This list is player-updated, so it may not be complete. See Full List for an automatically generated list.
Resource | Weight | Bulk | Brief Description |
A | |||
Abdju Fish | 1 | 1 | A type of fish. |
Acid | 1 | 1 | Made in a Kettle with Sulphurous Water, Salt, and Wood. |
Alcohol Lamp | Used to upgrade a properly calibrated Chemistry Laboratory. | ||
Aluminum | 1 | 1 | A metal created by smelting aluminum ore in a furnace. |
Aluminum Ore | 1 | 1 | An ore found by mining. |
Aluminum Plate | ? | ? | Made from aluminum in a casting box. |
Aluminum Powder | Used as an ingredient in some fireworks recipes. | ||
Ambrosia | 1 | 1 | A complex item used in the Test of Festivals. |
Antimony | 1 | 1 | A metal created by smelting antimony ore in a furnace. |
Antimony Ore | 1 | 1 | An ore found by mining. |
Anvil Bed | 1 | 1 | Made from iron in a casting box. Used to make an anvil. |
Arsenic | 1 | 1 | Created in a Kettle (or via alchemy) and used in the Test of Visions. |
Ash | 1 | 1 | Created in a Firepit or Crematory with leeks, dried flax or dried papyrus. |
B | Back_to_Top | ||
Ball Peen Hammer | 1 | 1 | Made from iron and beeswax in a Casting Box. Used when blacksmithing. |
Barometer | 1 | 1 | Measures altitudes. |
Barometric Sphere | 1 | 1 | 3 of these needed to make a barometer. A glassblowing project. |
Barley | 0 | 1 | (category) Can be eaten, turned into malt (on a malting tray), cooked in a grain oven or fed to chickens. |
Barley (Raw) | 0 | 1 | A form of barley that can be cooked, malted or used to grow more raw barley using water, grain fertiliser and often weed killer. |
Barrel Tap | 1 | 1 | Carved from wood with an iron knife or better. Used to seal a wine barrel once full of grapes. |
Basic Fishing Pole | 1 | 1 | Assembled from twine and a sharpened stick via the Skills>Assembly menu. Used for fishing in rivers and lakes. |
Basic Tincture | ? | ? | Made in an Assimilation Bath. |
Baskets | 1 | 1 | Woven from 200 Dried Papyrus on a Loom. |
Bauxite | 1 | 1 | Used in making cement. Produced by digging near the eastern edge of the map. |
Bearings | 1 | 1 | Made from bronze and beeswax in a Casting Box. Used to construct a variety of advanced buildings. |
Beer | 100 | 1 | (complex) A small barrel of beer. |
Beer Kettle Kit | 5 | 5 | The result of picking up a Beer Kettle. Can be dropped and picked up again, any number of times. |
Beeswax | 1 | 1 | Makes candles in a kitchen and is used in a Casting Box. Produced by bees in an Apiary and temporarily boosted by using essential extract (giving no honey). |
Beetle | 1 | 1 | (complex) Little creatures found wild throughout Egypt. Can be bred in a Beetle Terrarium, stored in a Khefre's Locker and mulched to make Khefre's Essence. |
Boards | 1 | 1 | Made from Wood on a wood plane or carpentry shop (with a carpentry blade installed). |
Brass | 1 | 1 | An alloy of copper and tin. Produced in a Reactory. |
Brass Plate | 100 | 1 | Made from brass in a master's casting box, only. Used to build a Barrel Vice, upgrade a Chemistry Laboratory or to learn Cooperage at an SBody. |
Brass Pot | 1 | 1 | Made from brass in a master's casting box, only. Used to build a Beer Kettle and a Scent Lab. |
Bricks | 1 | 1 | Made from a 3:2:1 ratio of mud, straw and sand on a Brick Rack or in a Brick Machine. |
Bronze | 1 | 1 | An alloy of silver and brass. Produced in a Reactory. |
C | Back_to_Top | ||
Cabbage | 1 | 1 | A type of vegetable. |
