking Level 4 tuition
Pool of Tranquility
- Known Spawn Time: 2:06-3:36
- Location/Info: Large spawns around RSO chariot stop sometimes, but it seems to migrate east/west rather quickly. (Saw one spawn move 100 coords east in one game day) Similar to Dung Rot.
- Tale 1 Known Spawn Time: 2:00-3:36
Ra's Awakening
- known spawn time: 3:00am-4:30 ( pretty sure it's 3:30-4:30 ~cheos)
- Location/Info: Spawns in pairs, on sandy hills. Similar to 's Bread. (This information is incorrect at least sometimes. I have found more than 15 in spreed out sandy AND GRASSY hills - Endours; I can concur, I found them spread out over sand, grass and mountains in large numbers, I managed to collect 68 before they 'poofed' with at least 10 more in sight - Tobid)
- Needed for: Cooking Level 2 tuition (Incorrect, see Cooking info)
Razor's Edge
- Location/Info: Similar to previous tales
- Known Spawn Time: 2:46-4:21
- Location/Info: Found on or near steep cliffs. Can spawn in large or small groups.
- Tale 1 Known Spawn Time: 2:46am-4:21am
- Tale 1 Location/Info: deep narrow valleys, or near very steep, almost vertical mountains, spawns of 3 to 80+, often unreachable
Salt Water Fungus
- Known Spawn Time: 2:30-4:05
- Spawns in groups (e.g I found a group of 41)
- Location/Info: Found along the coast of the Red Sea, Mediterranean Sea, or the Lake of Reeds in the NorthEast. Very similar to Heaven's Torrent.
Sand Spore
- Known Spawn Time: 2:26am-3:54am
- Location/Info: Always spawns in pairs, in the desert. Very similar to Dueling Serpents.
- Needed for: Cooking Level 2 tuition
Scorpion's Brood
- Known Spawn Time: 2:36am-4:06am
- Location/Info: spawns on mountainous or rocky terrain. Spawns in moderate to large groups
- 1 Required per batch of Liquid Sun Fertilizer
- Known Spawn Time: 2:36-4:06
- Location/Info: Large spawns in sandy terrain. Similar to Earth Light.
- Tale 1 Known Spawn Time: 2:36am?-4:06am
- Tale 1 Associates with NC, EL
Slave's Bread
- Grow on Grass/Rock. Despawn at 4:30am.
- Known Spawn Time: 3:00am-4:30am
- Location/Info: Seems to spawn in pairs, in hilly sand. Similar to Ra's Awakening.
- Tale 1 Known Spawn Time: 3:00am-4:30am
- Tale 1 Location/Info: open terrain such as the desert, tend to spawn in the same areas (refer to Shroomdar for sightings), also seen on the sides of long rounded sand dunes. often seen in a NE/SW'ish line in pairs.
Toad Skin
- Known Spawn Time: 2:00am - 3:30am
- Location/Info: Found in steep mountain terrain or grass plain near hills. Mountains south of Karnak seem to be a good place to find them. Seem to spawn in pairs. (have found a large group of 21 before ~ AriaXIII)(found several groups of 5-7 harvested 26 in same area before despwan - Articgrey)
- Needed for: Paint recipes, Weed Killer for Barley cultivation
- Known Spawn Time: 2:00am-3:30am
- Location/Info: Hills. Similar to Camel's Mane. Pretty common.
- Tale 1 Known Spawn Time: 2:00am-3:30am
- Tale 1 Location/Info: grassy hills/sandy hills/mountains
- Tale 1 Associates with CF, CM, NC