Cabbage Juice | 1 | 1 | Made from cabbage crushed using a kitchen. |
Cabbage Seeds | 1 | 1 | Used to grow cabbage. |
Cable | 1 | 1 | Spun from 25 steel wire in a distaff upgraded with a pinch roller. |
Cactus Sap | 1 | 1 | Collected from a previously injured Royal Cactus. |
Camel Meat | 1 | 1 | Produced by slaughtering camels. |
Camel Milk | 1 | 1 | Produced by female camels when given a taste of honey shortly after giving birth. |
Canary Granite | 20 | 1 | A type of marble. |
Candle | 1 | 1 | Made from 2 Beeswax in a Kitchen that has been upgraded with a cookpot. |
Canvas | 1 | 1 | Woven from 60 Twine on a Loom. |
Carp Fish | 1 | 1 | A type of fish. |
Carpentry Blade | 1 | 1 | (complex) Made using metal on an anvil by a skilled blacksmith. Used to upgrade a carpentry shop to plane boards. |
Carrot Seeds | 1 | 1 | Used to grow carrots. |
Carrots | 1 | 1 | A type of vegetable. |
Catfish | 1 | 1 | A type of fish. |
Cement | 1 | 1 | Made by stirring bauxite, gypsum and clinker in a Clinker Vat. Used to produce concrete. |
Charcoal | 1 | 1 | Made by burning wood in a firepit, Charcoal Hearth or Charcoal Oven. Used as a fuel in many buildings in Egypt. |
Chicken Meat | 1 | 1 | Produced by slaughtering chickens. Used for cooking. |
Chromis Fish | 1 | 1 | A type of fish. |
Clay | 1 | 1 | Gathered by standing on clay and clicking the clay action icon (a shovel digging into red ground) while having filled water in jugs in your inventory. |
Clay Dome | 1 | 1 | Made by firing a wet clay dome (made with clay on a pottery deck) in a Vault Kiln. Used to build a Rabbit Hutch. |
Clay Lamp | 1 | 1 | Assembled from 1 Jugs, 20 Oil and 1 Rope via your Skills>Assembly menu. Used to build a Thoths Puzzle, various Towers and an Empty Hand Tower. |
Clay Mortars | 1 | 1 | Made by firing a wet clay mortar in a Kiln. Used to build a Kitchen and a Chemistry Laboratory. |
Clinker | 1 | 1 | A waste byproduct of smelting ore in a furnace (requiring the Masonry tech) or making alloys in a Reactory. Causes pollution when dropped! |
Coal | 1 | 1 | Found while mining. |
Cobra Blood | 1 | 1 | Collected by killing Cobras in a serpentarium. |
Cobra Skin | 1 | 1 | Collected from Cobras in a serpentarium (they shed them over time). |
Cobra Venom | 1 | 1 | Collected by milking Cobras in a serpentarium. Used to make reducing agent at an alchemist's bench for use in Alchemy. |
Cocoa Seed | 1 | 1 | Used in the Test Of The Plantation. |
Coconut Meat | 1 | 1 | Made by splitting coconuts in a kitchen. |
Coconut Water | 1 | 1 | Made by splitting coconuts in a kitchen. |
Coconuts | 1 | 3 | Gathered from coconut trees. |
Concrete | 1 | 1 | Made from gravel, cement and water in jugs in a Clinker Vat (the jugs are returned). |
Copper | 1 | 1 | A metal created by smelting copper ore in a furnace. |
Copper Cookpot | 1 | 1 | Made from copper in a casting box. Used to upgrade a kitchen, allowing cooking and the creation of candles. |
Copper Ore | 1 | 1 | An ore found by mining. |
Copper Sheeting | 1 | 1 | Made from copper in a forge upgraded with pinch rollers. |
Copper Straps | 1 | 1 | Made from copper in a forge upgraded with pinch rollers. |
Copper Wire | 1 | 1 | Made from copper in a forge upgraded with an extrusion plate. |
Crudely Carved Handle | 1 | 1 | Carved from wood using a glass knife, or better. Used to assemble iron knives or make glass scythes on a carpentry shop. |
Crushed Eggshells | 1 | 1 | Made by crushing eggs in a kitchen or found in a chicken coop after eggs have hatched. Used in the making of a Cut Stone Obelisk. |
Cut Gems | 1 | 1 | (category) Cut from a cuttable gem on a gem cutting table. |
Cut Stone | 1 | 1 | Cut from a cuttable stone on a rock saw. |
Cuttable Gem | 1 | 1 | (category) Produced by a water mine. Can be cut on a gem cutting table or pulverized in a chemistry laboratory to make powdered gems. |
Cuttable Stone | 1 | 1 | Produced by digging. Used to make a pulley or cut stone on a rock saw |
D | Back_to_Top | ||
Dates | 1 | 1 | Found on a Date Palm that has been fertilized with saltpeter. |
Diamond | 1 | 1 | (category) A type of gem. Found in a water mine or while mining. |
Dirt | 1 | 1 | Dug from a patch of soil using a shovel. |
Distillation Coils | 1 | 1 | (complex) Produced from a glass pipe in a Glory Hole. Used for research. |
Dowsing Rod | 1 | 1 | Used to dowse for nearby ore. |
Dried Flax | 1 | 1 | Made by drying Rotten Flax on a Drying Rack or Flax Hammock. |
Dried Papyrus | 1 | 1 | Made by drying Papyrus on a Drying Rack or Flax Hammock. |
Dung | 1 | 1 | A byproduct of raising sheep and camels. Placed in a tub to make saltpeter or used to build a thistle garden. |
E | Back_to_Top | ||
Eggs | 1 | 1 | Laid by hens in a chicken coop. Can also be found in trees, when collecting wood, if you have the Avian Selection tech (having high perception seems to help). |
Emerald | 1 | 1 | (category) A type of gem. Found in a water mine or while mining. |
Empty Wine Bottles | 1 | 1 | Made from normal glass, in batches of 12, on a glazier's bench. |
Essence | 1 | 1 | Made from various materials using a chemistry lab. Used to make essential compound. |
Essential Extract | ? | ? | Made from cabbage, carrots and carrot seeds in a kitchen (with Hive Optimization tech). Used to make an apiary temporarily produce more beeswax. |
Essential Compound | 1 | 1 | Made from essence using a chemistry lab. Can be used to make essential compound extract. |
Essential Compound Extract | ? | ? | Made from Essential Compound. Various types, used in chemistry. |
Essential Macerator | ? | ? | Assembled via the Skills>Assembly menu and used to upgrade a Chemistry Laboratory for use in Chemistry. |
Explosives | ? | ? | (category) Made in a chemistry lab. Potentially very dangerous, handle with care! |
Extrusion Plate | 60 | 1 | Made from copper on a master's forge, only. Used to build a mint or to upgrade a forge to make wire. |
F | Back_to_Top |
Fine Glass Pipe | 1 | 1 | Made from jewel glass on a glazier's bench. Used to build a chemical bath. |
Fine Glass Rods | 1 | 1 | Made from jewel glass on a glazier's bench. Used to build a pigment laboratory, prismatic opticon, hookah bowl, wine glass or simple lockbox. Can be tuned in an acoustics laboratory. |
Firebricks | 1 | 1 | Made by firing wet firebricks in a Kiln. |
Fish | 1 | 1 | (category) Caught by fishing. |
Flax | 1 | 1 | Made from Flax Seeds. Can be rotted in water, using the Skills menu, for drying and processing into thread, canvas, linen and rope. |
Flax Seeds | 1 | 1 | Used to grow Flax. Can be crushed into oil in a kitchen. |
Flint | 1 | 1 | Occasionally found while collecting Clay. |
Flint Chisel | 1 | 1 | Made from flint via your Skills>Assembly menu. Needed to collect Limestone (Alternately, you can use a Lead Chisel). |
Flint Hammer | 1 | 1 | Made from flint, rope and wood via your Skills>Assembly menu. Needed to collect Limestone (Alternately, you can use a Heavy Mallet). |
Flower Fertilizer | 1 | 1 | Used to reproduce flowers. |
Flystone | 1 | 1 | Made by cutting medium stones in a rock saw. |
G | Back_to_Top | ||
Garlic | 1 | 1 | A type of vegetable. Used in cooking; can also be grilled in a Firepit. |
Garlic Seeds | 1 | 1 | Used to grow garlic. |
Glass Blade | 1 | 1 | Made from soda glass on a glazier's bench. Used to assemble glass knives or make glass scythes on a carpentry shop. |
Glass Jars | 1 | 1 | Made with normal glass on a glazier's bench. Use in alchemy and chemistry. |
Glass Knife | 1 | 1 | Assembled from 1 glass blade and 4 rawhide strips via the Skills>Carving menu. Required for carving level 1 or 2 items and for learning Carving level 3 at SBody. |
Glass Pipe | 1 | 1 | Made with soda glass on a glazier's bench. |
Glass Rod | 1 | 1 | Made with soda glass on a glazier's bench. |
Glass Torch | 1 | 1 | Made with normal glass on a glazier's bench. |
Gold | 1 | 1 | A metal created by smelting gold ore in a furnace. |
Gold Bar | 1 | 1 | Made from 20 gold in a forge. |
Gold Foil | 1 | 1 | Made from gold sheeting in a forge upgraded with a pinch roller. |
Gold Ore | 1 | 1 | An ore found by mining. |
Gold Sheeting | 1 | 1 | Made from gold in a forge upgraded with a pinch roller. |
Gold Wire | 1 | 1 | Made from gold in a forge upgraded with an extrusion plate. |
Golden Cog | 140 | 140 | ? |
Grain Fertilizer | 1 | 1 | Made from carp, wood and water in a kettle. Used to grow barley. |
Grass | 1 | 1 | Dried into straw by dropping on the ground or in a drying rack or flax hammock. Harvested from a greenhouse or by clicking the 'grass action icon' while on grass. |
Grapes | 1 | 1 | (complex) Harvested from a vineyard and used to make wine. |
Gravel | 1 | 1 | Smashed from medium stones using a sledgehammer. Used to make concrete. |
Grilled Cabbage | 1 | 1 | A stat-enhancing food, created from cabbage in a Firepit. (+2 speed) |
Grilled Carrots | 1 | 1 | A stat-enhancing food, created from carrots in a Firepit. (+2 perception) |
Grilled Cucumbers | 1 | 1 | A stat-enhancing food, created from cucumbers in a Firepit. (+2 strength) |
Grilled Fish | 1 | 1 | A stat-enhancing food, created from fish in a Firepit. (+2 endurance) |
Grilled Garlic | 1 | 1 | A stat-enhancing food, created from garlic in a Firepit. (+2 focus) |
Grilled Onions | 1 | 1 | A stat-enhancing food, created from onions in a Firepit. (+2 endurance) |
Grilled Peppers | 1 | 1 | A stat-enhancing food, created from peppers in a Firepit. (+1 strength, +1 endurance) |
Gunpowder | 0 | 0 | Used to fire a shell from a fireworks mortar. Produced in a chemistry laboratory. |
Gypsum | 1 | 1 | Used in making cement. Produced by digging near the western edge of the map. |
H | Back_to_Top | ||
Hatchet | 1 | 1 | (complex) Made on an anvil. Helps collect wood faster. |
Heavy Lead Bowl | 1 | 1 | Made from 20 lead in a casting box. Used in the construction of a Holy Shrine. |
Heavy Mallet | 1 | 1 | Used with a lead chisel to gather limestone. Assembled from a heavy mallet head, a large crude handle and a wooden peg using a Carpentry Shop. |
Heavy Mallet Head | 1 | 1 | One of three components used to make a Heavy Mallet on a Carpentry Shop. |
Herbs | 1 | 1 | (category) Used to cook tasty meals. Found by foraging. |
Holy Oil | ? | ? | |
Honey | 1 | 1 | Produced by bees in an apiary. Can be fed to female camels under specific circumstances so that they produce camel milk. |
Hookah | 1 | 1 | (complex) Used to smoke herbs and gain fumeology points. |
Hookah Bowl | 1 | 1 | (complex) Used to build a Hookah. |
I | Back_to_Top | ||
Incense | 1 | 1 | Made with cactus sap and Charcoal in a Scent Lab. |
Incense Prong | 1 | 1 | Used to add Herbs, Resin and rose petals to incense. |
Ink | 1 | 1 | Made with Salts Of Iron, Charcoal and Oil in a chemistry laboratory. |
Iron | 1 | 1 | A metal created by smelting iron ore in a furnace. |
Iron Bar | 1 | 1 | Made from iron in a forge. |
Iron Cookpot | 1 | 1 | Made from iron in a casting box. Used on a Banquet Table and to upgrade a kitchen (bugged! use a copper cookpot!). |
Iron Ore | 1 | 1 | An ore found by mining. |
Iron Poker | 1 | 1 | Made from iron in a forge. Used to stoke a firepit and does not break (but cannot be used to grill food). |
Iron Pot | 1 | 1 | Made from iron on a master's casting box, only. Used to build a Kettle, Reactory and Fleet Furnace or upgrade a Pigment Laboratory. |
Iron Shovel | 1 | 1 | Used for digging and is superior to a slate shovel as it doesn't break. Assembled from a shovel blade and boards on a Carpentry Shop (with installed carpentry blade). |
J | Back_to_Top | ||
Jugs | 1 | 1 | Made by firing wet clay jugs in a Kiln. Required to carry Water and Sulphurous Water. |
K | Back_to_Top | ||
Khefre's Essence | 1 | 1 | Made by mulching beetles. |
Knife | 1 | 1 | (complex) There are several types of knives - used in Carving. |
Korerima | 1 | 1 | A spice, only given out as an event reward. |
L | Back_to_Top | ||
Large Crude Handle | One of three components used to make a Heavy Mallet on a Carpentry Shop. | ||
Large Gear | 120 | 1 | Made from iron and beeswax in a master's casting box, only. Used in gearboxes and a water mine. Needed to learn Structure Maintenance at SLead. |
Lead | 1 | 1 | A metal created by smelting lead ore in a furnace. |
Lead Chisel | 1 | 1 | Used with a heavy mallet to gather limestone. |
Lead Ore | 1 | 1 | An ore found by mining. |
Leather | 1 | 1 | Produced by slaughtering sheep or camels. Used to repair mines, as tuition fees for Schools and to construct a multitude of buildings. |
Leeks | 1 | 1 | A type of vegetable. |
Leek Seeds | 1 | 1 | Used to grow Leeks. |
Lime | 1 | 1 | Made from limestone in a firepit or crematory. |
Limestone | 1 | 1 | Gathered using a hammer and chisel at a limestone patch. |
Linen | 1 | 1 | Woven from 400 Thread on a Loom. |
Lint | 1 | 1 | A flax product. Spun in a small distaff to produce thread. |
Lithium | 1 | 1 | A metal created by smelting lithium ore in a furnace. |
Lithium Ore | 1 | 1 | An ore found by mining. |
Loom Frame | 1 | 1 | Made in a carpentry shop upgraded with a vice bench. |
M | Back_to_Top | ||
Magnesium | 1 | 1 | A metal created by smelting magnesium ore in a furnace. |
Magnesium Ore | 1 | 1 | An ore found by mining. |
Magnesium Wire | 1 | 1 | Made from magnesium in an upgraded forge. |
Malt | (0) | (1) | (category) Used in cooking, or to make beer. |
Malt (Raw) | 0 | 1 | Made from barley (raw) on a malting tray. |
Marble Mortar | ? | ? | ? |
Medium Gear | 20 | 1 | Made from iron and beeswax in a casting box. Used in gearboxes and to build a paper press and brick machine. |
Medium Stone | 10 | 1 | Found when digging for cuttable stone. |
Mirror | 1 | 1 | Made at glaziers bench with Silver Powder Sheet Glass in inventory. |
Monkey Wrench | 1 | 1 | A tool. Produced in a Casting Box. |
Moon Steel | 1 | 1 | An alloy of iron, silver and titanium. Produced in a Reactory. |
Moss | 1 | 1 | Gathered from Aqueduct Towers. Used in research of Herbiculture. |
Mud | 1 | 1 | Found near water. Used to make bricks. |
Mud Granite | 20 | 1 | A type of marble. |
Mushrooms | 1 | 1 | (category) Found growing in the wild between 2:00 am and 6:00 am game time. |
Mutton | 1 | 1 | Made by slaughtering a sheep. |
N | Back_to_Top | ||
Nail Mould | 1 | 1 | Made from a Medium Stone at a Mason's Bench. |
Nails | 1 | 1 | Made in a forge that has been upgraded with a Nail Mould. |
O | Back_to_Top | ||
Octet's Alloy | 1 | 1 | An advanced alloy of gold, water metal and metal blue. Produced by holding all three metals in your inventory, while receiving a 'zap'. |
Octet's Alloy Wire | 1 | 1 | Wire made from Octet's Alloy, an advanced alloy. |
Oil | 1 | 1 | Made by slaughtering sheep or camels, or by crushing flax seed in a kitchen. |
Onions | 1 | 1 | A type of vegetable. |
Onion Seeds | 1 | 1 | Required to grow Onions. |
Ore | 1 | 1 | (category) Mined from the ground and smelted into metal. |
Oyster Shell Marble | 20 | 1 | A type of marble. |
Oxyrynchus Fish | 1 | 1 | A type of fish. |
P | Back_to_Top | ||
Paint | 1 | 1 | (complex) Produced in a pigment laboratory. |
Palm Frond | 1 | 1 | Occasionally can be pulled down from various types of palm trees. |
Papyrus | 1 | 1 | Cultivated along the Nile. Can be dried for extra seeds. |
Papyrus Paper | 1 | 1 | Made from papyrus in a paper press. |
Papyrus Seeds(hf) | 1 | 1 | Planted on the Nile to grow papyrus. |
Perch Fish | 1 | 1 | A type of fish. |
Petroleum | 1 | 1 | A type of fuel produced by a Deep Well. |
Pewter | ? | ? | An alloy of platinum and antimony. Produced in a Reactory. |
Phagrus Fish | 1 | 1 | A type of fish. |
Pinch Roller | 60 | 1 | Made in a master's forge from iron. |
Pincher Axle | ? | ? | ? |
Pincher Claw | ? | ? | ? |
Platinum | 1 | 1 | A metal created by smelting platinum ore in a furnace. |
Platinum Ore | 1 | 1 | An ore found by mining. |
Potash | 1 | 1 | Made by boiling ash in a kettle. |
Potash Ointment | ? | ? | Made and used in a chemistry laboratory. Converts ash into potash. |
Powdered Gem | 1 | 1 | (category) Made by pulverizing gems in a chemistry laboratory. |
Pulley | 1 | 1 | Created by cutting a cuttable stone on a rock saw. |
Q | Back_to_Top | ||
Quartz | 1 | 1 | (category) A type of gem. Found in a water mine or while mining. |
Quicksilver | 1 | 1 | Made by smelting red sand in a fleet furnace. |
Quill | 1 | 1 | Made by carving an ibis feather. |
R | Back_to_Top | ||
Ra Bulb | 1 | 1 | Base varieties available at some Universities of Worship. |
Raeli Tiles | 1 | 1 | Made in a Raeli Oven. |
Raw Silk | 1 | 1 | 50 Raw Silk on a loom produces 1 Silk Cloth. |
Rawhide Strip | 1 | 1 | Made by carving leather with a knife . |
Red Sand | 1 | 1 | Smelted into quicksilver. See the Atlas for locations. |
Reducing Agent | ? | ? | Made from cobra venom, lime and water in jugs at an alchemist's bench for use in alchemy. |
Resin | 1 | 1 | (complex) Obtained from trees that have been nicked with a Resin Wedge. |
Resin Wedge | 1 | 1 | (complex) Used to nick trees to produce resin. |
Ribbon | 1 | 1 | Made with silk cloth and paint in a Pigment Laboratory. |
Rope | 1 | 1 | 1 Rope is spun from 5 Twine in a Small Distaff. |
Rotten Flax | 1 | 1 | Made from rotting Flax in water. |
Round Hammer | 1 | 1 | Made in a Casting Box from 2 Iron and 2 Beeswax. |
Ruby | 1 | 1 | (category) A type of gem. Found in a water mine or while mining. |
S | Back_to_Top | ||
Sail | 1 | 1 | A cloth product, used to make Ferry Boats. |
Salt | 1 | 1 | Made by boiling coconut water in a kettle. |
Saltpeter | 1 | 1 | Made by rotting dung in a tub. |
Salts Of Iron | 1 | 1 | A metal salt made in an acid bath. |
Sand | 1 | 1 | It's a desert, dude. |
Sand Bloom Bulb | 1 | 1 | Harvested from odd weeds. |
Sapphire | 1 | 1 | (category) A type of gem. Found in a water mine or while mining. |
Screw Gear | 900 | 1 | Used in a deep well. |
Scythe | 1 | 1 | Used with the rhythmic strength skill and a basket to gather more grass. |
Serpent Fish | 1 | 1 | A type of fish. |
Shaping Mallet | 1 | 1 | Made in a Casting Box from 2 Lead and 2 Beeswax. |
Sharpened Stick | 1 | 1 | Made from whittling Wood with a Knife. |
Sheep | 300 | 1 | (category) Found in the wild and bred in a Sheep Pen. |
Sheep Supplement | 1 | 1 | Made in a kitchen. Use is unknown. |
Sheet Glass | 1 | 1 | Made in a Glazier's Bench. |
Shovel | 1 | 1 | (complex, category) Used to dig. |
Shovel Blade | 1 | 1 | Used to make a basic Iron Shovel. |
Silk Cloth | 1 | 1 | A Hand Loom needs 50 Raw Silk to make 1 Silk Cloth. |
Silt | 1 | 1 | Found on the ground, usually near water, bridges, and clay patches. |
Silver | 1 | 1 | A metal found by mining. Different from most metals because it is mined in pure form (there is no such thing as Silver Ore). |
Silver Bar | 1 | 1 | Made from 20 silver in a forge. |
Silver Powder | 1 | 1 | Made by grinding silver in a barrel grinder. |
Silver Sheeting | 1 | 1 | Made from silver in an upgraded forge. |
Silver Wire | 1 | 1 | Made from silver in an upgraded forge. |
Simple Lockbox | ? | ? | Made from copper, a fine glass rod, 2 small gears, gold wire and numerous 'eyelet' cut gems in a forge. Used in the Test of the Venery. |
Slate | 1 | 1 | Found while running near water. Gathered by clicking the orange slate icon when it pops up. |
Slate Shovel | 1 | 1 | Made from 1 Stone Blade and 2 boards in a Carpentry Shop. |
Sledgehammer | 1 | 1 | Used to smash medium stones into gravel. |
Small Barrel | 1 | 1 | Made in a Barrel Vice. Used to store beer or ferment wine. |
Small Gear | 1 | 1 | Made from brass and beeswax in a casting box. Used in gearboxes and to build a brick machine, flax gin and simple lockbox. |
Soda | 1 | 1 | Occasionally found while collecting limestone. |
Spanner Wrench | ? | ? | Made from thoth's metal in a casting box. Used to change plates in a certificate press. |
Springs | ? | ? | ? |
Steel | 1 | 1 | An alloy of iron and tin. Produced in a Reactory. |
Steel Sheeting | 1 | 1 | Made from 2 Steel in a Forge, yields 6 per batch. Ten minute cooldown. |
Steel Wire | 1 | 1 | Made from 2 Steel in a Forge, yields 20 per batch. Five minute cooldown. |
Stone Blade | 1 | 1 | A blade made out of slate. |
Straw | 1 | 1 | Dried grass. A basic resource. |
Strontium | 1 | 1 | A metal created by smelting strontium ore in a furnace. |
Strontium Ore | 1 | 1 | An ore found by mining. |
Sulfur | 1 | 1 | Made from sulphurous water in a tub or kettle. |
Sulphurous Water | 2 | 1 | Found in bright orange-rimmed ponds around Egypt. Check the atlas for locations. |
Sun Steel | 1 | 1 | An alloy of iron, gold and titanium. Produced in a Reactory. |
T | Back_to_Top | ||
Tadpoles | 0 | 0 | Found when collecting Water. |
Tar | 20 | 1 | Collected from Tar Pits. |
Thermometer | 1 | 1 | Advanced glass product, made in a glory hole. |
Thistle | 1 | 1 | (complex) Grown in a thistle garden. |
Thorns | 0 | 1 | Found on thorn-bearing bushes. |
Thoth's Metal | 1 | 1 | An advanced alloy of bronze and pewter. Produced in a Reactory. |
Thoth's Metal Wire | 1 | 1 | Wire made from Thoth's Metal, an advanced alloy. |
Thread | 0 | 1 | Woven to produce Linen. |
Tilapia Fish | 1 | 1 | A type of fish. |
Tin | 1 | 1 | A metal created by smelting tin ore in a furnace. |
Tin Ore | 1 | 1 | An ore found by mining. |
Tin Sheeting | 1 | 1 | Made from 8 Tin in a Forge, yields 1 per batch. Fvei minute cooldown. |
Tinder | 1 | 1 | Made by shredding Wood with a Knife. |
Titanium | 1 | 1 | A metal created by smelting titanium ore in a furnace. |
Titanium Ore | 1 | 1 | An ore found by mining. |
Treated Metal | 1 | 1 | (complex) Metals and alloys of various types that have been treated in a chemical bath |
Treated Metal Sheeting | 1 | 1 | (complex) Made from treated metal on a forge that has been upgraded with a pinch roller |
Topaz | 1 | 1 | (category) A type of gem. Found in a water mine or while mining. |
Tow | 1 | 1 | Used to make twine. |
Treatment Lung Spore (Cure) | ? | ? | Used to cure players of the lung spore disease. |
Tungsten | 1 | 1 | A metal created by smelting tungsten ore in a furnace. |
Tungsten Ore | 1 | 1 | An ore found by mining. |
Twine | 1 | 1 | Spun from tow in a small distaff. |
UVW | Back_to_Top | ||
Vegetable Seeds | 1 | 1 | (category) Used to grow vegetables. |
Water In Jugs | 2 | 1 | Made by filling Jugs with the blue water icon while standing near a water source. |
Weed Killer | 1 | 1 | Used to grow barley. |
Wet Clay Jugs | 1 | 1 | Made from clay on a pottery wheel. |
Wet Clay Mortar | 1 | 1 | Molded by hand from 4 pieces of clay. |
Wet Firebricks | 1 | 1 | Made from a 5:1 ratio of silt and sand on a Brick Rack or in a Brick Machine. Baked into firebricks in a Kiln. |
Wet Linen | 1 | 1 | Linen that needs to be dried. |
Wheat | 1 | 1 | A grain used for Beer and the Test Of The Leavened Bread. Can be dried on a Drying Rack or Flax Hammock. |
Wheat Extract | ? | ? | Used to make Treatment Lung Spore (Cure). |
White Sand | 10 | 1 | Used to make Jewel Glass in a Glazier's Bench. |
White Travertine | 20 | 1 | A type of marble. |
Wide Tungsten Chisel | 1 | 1 | Used for blacksmithing. |
Wine | 1 | 1 | (complex) Made from grapes, may increase your Oenology skill when consumed. |
Wire | 1 | 1 | (Category) Various wires made from metal. |
Wood | 1 | 1 | Wood can be harvested from most trees. |
Wooden Peg | 1 | 1 | Carved from a piece of wood with a Knife. Used to hold objects together. |
Wooden Pestle | 1 | 1 | Carved from a piece of wood with a Knife. |
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Yellow Alabaster | 20 | 1 | A type of marble. |
Zinc | 1 | 1 | A metal created by smelting zinc ore in a furnace. |
Zinc Ore | 1 | 1 | An ore found by mining. |
Item | Brief Description |
Wings of Horus | A one time travel item. |
Flight Of Fancy | Grants 24 hours of travel time. |
The rules of the list:
There are also pages which provide some detail (although not huge amounts) for the more basic? resources, as well as the more advanced?.